Now with Pictures Physical Contact with a Truck tonight.

good to hear that you're okay.
2 things that I hate:
....stupid cagers
worst combination ever
I still say that cars should come with a flashing yellow light on top any time it senses RF from a phone being used inside the car. That way I know to get as far away from that car with a driver who is now using only half a brain for driving. For most people half of nothing is still nothing!

I know I am on the cell phone sometimes when I'm caging it but if I am it's short and sweet (my bad), but I just hate other people using them like it's stuck to their ear! I see it all the time when I'm on the bike. I just instinctively get away from them, they are unpredictable. I would 100% support the legislation to ban the use of cell phones in a moving vehicle. Curse them all!

It would have been nice to get the plate, but good call on pulling over to cool down. There's nothing worse than taking your attention away from biking when this is festering inside. Glad you're okay. Curse them all.
Glad you kept it upright.:thumbup:

It almost sounds like he deliberately swerved into you, if he had known you were there. :confused:
Man, glad you're alright. That could have turned out really bad if you hadn't been paying attention as you were. I hate to wish bad things on people, but is this case, hope the S.O.B. gets a taste of his own medicine sometime!
It is really getting bad out there. People for whatever reason cannot multitask at all. I use my phone in the car---on speakerphone and I never have a serious conversation while driving. I never keep my eyes or head still whether in the car OR on the bike. Always have to know your surroundings and have a plan of escape. I am glad your alright, as for that guy in the truck, I hope his stupidity doesn't get someone or himself killed.
I'm really sorry man. Cellphones are the worst invention of the 20th century. We seriously need self-driving cars, remove the weakest part of the equation.

Personally, I think you made the right call pulling over to calm down. It's hard to think straight after something like that. The important thing is that there was no permanent damage to you or your bike.

Now go get a nice back massage to work out that sore shoulder:Sport:
Dude sorry to hear about the stupid cager. So glad to hear that you were able to keep from real disaster.

They just passed a hands free cell phone law in CA on 7/1. We'll see if that helps any. The f*cked up thing is that it doesn't make texting while driving illegal.

Again, glad that you made it through. Hope your shoulder is okay man.
Its illegal in the UK too, sadly it has made no difference what so ever. Unless people actually get prosecuted there is no deterrent. I had to drive round a guy today parked In a yellow box junction (no parking zone). I put my hand up to my ear to gesture WTF are you doing and he told me to F off like I was in the wrong.
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Ok set up.

4 way intersection two lanes each direction. No turn lanes. The lights are set up rotate to the right. One direction has a green the 3 others have a red.

I am along side a asshat in a white lifted chevy truck. Blaring rap with a cell stuck to his ear. Leaned over in the seat like a jackass. I am fast lane left. He is slow lane right. We are the only two vehicles traveling this direction. (for Charlie KFC on left, Bashams on right) We get the green. We both take off easy and I am obviously visible to anyone who is even paying a passing attention at the road. We cross the road and both lanes are full oncoming with stopped vehicles. No signal, no reason, no one exiting taco bell, dude just comes left on top of me. I am on the horn jog left as close to oncoming stopped as physically possible, then hard on the brakes. . His freaking mirror knocked the **** out of my shoulder. It still hurts. He just drove off. I kept it up. Pulled off and calmed down.

Fing stupid cagers and thier fing cell phones. If I had messed up, I would of been run over, or squashed between two vehicles. Fing Cagers!!!!!! :shakehead::thumbdown: Fing stupid ass cell phone talking cagers. Dude came withen inchs of killing me, talking on his stupid freaking cell phone, couldnt even use his turn signal because then he would have to remove his stupid freakng cell phone from his ear. I want to break his freaking arm, and shove his cell phone up his butt. Stupid freaking STUPID GD STUPID cagers.
Your not the luckiest fella at the moment Steve, glad you are ok. How you didn't chase that twat down I don't know. Gutted that you didn't get a license number.
Dude, glad you're ok. Sounds like you were paying attention and your quick reaction kept you out of the hospital/morgue. Getting pegged by a cage rearview while in motion without a getoff is a credit to your ability. Next time chase their ass down to get the license and a driver description.

