Oil seepage


I'm a girl dammit!
Premium Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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Hi guys, last night I went for a ride and when I stopped my husband saw some smoke, and I smelled some oil burning.. it seems that there was a drop or 2 of oil that dripped on the exhaust pipes down below.. is there a normal amount of seepage after an oil change (I had already ridden 1,000 miles since the oil change) or is there something else I should be looking at? Thanks in advance,

Hi guys, last night I went for a ride and when I stopped my husband saw some smoke, and I smelled some oil burning.. it seems that there was a drop or 2 of oil that dripped on the exhaust pipes down below.. is there a normal amount of seepage after an oil change (I had already ridden 1,000 miles since the oil change) or is there something else I should be looking at? Thanks in advance,


I'd start looking for something else cause any oil dripped 1000 miles ago is long gone. Maybe filter is loosening? Pictures might help diagnose...
chain goop? I had some that collected around the front sprocket then ran down the side of the engine and dripped on the header.
If you mean the headers (4 pipes) when you say exhaust pipes then its possible you have a leaking head gasket. The head gasket is directly above the headers and any oil coming from it should be easy to spot. The head gasket is that thin black line you see that goes across the engine block at the top of the engine.
Did you make sure the gasket came off with the old oil filter? Sometimes they stick to the block instead of the filter when you remove them.
I would double check the oil filter and drain plug. My drain plug was on so tight from the factory (or dealer, who knows) that it deformed the washer. I just put a new one on as it was not sealing the best.
Did you make sure the gasket came off with the old oil filter? Sometimes they stick to the block instead of the filter when you remove them.

Well the dealer does all the maintenance.. so I will have my husband check that.
If you mean the headers (4 pipes) when you say exhaust pipes then its possible you have a leaking head gasket. The head gasket is directly above the headers and any oil coming from it should be easy to spot. The head gasket is that thin black line you see that goes across the engine block at the top of the engine.

yes it was on the 4 pipes, and evaporated (smoky) since the pipes were hot.
Look up above from where you noticed where the oil driped on the headers, there should be some indication where the oil is coming from. Check the front of the engine block and heads. Since the smoke was noticed while you were riding the oil could has been blown from the site of origin.