
All well and good, but the loss in value of the dollar is adding to the situation. There is speculation that OPEC are looking to tying the price into the Euro. Should prove interesting if true.

Petrol price is the same as anything else - it will always rise. The more people use it, the less there is available, the more it will cost.
The measure that interests me the most is $ per mile. I'd be very interested to know what the diference is for some of the hybrids.

Expensive fuel prices increase the likelyhood of finding implentable and sustainable alternative fuel sources and improved fuel economy. I'm not against high priced gas. I do believe it will lead to innovative new solutions. The market economy isn't perfect, and sometimes it's hurts, but it works.
"Gas will be $12.00 per gallon in 2010." Don't listen to these clowns. All they have to do is raise the predicted price $1.00 higher than the last B.S.'er and everybody gasps. Listen, this is maybe like a poker game. The more that consumers "sound" like they'll pay even more, the more that oil producers/specualtors will jack up the price. Remember what happen to cereal producers? They kept on raising the price of cereals so much that a box was no longer attractive. Notice how, all of a sudden, cereal prices DROPPED big time. I say, call their bluff. Lower demand and watch for supply, all of a sudden, to not be as big an issue. I'm already almost exclusively riding my FZ and not my 8 cylinder van. I'm using less.
When Obama becomes president.

The price of oil is mostly due to speculation.

Google: oil price speculation

I agree that the current price of oil is speculation, think Eddy Murphy and Changing place, oranges, oil, traded the same way.

The main driver is the consumption from China and India. Yes the war factors in to some degree but no to the percentage we've seen. Much of the price increase is people getting stupid, think the Dot Com bubble, this is very similar. When does it pop and to what degree, we'll have to see. If/when a recession really hits the US, it hasn't happened yet, the price of oil will drop. Supply and demand.

In 2007 the estimates of the oil in Iraq were DOUBLED. Yes DOUBLED. The issue isn't running out of oil, but the ability to process crude oil in to fuel products. The US hasn't built a new refinery in something like 30 years, but our consumption goes up pretty much each year. Supply and demand.

Yeah prices suck, they will suck more but it will get better.
I don't see it as much of a savings when I consider 1,000 gallons of gas will get me somewhere between 48 and 50 thousand miles only to maybe save $200.00. In a one tank offset we're talking $.80. I run premium and the bike has never seen a drop of anything else. This has zero to do with performance.

+1 on the premium. My bike has only seen Shell 93 since it was new. $15.00 to fill the tank and go 215 miles (last fill up).

Doesnt get any cheaper than that.
That's half of what we pay in Blighty. :(

but you probably earn twice as much as the average in the US, hence the price is around 50% in the US - unless it's a very major city. It's all relative at the end of the day. Right now 1 litre of petrol is 0.026769% of my monthly gross salary. So can someone in the US work it out the same way and provide a similar figure against monthly gross salary.
You could be saving even more money if you didn't use premium. Most of us agree on this forum, as well as the manual that regular unleaded is what's recommended. Hit the search tab, as premium vs regular has been a topic that has beaten to death.

well maybe i'll do some research to see if my fz with scorps and power commander does the same on regular...

lol, I dont want to argue but do you save money at the track by using premium instead of race fuel? Or does that not make a difference

Besides I think the fz likes premium, probabally not cost effective for how I ride but if we keep the demand of gas up then maybe more cagers will turn to riding bikes rather than driving... this could be a win win