Ran out of gas


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So I Epic Failed yesterday.....

I was maintaining a speed of 35mph and suddenly I lost power. Then it regained back to 35mph again. Two minutes later, it comes to a putting stop.

I was using my trusty RX1N, thought the fuel thing was setup properly, and I ran out of gas. I was about 100 yrds away (phew) from the next gas station and so I walked the bike to safe spot off the side of the road and walked to the station. Thankfully a local let me borrow a gas tank to put a couple gallons in the bike. This was my first time in 2 years ever running out of gas.

Moral of my story was......listen to Wavex.
Ouch, that blows. At least you weren't too far from the next petrol stop. Does the new cluster gauge give you some sort of warning??
Same dam thing happened to me this afternoon. I am still breaking my bike in and getting used to it. I picked it up on Friday. The dealer told me it had a full tank of gas, which it did. Rode around on that tank for a few days. My fuel gauge dropped a few bars so I figured it was working. I was in the left turn lane to get on the highway when she sputterd to a stop. Thankfully the two lanes of cars to my right saw me in distress and let me over to the shoulder.

I ended up having to push it about 1/4 of a mile to a gas station. Lesson leared: Go by the odometer, not the fuel guage.
Same dam thing happened to me this afternoon. I am still breaking my bike in and getting used to it. I picked it up on Friday. The dealer told me it had a full tank of gas, which it did. Rode around on that tank for a few days. My fuel gauge dropped a few bars so I figured it was working. I was in the left turn lane to get on the highway when she sputterd to a stop. Thankfully the two lanes of cars to my right saw me in distress and let me over to the shoulder.

I ended up having to push it about 1/4 of a mile to a gas station. Lesson leared: Go by the odometer, not the fuel guage.

Long quarter mile, huh? I too always go by my odometer - even in my car. I too learned that lesson many years ago.
For every bike you ride, run it on back roads, then highway, then mix, then whatever you typically ride and then see how many miles you can go. Then at fill-up, remember how much you put in -- this will give you a good gauge for how much fuel is left. As you'all said, the odometer/tripometer is best.

Also, keep up on those "my bike all of a sudden sputtered and stopped in the middle of the road" posts to ensure you have a good idea of what to do or what to look for (in case it's not just an out of gas situation).

Ain't nothing worse than the "sputter" of no fuel esp. on a cold lonely morning on Sunday when no one's out (and you only brought the heated jacket and gloves to keep you warm :eek:).

So I Epic Failed yesterday.....

I was maintaining a speed of 35mph and suddenly I lost power. Then it regained back to 35mph again. Two minutes later, it comes to a putting stop.

I was using my trusty RX1N, thought the fuel thing was setup properly, and I ran out of gas. I was about 100 yrds away (phew) from the next gas station and so I walked the bike to safe spot off the side of the road and walked to the station. Thankfully a local let me borrow a gas tank to put a couple gallons in the bike. This was my first time in 2 years ever running out of gas.

Moral of my story was......listen to Wavex.

Forgot what # I have mine set at but (One that reports less fuel/bars then the other). But once it hits zero bars I have about a half gallon left. Roll with that option and you should be fine.