No shirt, check no helmet, check, shorts check...


Massive Member
May 21, 2009
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So I put 500 miles on the fz6 yesterday/this morning on a short trip to Ohio. While across the river from Huntington I noticed that most people on bikes in ohio love to ride with no shirt, no helmet, shorts and flip flops. One of the VERY few bikes I seen with riders wearing a helmet/jacket etc just happened to be a fz6. He was on the other side of the 4 lane so he did not get to see me, it appeared to be a blue 2007 model.

I can not imagine riding around town without a helmet let alone on the interstate without a shirt, helmet or pants. I know there is no helmet law in Ohio but wow, I could not believe the vast majority of riders rode with zero gear. I would hate to see one of those guys after he goes down.

I can not understand how some states have a seat belt law but no helmet law.
I had a guy ask me tonight as I was putting my gear on after leaving the grocery store if it was really cold enough for a jacket. Of course, I also had what looked to be a 14-year-old girl that was noticeably pregnant if I would go buy her some rolling papers, but I digress. I think some people are just absolutely oblivious to what can happen out there.
While I believe everyone should wear a helmet, I'm grateful that Ohio doesn't have a helmet law. Now, if we could get that stupid seatbelt law repealed... :facepalm:
Rider with no helmet = Darwinism at it's best.
Hate to sound cold, but you gotta be a real idiot to ride w/o a helmet (except for riding to your mailbox... maybe).
when ever I go down to Texas to visit friends I see people riding with out helmets on and I always wonder why. But hey it's your life do what you want to with it just don't bitch at me when your missing parts of your face and you have road rash all over whats left of it.
Bah, haven't you people heard of crash-resistant hair gel and shred-proof sunblock lotion? They are used alot around where i live but for some reason there is no living proof to show how well they actualy work :D
And this affects you….how? Also, Ohio is a rather large state so I doubt you can make an assumption of “most people in Ohio”….based on your ride.
And this affects you….how? Also, Ohio is a rather large state so I doubt you can make an assumption of “most people in Ohio”….based on your ride.

Do you wear a helmet?

Also, I never said it have any affect on me personally. I was just stating an observation on motorcycle riders in states that have no helmet law. Personally I think it is crazy to ride without a helmet. As for my assumption, I have been all over ohio many many times since most of my family lives there and i used to live there. My little story was of my observation on my recent ride, sorry if it upsets you. When I posted it up it was simply to start a discussion on riding without helmets, shirts, etc. not to personally offend you.
And this affects you….how? Also, Ohio is a rather large state so I doubt you can make an assumption of “most people in Ohio”….based on your ride.

I'll tell you exactly how this affects every single motorcycle rider, and I'll do it in one word...


No helmet, no gear, etc. equates to more deaths, more injuries, larger insurance payouts, which equals higher premiums for me, you and every other motorcycle rider.

I don't want some idiots in other states that are too cool for gear to affect my wallet. Wear the gear.
I'll tell you exactly how this affects every single motorcycle rider, and I'll do it in one word...


No helmet, no gear, etc. equates to more deaths, more injuries, larger insurance payouts, which equals higher premiums for me, you and every other motorcycle rider.

I don't want some idiots in other states that are too cool for gear to affect my wallet. Wear the gear.

I actually think this is an erroneous assumption.

It's not the fatalities that drive rates up..... it's the people who survive. Someone who takes a spill at 30 MPH without a helmet may survive. 60 is a whole lot less likely.

Take that same 'off' in gear, you may suffer abrasions, possibly some impact damage from hitting solid objects. Hit another vehicle moving in the opposite direction, the total speed is much higher..... you can still of course die, from falling.

The range of injuries that are survivable are much, much greater if you are wearing gear. Much longer stays in hospitals as a result, rather than the absolute limit of expiration. Hospital stays are far more expensive.

I'd be willing to bet that insurance companies would rather you rode without gear. Dollar for dollar, they pay out less in cases involving riders with less gear on.....
...I'd be willing to bet that insurance companies would rather you rode without gear. Dollar for dollar, they pay out less in cases involving riders with less gear on.....

Huh.. I've never looked at it from this angle. I can definitely see this happening. Could be why some insurance companies will pay for your damaged gear and some won't.
I actually think this is an erroneous assumption.

It's not the fatalities that drive rates up..... it's the people who survive. Someone who takes a spill at 30 MPH without a helmet may survive. 60 is a whole lot less likely.

Take that same 'off' in gear, you may suffer abrasions, possibly some impact damage from hitting solid objects. Hit another vehicle moving in the opposite direction, the total speed is much higher..... you can still of course die, from falling.

The range of injuries that are survivable are much, much greater if you are wearing gear. Much longer stays in hospitals as a result, rather than the absolute limit of expiration. Hospital stays are far more expensive.

