Ok, the FZ is trying to drive me crazy...


Squid hater
Nov 10, 2007
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Nicosia / Cyprus
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Today I took the bike for a day trip. Leaving the freeway I slowed down smoothly, a few seconds later the ABS warning lights comes on...Stoped, turned the bike off (to reboot the computer), started the bike again. The ABS warning turns off normally only to come on again after a minute of riding.

The bike is not dangerous to ride, it just doesn't have ABS...but I want that back. So I am going to check:

2)ABS harness (see if it is pintched or something)
3)All terminals/connectors under the tank and side pods. See if there is anything loose.
4)Diagnostics (IF any for the brakes???)
5)Inspect brake lines and pads for any damage.
6)Check for brake fluid leak (although I doubt there is such a problem)

Any other suggestions?
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You might want to make sure the flux capacitor is getting a full 1.21 gigawatts.....
When you run it up to 88mph what happens?

Honestly, got nothing man, we yanks don't have the ABS option. Sorry.
Yeah, but many of you yanks know stuff :D. I just changed the 2 fuses and re-plugged all terminals under the tank. It seems it fixed the prob. The next few days will show if that was the prob
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Problem is there again. I am taking it to the dealer tomorrow....F*CK....I really got tired of listening to his BS. Tomorrow he'll def. try to blame this on the alarm and the HID, which are in completely different circuits. He already tried to tell me off because I changed the fuses...WTF??

I am already pissed off with him, so tomorrow it will probably end in a spectacular way: Him wearing my helmet, not the normal way. Must relax, must relax.....gkoooosfraaaapaa, breath in breath out...
Tell him if it doesnt all work out right you will have the forum sugar mama take care the situation.

Well, I didn't even make it there. We sent each other off from the telephone. He was sarcastic, AGAIN, so (without even changing tone in my voice) I told him to f*ck off, I rather pay elsewhere than put up with his ****...For some reason he said I could not take the bike there again...after what I said he thought I would? :confused:

Meeehh....he'll get a good advertisement placed in the largest club of the country...I even consider doing a t-shirt to wear every week at the club. Any moto suggestions?? :innocent:
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is he the only Yamaha shop near you? What an ass... I would try to take it somewhere else. but in the mean time...check the fluid, check the fuses (were either of the first ones blown?) and if they are blown again then you know it is electrical, if not then it is mechanical. Did you check front and rear fluid? does the light come on when if feels like or when you are braking?

Also does anyone know if our error code system displays ABS codes?
Well, I didn't even make it there. We sent each other off from the telephone. He was sarcastic, AGAIN, so (without even changing tone in my voice) I told him to f*ck off, I rather pay elsewhere than put up with his ****...For some reason he said I could not take the bike there again...after what I said he thought I would? :confused:

Meeehh....he'll get a good advertisement placed in the largest club of the country...I even consider doing a t-shirt to wear every week at the club. Any moto suggestions?? :innocent:

I got a better idea, file a formal complaint with Yamaha's regional customer service folks. The dealer will be forced to bring this to a conclusion as it is a warranty issue. Here we are protected through the Magnuson-Moss warranty act.
is he the only Yamaha shop near you? What an ass... I would try to take it somewhere else. but in the mean time...check the fluid, check the fuses (were either of the first ones blown?) and if they are blown again then you know it is electrical, if not then it is mechanical. Did you check front and rear fluid? does the light come on when if feels like or when you are braking?

Also does anyone know if our error code system displays ABS codes?
This kind of "Businessmen" is what pisses me off. And this country is full of them.

Anws, I have two options. The authorised yamaha dealer and another mechanic I know that actually lets me work with him on my bike! Maybe less experienced (he services Yamaha - Royal star and ducati), but I am still learning while he does the job....so I am thinkng of going with the second option...bad call?

Reio, I have no service manual. The ones you guys have on the net don't include ABS braking system. I ordered the HAYNES manual but it will take a week to arrive here. I'll have to wait and see what is actually included for the ABS sustem in that manual and take action accordingly.
The fuses I removed the first time weren't blown. BUT they had a weird color. They looked "old" compared to other used fuses on my bike....is that normal?
The fuses I removed the first time weren't blown. BUT they had a weird color. They looked "old" compared to other used fuses on my bike....is that normal?

Fuses are like light bulbs, they either work or they don't. The color of the terminal ends can say a lot about the connection in that if they looked discolored due to heat (blue) it would be worth finding out why. It may also prove to be the source of a malfunction in that if for some reason the connection is lost for even a moment it could disrupt voltage to the system hence causing a trouble light to illuminate. Either way it will be interesting to see what the book has to offer on the matter.
Well, mystery solved...I noticed that the bike had working ABS when I started up. A minute later the warning light came on, and the ABS wouldn't work. This made it clear that ABS can work, no parts need to be replaced so it's something else that causes the system to fail.

I read a report on SBN, that said the ABS gone mad due to the installaion of a LED rear light....:eek: Another friend working at Yamaha said he had seen incidents of the specific model's ABS systems going crazy when you install ANYthing on the bike.

After I had no other options left, I thought I would rip the Xenons and/or alarm off. I removed the alarm and guess what....the ABS works full time now :D

So, a summary: an FZ6 with ABS is cleary too sensitive. So, before I can install anything else again, I'll have to get approval from the ABS system:(...go figure
""I really got tired of listening to his BS. Tomorrow he'll def. try to blame this on the alarm and the HID, which are in completely different circuits.""

""I thought I would rip the Xenons and/or alarm off. I removed the alarm and guess what....the ABS works full time now""

Maybe you need to apologize to the dealer now?
I do not have to apologize to him for his unprofessional behaviour. He is the one at a loss, I still get my bike serviced elsewhere.

ABS problem is back. It wasn't the alarm afterall....so much for fixing it.
I don't know if it is the same, but on cars they have a sensor in the hub that can get gummed up and sometimes will hang causing problems with the abs light to come on. I would see if there is a servicable speed sensor that you can get to and clear it off with a paper towel. Don't use compressed air since sometimes it causes issues with them. My guess is that it is gunked up with crap and the system is getting faulty signals.
When I first read your post and heard grumbling about the mods My first thought was that yeah, maybe one device was talking our creating noise that interfered with your ABS. Sometimes interference like this occurs right through the DC source. For example your alarm system may be generating code that the ABS computer recognizes as a legitimate error. This might be transmitted on the DC circuit powering the alarm. You might try what' commonly referred to as a Brute Line Filter solution. This could be as simple as a a little toroidal iron donut. You wind the power wire to the alarm a couple of turns through the donut and it disrupts or greatly reduces the interference of the signal. This might make your ABS and alarms system compatible. Radio Shack or an electronics surplus or supply should have the little toroidal donuts. You might talk to someone with some radio/electronics back ground to further help you with. Hope this might help.
Ok, so I got tired of looking around, that Haynes manual I ordered never arrived, so I decided I should take it to a local mechanic. The bike works perfectly now. The problem?

When I installed the xenon kit, I changed the screws on the battery with ones that had the same width but were a bit longer. Unbelievable....that is what caused the problems according to the man that fixed the bike. He also said some other thing, that I was lucky the ECU (I think) wasn't toast. I'll know more on Monday when I go see him in person to pay for his services :( ...I'll post up.