POLL: Would you beat these people with wooden clubs?

Would you beat these people with wooden clubs?

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Looks like they can't even afford a comb for the poor kid. They won't be winning any Parent of the Year awards, that's for sure. How sad.
Maybe Karma will get him a new mommy for next Christmas! What a POS family that was, someone should have shown some compassion for the poor kid. Better yet maybe Karma can get him a whole new family for Christmas, there is surely no love in that one.
That could actually ruin my day....If I let it.....I'm going to make some O them Sweet Tater Fries, by an X Box, go find that kid and those big A$$hats aint gettin any of these fries....


PS. Their lucky I keep this death ray on stun.....In fact it won't even work on stun now cuz the tears got my flyback transformer wet and shorted it out....a$$hats!!!
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That Really Pi$$ed me Off!!!! :spank: What kinda Skumbag, dirt licking, snake in the grass,toilet bowl water drinkin,inbred cousin loving,loser's,think it's funny to torture a child!!!!
When I was a kid, my parrents did simmilar. But... A few boxes later, the gift I wanted was there. It made the surprise all that much better. If that is what these folks did, the joke was carried too far.

In the same tradition, but done much kinder, they got me good a few years later. I had been learning to ski at my local mini-slope. I wanted my own skis so I wouldn't have to rent. We didnt' have a lot of money, it was the early 80's, most people didn't. Mom and Dad compromissed and said I could get my own boots. So me and dad went to the sporting goods store, tried on boots and picked a pair out. While we were there, just for fun, we checked out skis and poles. :)

Under the tree that year was a huge box and I knew I got my boots. It was the first box I opened, I wore them while we opened gifts. (I was all of 12 Y/O) Sometime in the middle of opening stuff, mom says "help your dad with that." I turn around to see him holding Skis w/bindings and Poles. Complete surprise and the best christmas ever.

I'm going to give those folk in the video the benifit of the doubt and assume the kid got his x-box @ 5 minutes after the clip ended.
When I was a kid, my parrents did simmilar. But... A few boxes later, the gift I wanted was there. It made the surprise all that much better. If that is what these folks did, the joke was carried too far.

In the same tradition, but done much kinder, they got me good a few years later. I had been learning to ski at my local mini-slope. I wanted my own skis so I wouldn't have to rent. We didnt' have a lot of money, it was the early 80's, most people didn't. Mom and Dad compromissed and said I could get my own boots. So me and dad went to the sporting goods store, tried on boots and picked a pair out. While we were there, just for fun, we checked out skis and poles. :)

Under the tree that year was a huge box and I knew I got my boots. It was the first box I opened, I wore them while we opened gifts. (I was all of 12 Y/O) Sometime in the middle of opening stuff, mom says "help your dad with that." I turn around to see him holding Skis w/bindings and Poles. Complete surprise and the best christmas ever.

I'm going to give those folk in the video the benifit of the doubt and assume the kid got his x-box @ 5 minutes after the clip ended.

but did they tell you to "come on, look at the camera and cry already"? while zooming in?

no man...these people are just **expletive**
You don't have a category for what they really deserve. And if they had life insurance there'd be money for the XBOX afterwards. :D
I can understand the borrowing a box and not thinking about how the kid might interpret it, but the poking and prodding and teasing after the disappointment is horrible.... Unless they pull a fast on on the kid and give him an X-Box in another box later on.

THAT would be worth the teasing, and that is probably what i would do.
WOW! what a bunch of Douchebags for running the kids christmas, im heart broken for the kids sake.