(not so)Breaking news: Amendment 64 passed

Amendment 64

  • Awful. It tears the fabric of this country apart.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Against it... but then again, I'm a weed dealer so I essentially just got fired.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • For it. The war on drugs is costly and can't be won.

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Whooo! Finally don't have to worry about my life being ruined by my recreational drug "problem."

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • heheh... you said mend... wait... what?

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ehh, I'm kind of torn on this...

First off, pot smokers already smoke pot... they can just do it legally now. Chances of random people just being at the grocery store and saying "Hmm, I think I'll pick up smoking weed today" are low, I think...

However, I find the whole getting high thing pretty dumb.. (My personal opinion)

Call me crazy, but I feel like I can have plenty of fun in life without getting high (or drunk for that matter). And thus, I feel the whole thing is kind of a "crutch" of sorts... No offense if you choose to partake, just my opinion.

But on the other hand, they're putting a MASSIVE tax on it, so that'll help put more money back into the governments pockets (state government, that is) So there's that.

I just don't want to see people driving/riding while high... Though I guess if they're going to do it, they're already doing it...
as an east coaster, i am more likely to visit co or wa on the bike vs going specifically for drugs..

but i agree, if they want to tax the heck out of it and "hopefully" use the proceeds for stuff like education or treatment options, i am for it..

and yea, don't bike high.. i will admit that i did drive the bike after a "few" drinks once.. nothing happened, but it was really really intense in a way i don't like to describe.. i wont do that again...
I used to smoke pot recreationally. And I'll admit I have driven and ridden high in the past. I really don't think it affected my coordination or judgement. If anything, it made me slow down and be more careful. It sort of opens your eyes to the consequences of any mistake you might make.

Alcohol on the other hand...don't do it! No personal experience but just knowing what drunk feels like I would NOT want to operate a motor vehicle in that state.
Ehh, I'm kind of torn on this...

First off, pot smokers already smoke pot... they can just do it legally now. Chances of random people just being at the grocery store and saying "Hmm, I think I'll pick up smoking weed today" are low, I think...

However, I find the whole getting high thing pretty dumb.. (My personal opinion)

Call me crazy, but I feel like I can have plenty of fun in life without getting high (or drunk for that matter). And thus, I feel the whole thing is kind of a "crutch" of sorts... No offense if you choose to partake, just my opinion.

But on the other hand, they're putting a MASSIVE tax on it, so that'll help put more money back into the governments pockets (state government, that is) So there's that.

I just don't want to see people driving/riding while high... Though I guess if they're going to do it, they're already doing it...

money will only recirculate assuming that people come forth with business. if everything stays as it is, as far as buying and selling goes since with massive taxes it wont get cheaper, the only difference will be more people smoking in public. ive been through this in Econ classes more times than id care to remember and its always the same people sayin' "Legalize it, man. It'll be good for the economy, man. I just wanna smoke, man."
Selling it illegally, before or after legalization, carries an inherent risk. One that is mitigated with a tax built in. Dealers offset risk with larger profit margins. So it's conceivable that legal purchasing could be cheaper or at least break even.

Even if you ignore the sale economics, the time, money, and pain that is saved on the prosecution and incarceration end seems worth it to me.
I can't see how it's possible to tax an underground well established business.
The fact that this business is so intrinsically linked to criminals doesn't make any of the problems go away. It's really a policy to reduce prison over crowding.
As for the comment about being fit to drive whilst stoned is pure nonsense. Your reaction times are still effected as are your thought process.
I have seen equal numbers of stoned drivers come into the ED because they were not fit to drive. The consequences of being drunk or stoned whilst driving are not worth the risks.

I had this discussion with my boss a couple years back, his main argument was that people will be driving stoned all the time. Seems like kind of a stupid argument as the same restrictions that are placed on alcohol would be placed on weed. Besides, I'd rather be on the road with someone stoned then drunk. I've been both (in my younger years of course) and I'd be much more apt to do something crazy drunk then stoned. This is not to say it's ok to drive stoned, it's not and it should carry the same penalty as driving drunk. Also, when's the last time you heard of domestic violence when the person was stone? Alcohol is (in my opinion) worse than weed on every front, and it's legal so why isn't pot?

Too much government intrusion, but that's a topic for another thread...

