News on Motorcycle Checkpoints

These checkpoints are there for one simple reason : Revenue. Any other "reasons" they give are simply propaganda. It has nothing to do with safety or anything else. It's just a nice, easy way to rake in revenue. It costs states and counties much less to set up a checkpoint than it does for them to drive around burning gas looking for offenders. They can instead sit back, relax, and let the revenue come to them!

Red light cameras have widely proven themselves to be non starters when it comes to revenue. At $10,000 a pop, it takes a lot of tickets to pay the thing off. People modify their behavior before that happens, and the things are a net loss for the agencies that pay for them.
I was only referring to checkpoints. Red light cameras are another can of worms. lol They think they'll rake in cash, but like you said, it rarely works out that way. :D Then you get to factor in accidents caused by the dang things, which can vary as well.
Amen to it's a revenue generator, brother, because at the end of the day that's all it boils down to. States that are doing this checkpoint thing are given a DOT grant to the tune of 100's of thousands not to mention the added revenue of tickets that are written
Amen to it's a revenue generator, brother, because at the end of the day that's all it boils down to. States that are doing this checkpoint thing are given a DOT grant to the tune of 100's of thousands not to mention the added revenue of tickets that are written

So, it's fun to take up as much of their time as you can..... time is money, right?
Same deal as all those so and so's who telemarket. Keep 'em on the phone, but don't buy anything.

As long as you're legal to start with, why not make a day of it?

I'm pretty sure that every state takes federal money for highways.
Not to belabor the point RJ2112 but it just feels like plain harassment. and harassment sucks no matter how you look at it.

Years ago I had a the age of 30 something. A totally law abiding citizen. Those jerks stopped me 50% of the time. It got to be so annoying I stopped using it after 1 season. There's no fun in wasting these guys time, they've got nothing else to do for the day except sit there and wait for us suckers to come motoring in.