I'd be willing to bet that insurance companies would rather you rode without gear. Dollar for dollar, they pay out less in cases involving riders with less gear on.....

that is nuts, you are much more likely to get hurt without gear. i highly doubt the 'evil' insurance companies want people to get hurt or to die.
I was informed by my boss that it's just us gearing up because we don't know how to ride. Let me explain a little better........While putting on my gear, esp. the pants, my boss laughs and puts this big grin on, I ask him why he's laughing and he explained it to me. His $12 helmet+$1 DOT sticker is better than my CF full face helmet because it's "cooler" and I think he means that in more than one way. I said I gear up because I don't want to end up in ER getting road rash scrubbed clean, his response.......Harley riders don't crash. Can't really argue with that logic huh? I guess the bottom line is do what feels right to you, and don't worry what the other guy is wearing. I do hate to see people riding with kids on the back with short helmets and shorts.
I am curious about the laws in some of the states, the no helmet/no gear law does that mean you dont have to take a MSC when you get your license ?

As far as i am aware in order to take the class you have to have full gear, i had to go get a different pair of boots as the ones I had were not good enough to meet the requirements of the course. Seems kinda of obvious that gear is the equivalent of a seatbelt (ok it isnt really but come on work with me here) for a motorbike. Yet you can jump on wearing flipflops, muscle shirt and honestly the guy i saw yesterday on the highway did have a really cool bandana and giver on our roads.

I was in my truck but I got a serious shiver when I passed him.

How does it work in Ohio, any one answer for me. i am not moving there just wondering.
A helmet is mandatory for riders that have their "temporary" license. Also, after you obtain your endorsement, you have to wear a helmet for one year. After that... "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death". (or maybe both if you decide to not wear the gear... :sadface: )

The MSF course is optional in the state of Ohio.
Generalisations are just that... general. Complaining a generalisation is too general is like complaining the sun can be hot. Yep......

Anyhow the concept that wearing less gear is better for insurance companies is pretty retarded.
The smallest accident with no gear can have major costs, but here at least unless its someone elses fault you aren't covered in any way by your own insurance. In fact our compulsory injury insurance which now covers at fault drivers in/on their own vehicles, specifically does NOT cover motorcycle riders.
Does being dead mean your family can't make the insurance claim?

Personally I like the idea that if you are not wearing proper gear you shouldn't be allowed to use the public health system, and should have to pay for all your injuries out of your own pocket. The same with seatbelt (lack thereof) related injuries.
Want to be an irresponsible asshat? Go for it, but we aren't paying our taxes to fund it thanks. (that being said I don't know if the US has a public health system like we do?)

I don't wear gear for when I crash.
I wear it in the hopes that I never will, but if it happens my injuries will be greatly reduced, or my life may be saved.

I care that people don't wear gear because it gives our sport a bad name, which allows cagers to moan about how dangerous motorcycles are, and lets the government legislate against us.
I'd prefer they just jump out infront of moving cars or trains so that those groups could be legislated against and whined about constantly.
that is nuts, you are much more likely to get hurt without gear. i highly doubt the 'evil' insurance companies want people to get hurt or to die.

I agree. You are more likely to be fatally injured without gear. How much does your insurance pay out if you die, and total your bike? Last time I checked, that finite number was smaller than the individual medical coverage max number.

How much does it pay, if you total the bike, live and max out your medical benefits? Between immediate care at the time of the accident, and therapy afterwards...... which number do you think is greater?

I'm not claiming it's a conspiracy. It's more than likely just a convenient fact.

Any corporation that is publicly held (as in has stock holders) is almost certainly not interested in the welfare of it's clients, before the welfare of it's bottom line.

Look at states that have repealed their helmet laws. The fatality stats go up, every time. It's a sure bet the number of accidents stays very nearly uniform, before and after. More fatalities mean less lengthy hospital stays @ > $1K/day, followed by PT, etc, etc.

Just food for thought.
We've had quite a hot summer here in NY with temps typically in the high 80's and more often in the 90's with high humidity. I feel like a weirdo sometimes for wearing all my gear. I only go out at night most times to attempt beating the heat.. it's helps.

All summer I have seen guys on sport bikes wearing the squid uniform - shorts and wife beaters! Ok so full face helmets, but big whoop. I even had an R1 owner approach me to give props on my bike but he had to ask the question "aren't you hot in that jacket".. Duh!!! of course I am hot in it but why the hell aren't you wearing one too??!

I was out riding with SD WIllie on Sunday where we came up to a police checkpoint for motorcycles. All motorcyles had to pull off the parkway and produce paperwork and be inspected. When I tell you there were problably 50 harley riders there it is no exaggeration. They all had the harley uniform on..some in shorts, sleeveless black t-shirts, no gloves and oh yeah the novelty non Dot helmets that cover like 20% of the noggin. Some where getting violation tickets and they were whining like a bunch of adolescent schoolgirls... pretty comical.

It's a wonder why they didn't just wave us through, full gear and all. And FWIW the cops where being extremely respectful and really pretty nice to everyone.

So I guess common sense isn't so common as the saying goes.