Question for July 9, 2008



When I appear I seem mysterious,
But when I'm explained I'm nothing serious.
When I'm unknown to you, I'm something,
When I'm known to you, I'm nothing

Correct answers will receive 2,000 credits. PM me your answers!
Answer for July 9

A Riddle!

4fun, grommit, CanadianFZ6 & SirIsaac got it correct.
I think you spoiled me J. I dont like to turn my brain on for less than 10k credits :Flip:

See....I knew it. I know some people were thinking,"2,000? pffff, anyways."

If it's a problem, I can always take away every penny you have and then 2,000 will look real good. :Flip:
See....I knew it. I know some people were thinking,"2,000? pffff, anyways."

If it's a problem, I can always take away every penny you have and then 2,000 will look real good. :Flip:

LOL, you kill me! Whats that saying about absolute power?


July 10 Question of the Day here I come! :smoking: