No garage to park my beauty in.


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Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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Anyone else not have a garage to park in?

Mine sleeps outside with a motorcycle cover next to my front door. I wish it weren't so but my place is actually a garage converted into an apartment and I have no room for it. I would almost park it in the front room but it won't fit in my front door. :)

I'm glad I have insurance. My neighbor just had one of those handicapped scooters stolen from him. Who would do that anyway? What a lowlife.
Well, I have the same problem and the insurance companies will not insure bikes for theft, even though we don't have so many bike-theft cases in Cyprus...go figure.
Same here. Mine's parked right outside my front door as well with a cover but I'm lucky in that I have the only apartment in my building that has a private entrance. As such, I have a private sidewalk that runs along the side of the building so I don't have to worry about people walking by and bumping into it. Plus, the backyard of the house next to my apartment has a fence that I can chain the bike to.
Same here. I have a house, but no garage. I don't have enough room to build a proper garage either. I do hope to build a good size shed soon though.

Even with the cover on the bike is still damp every morning regardless of whether it rains or not. I hate treating it like that. Poor Fazer...
Not all covers are created equal. I had a cover from Target that worked well for my Ninja 500. The new one I have for the Fazer allows too much moisture in. I plan on purchasing one that is 100% waterproof since I also park outside. The snowy winter will really make a difference - I'll need an excellent cover (investing in the most expensive one) and common use of centerstand.
Although I have a garage to park my FZ6 in, I've considered the Cycle Shell in the past, it has some pretty good safety and security features. What's great about it too, is that you can place it virtually anywhere and if you decide to change your mind so can the placing of the Cycle Shell. It's considerably light and compact except for the price though. My buddy rents a storage space where he keeps his bikes and all his other stuff. Only thing is, that storage place closes at night..... no entrance or exit until the following day.
is there room for one of those little sheds?

I've seen those and will be thinking about them a lot as the winter nears. It's not so bad this time of year but even in San Diego it pours a few times a season and I'd like to keep it looking and running as good as possible.
I'm fortunate enouggh that we have garages available in the apratments that I live in. I shell out an extra $120 a month for it, but since my wife just got a bike too, it's well worth it. I feel for you and would hate to leave mine outside too.

It drives me crazy when scumbags steal mobility scooters. When I was in a college, there was a girl that everybody knew because she needed one. She'd leave it outside most of the buildings and had it stolen one day. I really believe those people's karma will come back to get them!
luckily the local harley shop (only like a 6th of a mile away from my house!) runs a garage for bike owners to store their rides in during the winter / when on vacation. so i could just drop mine off and walk home. :D
Build one. Your bike will love you for it.
When I bought the house I'm in now it had a small 8x8 building with no floor in the back yard. It is ragged and falling apart but works for a shelter out of the weather and sight. My riding mower was in there before I got the bike but had to leave the mower outside and covered with a tarp. I am currently working on building a 10x10 building for the mower and bike. You may want to check into security systems for bikes. You can get some where you have a pager and if the bike is moved the pager goes off. Also there is GPS units you can have installed on the bike so if it is stolen you can track it by your computer.