Queensland Floods

NBC owr national news had a part with video about the flood and all I can say is please be carefull and safe.
I think Thursday will be really bad for Brisbane - that's the day they have to relieve a lot of pressure on one of the dams - it will cause damage, but it has to be done :(

Nice to hear my friends Dan and Kel, as well as all the Bris Fizz crew are safe and sound so far!

We are ALL thinking of you :)

Also, don't forget the donation link on my first post of this thread - anything would be a help to the people in Queensland. Many only have the clothes on their backs and many more, as well as losing their homes, have lost family members, livestock, pets etc. It is devestating.
Glad to hear your ok Humpy, and your bikes!!! :D

Sounds like at least one other Briz Fizzer aint been so lucky...sounds like we may be down at least one bike!!!

Glad to hear your ok Humpy, and your bikes!!! :D

Sounds like at least one other Briz Fizzer aint been so lucky...sounds like we may be down at least one bike!!!


Who ?
Hey Hump keep an eye out for joe blakes aswell,apparently their everywhere.:eyebrow:
I feel for you guys over there, some of our friends got flooded out in the UK a few years ago, the only dangerous thing that came swimming into their house was someone else's turd. You lot got snakes and spiders!
Keep safe, look after your family, sod the bikes it ain't worth floatin' out to sea for.
Im on the south side of Ipswich , up high enough to be OK

My work/office is now under 5 metres of water at West End/South Brisbane :eek: No work till Monday for me...

Holy smokes mate! :eek:

Please be on the side of caution mates! We can replace all the other stuff but you!:(
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That is just bad. What a shame. My prayers go out to all you down under that are affected by the monsoons! There has sure been wild weather all over the world lately! :(

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We saw a few yesterday afternoon , if they come i've got the sharp end of a shovel waiting their arrival :thumbup:

As for Who ?? Shinleung lost his FZ in the flood yesterday :(

Arh sh1t,that sux :( Give him my best the next time you talk to him :thumbup: