Please change the domain name of this site


Super Member
Sep 1, 2008
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Because at work web sense blocks it!!! It's HORRIBLE because instead of schooling myself on all the of FZ6 goodness from this site i actually have to WORK!!! that is just soooooo unfair. I can get to my Kawasaki forum i belong to with no problems. What gives? Please, im losing my mind with that fact i have to get off my lazy a$$ and go fix computers when i would rather be reading on here how i can take the fairing on the fz and make it look like optimus prime or something very useful like that. :rolleyes:
It's funny...I can bring this site up at work no problem, but my local ride links are forbidden as they as "social networking" sites. That's stupid, because I am likely to spend 2 minutes on, but hours on this site!!
I feel your pain. This site won't load on the computers on my ship for some reason. I can use my phone to get on here, but that won't help me when we are deployed. :(
The IT department where my wife works is so anal that they can't even access the company's own website!

The only sites blocked at my company are Youtube and Facebook.
The IT department where my wife works is so anal that they can't even access the company's own website!

The only sites blocked at my company are Youtube and Facebook.

On my ship we can't get into hotmail, myspace (can get into facebook though), or this site. Those are the only ones I know of. Not sure why I can't get into this site.
talk to your IT person at work they can change the blocked sites list

I AM one of the IT persons at my job. lol. But its a hierarchy and while im one of the desktop guys, the server and network guys are offsite and wouldnt help me out. There would also be fear of one of them ratting to my boss believe it or not so i have no control over it. Everything is locked down at my site with our domain. Sucks.
Our internet is almost wide open. They block stuff like porn, guns, gaming etc... But they don't block this site. If they did? I just remote to my home PC and browse the web via remote desktop. :D
Our internet is almost wide open. They block stuff like porn, guns, gaming etc... But they don't block this site. If they did? I just remote to my home PC and browse the web via remote desktop. :D

I used to do that when we shared a dial up connection in our office on the sneak. We even used a free isp, some cheesy thing but it worked. Problem is one of my idiot coworkers left it logged on over the weekend and telecom got wise to the number we were calling and the fact it was on ALL WEEKEND! that sure is a long phone call! Alas, now the fax machine is in another room now. Hmmm, i just got another idea. lol. but they block each and every port. Hell, i could even change the port for RDP but it wouldnt matter.
Link up to a virtual port that is off site from where you work and your network will link you directly to the network that is hosting the virtual port so you will have the access capabilities of the network that you are linked to.
Well ever since this site was down a week or so again I have been able to get on at work! i haven't the slightest clue at all but it works just fine!!! Time to slack off!!! yes, i said SLACK.
I feel for you guys... nothing is blocked here. I walked in on our operations manager looking at porn once, thankfully that's all he was doing, but since then i make a lot of noise on my way in, haha.
I spoke too soon as far as work goes. TO the admins at my job:
Wow that really sucks for some of you guys! Our work (small office) has NO site restrictions what so ever!! :thumbup: I'm on MSN, this forum, YouPorn...I mean YouTube all day!

Our Toronto office is locked down so bad, they even have "key stroke logging software" that tracks everything you type, plus it locks your PC if you haven't typed anything for several minutes. You then have to "log in" and enter an explanation of why you weren't typing..... :eek: Talk about anal Nazi's!! I wouldn't work at their office for any amount of money! We fought hard to not have any of that **** implimented into our office and so far it's worked! Funny thing is, we are probably more productive than the TO office becasue you can take those 5 min mental breaks and just go surf something. Some bosses really are clueless....