I think it's a good idea to legalize it, but I'm sure this same discussion was had at the end of prohibition in the 30's. Think of all the money wasted trying to stop some guy (or gal) from catching a buzz at the end of a long day. Harder drugs are a different story in my opinion as they bring forth more risk to the public (increased crime and dependancy on drugs), pot isn't nearly as addictive as say heroin, crack, or coke.
having lived and work in amsterdam, i can say it gets pretty boring quickly (especially as it's so strong). Also most dutch people I meet have never even tried it. I think it works much better than keeping it underground.

That said I think binge drinking cultures (such as the UK) would be unable to handle such a policy
having lived and work in amsterdam, i can say it gets pretty boring quickly (especially as it's so strong). Also most dutch people I meet have never even tried it. I think it works much better than keeping it underground.
I agree with you here Greg, most of the people taking drugs around Amsterdam are the tourists :thumbup:

That said I think binge drinking cultures (such as the UK) would be unable to handle such a policy
also true, the UK is the only country I know of which has such a culture, In these sorts of cases alcohol is much more damaging than most drugs (done in moderation).

The only trouble with legalising drugs are little things like which drugs are legal, now you say weed, but magic mushrooms aren't that bad either (so I'm told ;)) ....
The only trouble with legalising drugs are little things like which drugs are legal, now you say weed, but magic mushrooms aren't that bad either (so I'm told ;)) ....

they were actually legal in the UK until about 6 years ago, as people got wind of the loophole* and started selling them in chip-shops and all sorts of places. The good thing about those kind of things is that they aren't addictive, and if you overdo it then you probably never want to touch them again

*it was legal to sell them provided they were fresh and natural state, and had not been altered in anyway such as by drying or freezing

there's a few other things that remain legal such as ayahuasca and peyote, but luckily most people don't know about them, and they are too difficult to prepare, and aya in particular is not a party drug
In Texas you are dealt with on what the law says or said at the time of the offense. If the law changes or is eliminated later that doesn't matter. At least that's my understanding. Not that Texas has legalized marijuana, cuz it hasn't.
It's about Time! stupid to lock people up over weed,and force good people to have to go and deal with criminals to get a little Pot..... thats where they are introduced to the harder stuff..... the weed does'nt make you want to try crack... the salesman criminal wants to make Max profit and weed never made anybody rich,unless your a grower,and 99% of Pot dealers dont grow their own supply.
I'm not judging a drug as good or bad but I think the experienced is different when your local shaman blows the magic dust through a straw and up your nose,you are surrounded by loved ones and tribe, than constant recreational drug use. :tard:

I don't think legalization and the relationship to jail space and your quality of life is as cut and dry as we might like to think. :confused:
For it, besides as an adult one should have sovereignty over their own body

I don't see any direct problems with weed but with other drugs this might lead to addiction, which in turn might lead to addict related criminal activities, I don't care what anyone does with their own body but if it effects society in a negative way then IMO it should not be allowed.

..........I don't think legalization and the relationship to jail space and your quality of life is as cut and dry as we might like to think. :confused:

this is true Cliff, at least in law it is more complicated when you legalise drugs. what strengths are you allowed to sell? you need a license to prepare your drugs in a clean enviroment (just like preparing food) and pay tax on your wares. Whats to stop people selling their own wares, without paying tax? OK so you're only allowed to carry enough for your own use, otherwise you can be arrested for being a dealer, so the illegal dealers only carry a small amount at a time, sell this and return to stash to pick up more. IMHO it makes it almost imposible to regulate it.
they were actually legal in the UK until about 6 years ago, as people got wind of the loophole* and started selling them in chip-shops and all sorts of places. The good thing about those kind of things is that they aren't addictive, and if you overdo it then you probably never want to touch them again

*it was legal to sell them provided they were fresh and natural state, and had not been altered in anyway such as by drying or freezing

there's a few other things that remain legal such as ayahuasca and peyote, but luckily most people don't know about them, and they are too difficult to prepare, and aya in particular is not a party drug
Not if you play dope wars, Peyote is at a bargain $288 in Coney Island (available on Android).
If anyone is interested I have plenty of Liberty Caps Psilocybe semilanceata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia growing on the front law mid spring.
