Question for the Canadian Members


Shamus McFeeley

I cannot confirm or deny the possibility that I may be taking a trip, possibly through the land of the maple leaf soon. It's probably been about 10 years since I last crossed that border, any info from our Canadian members on the difficulty of crossing the border?
As an American (as long as you don't do anything stupid like trying to bring a hand gun or anything else illegal), you won't have any issues crossing into Canada. Canadians have way more difficulty (mostly from traffic jams) crossing into the US...

Go see the strippers in Montreal... that's all I am saying....;)

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As an American (as long as you don't do anything stupid like trying to bring a hand gun or anything else illegal), you won't have any issues crossing into Canada. Canadians have way more difficulty (mostly from traffic jams) crossing into the US...

Go see the strippers in Montreal... that's all I am saying....;)


I think the last time I was in Montreal was when the Habs were still playing at the old forum.

I have a valid passport, so I won't expect any issues then. I seem to remember a time when you could almost drive into Canada and not realize you crossed the border. I had heard that in recent years they started cracking down on the border crossings because of guys smuggling things across and whatnot.
Ya should be no issue, passport required. Let us know where you want to go I know some of the best roads in Ontario. Enjoy the hospitality and get out of the major cities. Head up to Algonquin Park, Ottawa river (great white water rafting wilderness tours check it out) those are the places to ride and see.
Like FZ6 said, as long as you don't try to bring a gun across the boarder you should be fine. Have a great time up in this wonderful country of ours EH :thumbup:

I think the last time I was in Montreal was when the Habs were still playing at the old forum.

I have a valid passport, so I won't expect any issues then. I seem to remember a time when you could almost drive into Canada and not realize you crossed the border. I had heard that in recent years they started cracking down on the border crossings because of guys smuggling things across and whatnot.

Go Habs go! :rockon: You should not have any issue going in the great State of Canada. If you killed someone in the pass few years they will be scare and let you in. But if you have a DUI on your record your done. They're massively anal about DUI over there...

Other than that enjoy Montreal finest strip (Ste-Catherine St.) You'll know where the word striptease come from... I travel quite a lot, but never seen anything like this before.
Don't forget to bring a touque, and sit on a chesterfield. Also, find out about your local seal clubbing group... good times! :BLAA:

All that you will require is a passport. Depending on where you cross, you may need to time your crossing to avoid traffic... although it's normally backed up getting out of Canada, not coming in...

Niagara Falls is probably one of the easiest and nicest place to cross. A lot of tourist go thru there... spectacular view...

Not sure witch way you want to go north of the border, Try to avoid Toronto in rush hours via 401. You need to drive thru after 7-8 pm or before 5.
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Niagara Falls is probably one of the easiest and nicest place to cross. A lot of tourist go thru there... spectacular view...

Depends on where you going and time of day. I cross at Sarnia/Port Huron normally because of it's proximity to my home, and have found that the border staff (both ways) are super nice and with the exception of weekends the lines are usually short. It also has a nice view (although nothing like Niagara Falls)
Depends on where you going and time of day. I cross at Sarnia/Port Huron normally because of it's proximity to my home, and have found that the border staff (both ways) are super nice and with the exception of weekends the lines are usually short. It also has a nice view (although nothing like Niagara Falls)

X2 lines are shorter
Niagara Falls is probably one of the easiest and nicest place to cross. A lot of tourist go thru there... spectacular view...

Not sure witch way you want to go north of the border, Try to avoid Toronto in rush hours via 401. You need to drive thru after 7-8 pm or before 5.

Yeah, Niagara Falls can be an absolutely NIGHTMARE to cross the Rainbow Bridge. You can spend hours waiting in line there if you hit it at the wrong time. I've heard the Peace Bridge is ok to cross.

If I had my choice, I'd cross at the Thousand Island Bridge up between Clayton and Alexandria Bay (Rt 81). I've never seen a line there, but you have to be able to stomach the bridge. Or I'd take the ferry from Cape Vincent to Wolf Island and over to Kingston. It's fun, and there's a killer bakery on Wolf Island while you wait for the ferry.
Depends on where you going and time of day. I cross at Sarnia/Port Huron normally because of it's proximity to my home, and have found that the border staff (both ways) are super nice and with the exception of weekends the lines are usually short. It also has a nice view (although nothing like Niagara Falls)

I was thinking of crossing here, that's good to know.