***Attention*** Always get a driver description in addition to the license number. I drove a school bus for a number of years and would periodically report people who blasted my stop lights (not cool to run over kids just cuz you're in a hurry). I found that without a driver description, the law prevented cops from using just the license number (this is in Alaska). Nothing like some A-hole lying and saying it wasn't them driving the car when you know full-well it was them.

IMO, if it's your car, you're responsible. If you weren't driving then you need to drop a dime on whomever you lent your vehicle to. Else you get locked up.

I was really too shaken up to be riding. I would of been in a great deal more risk to follow him. I may of reacted very badly had he ran and then stopped and wanted to fight. We are at a horrible disadvantage on bikes. I wish I had now, but at the time, I was so pumped up with adrenaline, I may of done something I would regret for the rest of my life, or gotten myself killed. My hands and legs were shaking from so much juice dumped into my system. I didnt really get mad untill later and I had thought about it.

Thank you for the advice. I wish I had been able to follow it. I just did what I felt was best at the time.

Parking lot practice and visualising things saved my ass again.

I seperated the swerve from the brakes.

You guys should see the scuff on my jacket. I didnt see it good untill today in the sunlight. It took a obvious wack.

I will snag some batteries from something and see if it will show up on camera.
Now with pictures. It pisses me off more to see how bad it really was.
Re: Physical Contact with a Truck tonight.

I hear ya man. You do what you see as appropriate. Just take some time from your day to relax, close your eyes and visualize this.....

You grab a handful of throttle and take off in pursuit of the jackass. After closing in, you skillfully blip the throttle and pull up alongside his rig. In one swift motion you rise-up on the pegs and leap into the back of his truck. Using your helmet, you smash the back window and reach inside with your gloved-hands. He has no option other than to pull over as you rabbit punch him with your carbonfiber knuckles. Realizing the error in his ways (and fearing your carbon), the fool quickly drives you to an ATM and promptly withdraws enough dinero to compensate you for your harrowing experience and the price of your ride (which you left spinning across the pavement when you lept into his truck). He also includes funds for a tow truck and taxi home.

Visualize this daily for the next week and you shall prosper :thumbup:

Re: Physical Contact with a Truck tonight.

I hear ya man. You do what you see as appropriate. Just take some time from your day to relax, close your eyes and visualize this.....

You grab a handful of throttle and take off in pursuit of the jackass. After closing in, you skillfully blip the throttle and pull up alongside his rig. In one swift motion you rise-up on the pegs and leap into the back of his truck. Using your helmet, you smash the back window and reach inside with your gloved-hands. He has no option other than to pull over as you rabbit punch him with your carbonfiber knuckles. Realizing the error in his ways (and fearing your carbon), the fool quickly drives you to an ATM and promptly withdraws enough dinero to compensate you for your harrowing experience and the price of your ride (which you left spinning across the pavement when you lept into his truck). He also includes funds for a tow truck and taxi home.

Visualize this daily for the next week and you shall prosper :thumbup:


Niiiiice. Make sure he compensates you for the bike that veered off the road and got totaled when you lept into the bed of the truck... :eek:
Now with pictures. It pisses me off more to see how bad it really was.

That's a harder impact that I had imagined. Even more glad that you were able to keep it together and not chase after him. First priority is to make sure you're okay which you did.

Thanks for sharing too Steve, stories like this help us all to stay aware.
I'd like to echo the sentiment expressed by several others, you did the right thing by stopping and cooling off. I applaud your restraint. I hope nothing like that ever happens to me, but if it does, I hope I have the self-control to do as you did. Also, I wonder what good it would have done to get the plate number and a description. Let's say you did and the police went and talked to him. He might say "yeah, I bumped him with my mirror, but he cut me off." With no witnesses and your word against his, can the police do anything? Then the sob has your name and address from the police report....
glad your in one peice, could have been worse, if you let get inside your head it will burn you :(

best thing is say to yourself "i lived" many dont, thats what keeps me going... :thumbup:
Ok set up.

I am obviously visible to anyone who is even paying a passing attention at the road.

well not obviously visible... I mean he was paying attention to the road and not anything else around him...

but glad you're ok and I think I like NAVBLUE's advise best... if you see a jerk in a big truck, blaring music, on a cell phone... then you have had 3 warnings that you should not be next to him through the intersection

better luck next time and always assume someone will squish you