Premature end to my riding season


Aug 31, 2012
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Overland Park ks
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took a drunken stumble the other night and ended up face first in a 2ft deep firepit, that was lit. Unfortunately, to get out of the pit I had to push off of the lit fire to lift myself out. I was smart enough to clench my fist instead of flat palming it, but for a few seconds I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it out



my Mom snuck a pic of me passed out in my hospital bed

messed up my forehead a little too

all wrapped up

and how it looks right now. reminds me of T-bag from prison break lol

finally home with my dog Kodiak

mostly deep tissue 2nd degree burns, might have to get surgery but i won't know for sure until after my follow up appointment. Im really bummed, its so nice out so all I want to do is ride
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EESH! Those are some disturbing images!
Heal well and maybe start wearing full moto gear when you drink! :D
I had 2nd and 3rd degree burns to both arms, and chest. Hope your recovery and physical therapy goes well. This is the start of a long road to recovery.
Thanks guys, I guess I should elaborate, I was drunk, but I wasn't riding. I'll never touch my bike after drinking. I was in my backyard and tripped while moving around the pit
Whenever my girl Halie drinks alot I put my helmet on her and tell her to go run.....the end result is usually hilarious.
funny story to make you feel better: One time she decided to bolt, and we found her in the fountain down the street, with my helmet still on with her tank top pulled half over it, the cops asked "is she yours?" we managed to choke out "yes" through all the laughter.
ATGATT. If you'd only been wearing helmet and gloves :scared:

Glad to see you smiling in the pics. You are very lucky. It could have been a lot worse. I hope you heal soon.

BTW, Kodiak is gorgeous :)
That'll buff right out...

Honestly though, I'm glad to hear you didn't burst completely into flames or something. Heal up quick! Take this time to decide on new upgrades for the bike :)
ouch.. that reminded me of what my hand looked like after my accident... hope you heal fast!!

here are some tips from when i was burned:

1. eat lots of really healthy stuff!! tuna fish, yogurt, bannana's, salads, Filet minon.. really anythign that you know is healthy, it will help speed up the "rebuilding" proccess.. i know it sounds weird, but after a month of doing this (right after my burns) not to many people could tell. It just looked like a bad sunburn..

2. do not use things that will dry out your skin (mostirizer, sanitizers, etc) its good just to take a shower 2x a days and in about 2 weeks, you should be able to run soap over the "scabs".. will hurt a little, but gotta keep it clean!!

3. sleep enough.. can not stress that one enough!!

4. when you are "back to normal" go out and buy spray on sunscreen.. you will want to do that for at least 3-6 months for when you are ever outside in the sun, or you run the "risk" of later developing skin cancer.. i know winter is coming but the suns UV levels are rather high and all the white will bounce the rays. VERY IMPORTANT ON THIS ONE. new skin takes a long time to rebuild and you do not want to give it too much sun. AGAIN can not stress how important this will be for later!!!

other than that take it easy and heal up.. i can say that after a year and month, my face healed up great. little sensitivity here and there, but nothing to bad.My hand that was burned looks good. you can tell something happened, but most people dont even notice... Good Luck Man!!
That'll buff right out...

Honestly though, I'm glad to hear you didn't burst completely into flames or something. Heal up quick! Take this time to decide on new upgrades for the bike :)

thanks, good thing I have short hair and my jacket wasn't very flammable. not many planned mods to the bike though. Just planning an AR build and fixing my jeep
Good luck on the healing process. Bummer to hear that happened. :eek:
thanks, yeah it sucked but oh well
ouch.. that reminded me of what my hand looked like after my accident... hope you heal fast!!

here are some tips from when i was burned:

1. eat lots of really healthy stuff!! tuna fish, yogurt, bannana's, salads, Filet minon.. really anythign that you know is healthy, it will help speed up the "rebuilding" proccess.. i know it sounds weird, but after a month of doing this (right after my burns) not to many people could tell. It just looked like a bad sunburn..

2. do not use things that will dry out your skin (mostirizer, sanitizers, etc) its good just to take a shower 2x a days and in about 2 weeks, you should be able to run soap over the "scabs".. will hurt a little, but gotta keep it clean!!

3. sleep enough.. can not stress that one enough!!

4. when you are "back to normal" go out and buy spray on sunscreen.. you will want to do that for at least 3-6 months for when you are ever outside in the sun, or you run the "risk" of later developing skin cancer.. i know winter is coming but the suns UV levels are rather high and all the white will bounce the rays. VERY IMPORTANT ON THIS ONE. new skin takes a long time to rebuild and you do not want to give it too much sun. AGAIN can not stress how important this will be for later!!!

other than that take it easy and heal up.. i can say that after a year and month, my face healed up great. little sensitivity here and there, but nothing to bad.My hand that was burned looks good. you can tell something happened, but most people dont even notice... Good Luck Man!!
Thanks I'll remember that, I'm hoping it doesn't have much effect on my hopeful Army career
Sorry to hear about your accident, heal up well :eek:,

small consolation, but at least it was almost end of season.

Yeah, just wish I could get in those last days of riding though
ouch.. that reminded me of what my hand looked like after my accident... hope you heal fast!!

here are some tips from when i was burned:

1. eat lots of really healthy stuff!! tuna fish, yogurt, bannana's, salads, Filet minon.. really anythign that you know is healthy, it will help speed up the "rebuilding" proccess.. i know it sounds weird, but after a month of doing this (right after my burns) not to many people could tell. It just looked like a bad sunburn..

2. do not use things that will dry out your skin (mostirizer, sanitizers, etc) its good just to take a shower 2x a days and in about 2 weeks, you should be able to run soap over the "scabs".. will hurt a little, but gotta keep it clean!!

3. sleep enough.. can not stress that one enough!!

4. when you are "back to normal" go out and buy spray on sunscreen.. you will want to do that for at least 3-6 months for when you are ever outside in the sun, or you run the "risk" of later developing skin cancer.. i know winter is coming but the suns UV levels are rather high and all the white will bounce the rays. VERY IMPORTANT ON THIS ONE. new skin takes a long time to rebuild and you do not want to give it too much sun. AGAIN can not stress how important this will be for later!!!

other than that take it easy and heal up.. i can say that after a year and month, my face healed up great. little sensitivity here and there, but nothing to bad.My hand that was burned looks good. you can tell something happened, but most people dont even notice... Good Luck Man!!

Also be careful with stuff like bergamot. You'd probably have to drink a lot of it but I'd lay off the earl grey tea LOL!

They say it has an effect on light sensitivity to the skin.

BERGAMOT OIL: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings - WebMD