Oops - Waived at a cop

I wave to cops on bikes all the time.
9/10 times they wave back. Sometimes they're busy or don't see you.

I had one cop who was hauling ass obviously chasing someone, and he still waved back!
i waive to motocops as well. i think its funny most are stunned to get waived to the look on there face will keep me waiving at them. i waive at all bikes though no matter if its a harley and yes do get a finger back at times
I wave at little kids.... Does that make me a pedophile? lol

Until I started riding, I never realized how fascinated little kids are with motorcycles. They point and stare and waive. I always waive at little kids when I know they are looking at me and it just makes my day when I see how excited they get at being acknowledged.:)
I wave at anyone on two wheels, police too. Cops never wave back, but that is cool because they are working after all. I nod at cyclists sometimes and when I'm on my bicycle a nod at motorcyclists. All about sharing the roads.
Then why don't Harley folks waive???

The bike's shaking so bad they're afraid to take their hands off the handle bars.

I sill wave at them (police and harleys) though. I like to think I'm making a good impression for the rest of the sport bikers out there.
Yep, I always wave at moto-cops as well as all other bikers. For me it's just respect and appreciation for a fellow rider regardless of their job.

Now, what's goofy is waving to a rider when you're driving your car. I've done it out of habit....

I always wave at cops. It's good to try and get them 'on side'. As far as waving from the car is concerned - I find myself nodding at bikes occasionally (which works well as you can imagine) my wife notices when I do it and thins I'm an idiot. :eek:
On my way back from work today I heard a little kid scream while I was stopped at a light. I looked over and there was a toddler in his car seat waving and yelling hi at me through the open window of his dad's truck.

I waved back, then the dad rolled his window down and I thought oh great now I need to explain why I'm waving at a kid in a lifted truck. :eek: Turns out his son loves bikes and bikers. I guess the kid waves and yells at all the bikers :thumbup:. We both laughed and then took off when the light turned green.

On topic of the thread, I wave to all moto PD and only get an occasional wave back. I even rode in formation when there were a group of three riding staggered; I mossied on up in the right side of the lane behind the third guy :cool:. They all smiled and waved when they went in a turn lane and I kept going straight.
I used to get nervous when cops rode behind me (in a car or on a bike) but after doing the advanced riding class and being followed around al day by a bike cop (on his police cruiser) I'm pretty comfortable with it.

In fact, I had one pull up beside me today and tell me to slow down. :eek: But I think since I was riding well (other than speeding a bit) he didn't pull me over.

Anyway, point is - usually they aren't anything to worry about if you aren't being stoopid.
this morning i was rolling into town on the 'highway' coming in, and coming up to the first local street light, i filtered up between lanes on a red light...as i came to the limit line a city mc cop was at the front of his lane turning left...he actually beat me to the draw on a head nod.

on a side note, napa supposedly only has mc cops (i think only two at that) for the purpose of easy access/patrol of their trails...seems like a pretty cool assignment to get
this morning i was rolling into town on the 'highway' coming in, and coming up to the first local street light, i filtered up between lanes on a red light...as i came to the limit line a city mc cop was at the front of his lane turning left...he actually beat me to the draw on a head nod.

on a side note, napa supposedly only has mc cops (i think only two at that) for the purpose of easy access/patrol of their trails...seems like a pretty cool assignment to get

We have 2 or 3 cops on BMW's. There used to be a kawasaki but they don't use it anymore.

They are assigned purely to traffic enforcement/ticket writing and nothing else. They don't go too far from the downtown area, and most of the trails are out of the city limits so rarely you'll see CHP bikes, but mostly CHP and sheriff deputies in cars outside city limits.
They are cool guys though, and they always wave!