One handed riding

... and when I pass a long line of HD's, cause I'm waving at em to see if they wave back:D

This is geting ridiculous---overtaking and then waving at televisions! I saw a rider the other day, riding with NO hands while he was cruising to a stop sign.
I stand corrected :D

I guess I was just nervous riding at the back of the pack with 3 bikers ahead of me with only one hand on the controls.
I do a lot of freeway/highway riding where I am, so I go one handed often. My back loves me for it. Throw in a crampbuster, and my trip to Cali this summer will be gold.
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Its the Larry Grason School of Motoring poise

(for those across the water or younger than me- he was very camp and minced about with his left hand on his hip)

Yes I do it too... but I think it is just for a change as the Fazer is very comfortable to me after sports bikes
I take one hand off to let it rest a bit.. only on longer rides.
MSF has a one-handed cone weave exercise if you take experienced rider course :thumbup:
MSF has a one-handed cone weave exercise if you take experienced rider course :thumbup:

That is correct, it's the first excercise. We usually use this excercise to observe who actually belongs in the ERC. Weeding out process so to speak.
I do it. Not sure how cool others think I am but my back thinks I'm pretty cool when I do it and it does just feel like a natural position at times. Just like anything... wheelies, one hand or no hands the time and place makes all the difference in the world. I like to pull wheelies from the stop sign from time to time but I only do it on backroads when no vehicles are around because I am doing it for me not anyone else. Not to mention the best way to screw something up is to do it for an audiance. LOL!

It's true he likes to wheelie at Stop signs, he's good at it :D
I do it when safe to do so , im even guilty ( stupidly I know :squid: ) of coasting down hills with no hands :eek: just to have a stretch/relax.... Much to the disgust of my wifey ;) Its a bad habit I really should stop doing :spank:
I do it all the time, and when I do, I strictly use hand signals when it comes to change lanes. When I use my Throttlemeister, it allows me to rest my throttle hand.

However, as you mentioned, you better have the capablity to swerve with one hand if you need to. Just the other day on my way to LA, cruising about 80mph indicated, and riding with one hand, some woman from my right made a bad lane change on me as I was passing her. I swerved to my left keeping a steady throttle, then I put my other hand on the handbars and hit my horn. Once I applied my 130 decibel Stebel, she quickly went back where she belonged. I tried kicking her door at the sametime but I missed, I swerved too hard dang it.

:rof: Lord knows I've tried and failed the same thing a few times myself! It's funny too, when the person behind you sees it and then falls way back. LOL!!

I ride one handed once in a while. Depends on traffic conditions of course. If it's slow moving traffic and nobody is doing rapid lane changes, I'll ride one handed in order to force myself to "cool it" in that type of traffic. What can I say, I'm impatient!
I ride one handed often - I like to think I'm careful when doing so.

If there's no traffic around I'll occasionally go no-handed rolling up to a stop sign or traffic light, just to feel my balance and how it can affect things.
same here i ride one handed not very often tho just on longer rides and when the roads are pretty quiet and im on cruising mode (60km/h)...when we sometimes go abroad on bike trips i do it sometimes on highways again when traffic is light...sometimes i get on the footpegs as well to releive my butt (both hands on the grips of course)
Really, I've noticed that as long as you're loose, it doesn't hurt your ability to steer the bike. Just your ability to clutch and signal or to gas and brake.

I was taught one-handed emergency breaking when I got my license. As long as you grip hard with your legs and don't transfer weight to the right hand (which is on the brake) while brakeing, there is no big problem doing it. This was on a straight line, though, it wouldn't work as well in a turn.