Rescued American Captain


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Feb 18, 2009
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Burlington, Vermont
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I am extremely glad to hear that the American Captain, from Underhill VT (the town next to mine) was rescued today by American Navy Seals.

As someone who has a family connections to this man, I am glad to know that the right decisions were made in order to secure a fellow American, Vermonter, etc.

I have had a lot of people up here argue that it was excessive force, etc, but as someone who has a connection to the man (albeit not close), I have to say I am glad that those decisions were made. You take a person hostage, you pay consequences.

That is my piece, sorry to rant/rave, but I have no tolerance for such radical and inexcusable behavior.
I agree, I'm sure they were given ample opportunity to release the captain, they didn't, so tough.

Great work performed by the Seal Snipers, maybe the pirates will think twice before doing it again.

i think the way the navy seals did it was great. like said above they had plenty of time to let him go. that's what happens when you mess around and get greedy. :thumbup: for the navy seals
like stumbles said.. im sure they were given ample opportunity to release him.. i mean come on.. what did you think was going to happen.. dont these pirates know not to mess with the navy??
I am glad they got him back safely. :thumbup:

It looks like they didn't quite "finish" the job though. They have one pirate in custody.
Aren't pirates the same as terrorists? America doesn't negotiate with terrorists, right? I agree that the Seals did the right thing. I am glad for a safe ending for the Captain who displayed courage and honor throughout the ordeal.
Let's not forget the loss of human life here. Let us have a moment of silence for the poor, poor pirates.

Sad Trombone

I'd also like to mention the following.

Rough seas.
Enclosed lifeboat.
Three shots.
Three kills.
All in the head.

That's badass beyond belief.

In other news, the pirates have 200 other hostages. We've taken the gloves off, why stop now? They're already posturing and threatening American and French sailors with summary execution. Let's show them that we don't like that sort of threat, and start retaking all the ships that they've stolen.
That Captain has my respect...big boys.

As far as the pirates...TS!!! Each ship crossing that part of the globe should pick up a sniper team.
Rough seas.
Enclosed lifeboat.
Three shots.
Three kills.
All in the head.

That's badass beyond belief.

You said it, Fred. That is so frickin' sweet.

I heard a govt. spokesperson being questioned over the weekend -- can't remember who it was, I think it was someone from the Dept. of State -- and a reporter asked the question: "what's the difference between these 'pirates' and 'terrorists'?" The person answering just squirmed and avoided a direct answer. I was shouting at my radio...

They're terrorists as far as I'm concerned. Let the SEALs get in some target practice.

What I don't understand is why there's no organization such as Blackwater doing a booming business in guard duty on those ships. They could hire on before they enter those waters. Shoot the goons, then get on the next ship going the other direction, through the lane. Lather, rinse, repeat. Pretty soon, no more d*ckwad pirates.
if that was a scene in a movie i would have probably laughed it off as it being too improbable to actually happen in 'real life'. and here we are. i can't remember the last time i jumped out of my seat like that while reading a news article. and now the pirates are talking about 'revenge'. you stupid a-holes, you started it! you pointed a gun at someone and got shot for it!! what country in the world wouldn't snipe someone with a hostage while holding a gun to their head?! that just made my day yesterday. i agree. pirates = target practice. in the words of metallica... kill 'em all. :thumbup:
All's well that ends well in this case. I read that Obama signed off on it. I'm glad to see that he did, but I'm sure he was mindful that the botched hostage rescue attempt under Carter scuttled his Presidency. It's a risky endeavor, but it paid off.
You said it, Fred. That is so frickin' sweet.

I heard a govt. spokesperson being questioned over the weekend -- can't remember who it was, I think it was someone from the Dept. of State -- and a reporter asked the question: "what's the difference between these 'pirates' and 'terrorists'?" The person answering just squirmed and avoided a direct answer. I was shouting at my radio...

They're terrorists as far as I'm concerned. Let the SEALs get in some target practice.

What I don't understand is why there's no organization such as Blackwater doing a booming business in guard duty on those ships. They could hire on before they enter those waters. Shoot the goons, then get on the next ship going the other direction, through the lane. Lather, rinse, repeat. Pretty soon, no more d*ckwad pirates.

There are private contractors doing security for ships in these countries, however it's VERY dangerous, and doesn't pay that much.

Blackwater group/wackenhut/etc pays $200,000 a year to send hooligans to Iraq, because we the taxpayers are paying that company billions of dollars every year.
There is simply not enough money in doing business with these third world countries. Most large mercenary corporations stick to doing business with the U.S. government.

Also as far as the "terrorist" thing, that is not a proper term for them.
They are criminals, yes, they are pirates, yes, they are scum, yes, but they are not terrorists, as they are motivated by money and not political or religious idealogies.
Glad your friend is finding his way home :)

Piracy is terrorism, as is banditry, although without the niceties of political motivation as justfication. In this case it's just hunger.

The problem is, so far the pirates have shown much goodwill to the health of their hostages. They only want the money, and taking care of hostages guarantees that.

They've already responded (via sat phone(?)) basically saying the next frenchman or american will get it. It was a small move for obama, but one that will ultimately backfire. The lives of ALL hostages are now at risk, which they weren't before.

Having said that, whoever was doing the dirty work was bl00dy good at what they do :rockon: