Newbie question about helment head


Junior Member
Mar 25, 2012
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Northern Virginia
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New rider/new FZ6 owner. I've had my bike for about 2 months now. I've been sticking to local roads and parking lot practice to build up my confidence and skills. I do plan to commute to work a couple time a week during the summer. Question is what do you all do about helment head hair when you get to work?
New rider/new FZ6 owner. I've had my bike for about 2 months now. I've been sticking to local roads and parking lot practice to build up my confidence and skills. I do plan to commute to work a couple time a week during the summer. Question is what do you all do about helment head hair when you get to work?

Wear it with pride.

Also wear those wrinkles on your clothes that you get from wearing full, proper gear with pride.
Ha - I am in a similar position - just started commuting, and was just wetting my hair in the bathroom... attempting to clean it up a bit.

I do need a trim regardless but honestly, I don't really care all that much. I'm doing my part to ease the strain on the environment, while having a blast.

Wear it like a scar that you got rescuing a busload of kids from certain peril.
As usual, this forum has provided some usefull advise. I've decided to go with Business in the front; Party in the back....

The Kentucky Waterfall is ideal in this situation. Long, flowing and regal yet immune to helmet head. Great call!!
I commute daily on my bike too. Since I'm already carrying a tail bag for my shoes, I keep a spare comb/brush in there. First thing when I get to work is to change shoes and go into the bathroom to fix the hair. Gotta keep it lookin' professional!:thumbup:
Wearing a balaclava reduces it to an extent. It also helps to use some hair spray and let it dry before you put the helmet on.
I keep mine relatively short if possible, and keep a spare bottle of "suave styling gel" in my backpack. Works well enough for me! Just a little gel to smooth the hair out works. Too much and you're in trouble when ride to lunch or home!
I choose WD40. Carry a little can under my seat. Couple sprays an I'm lookin good.

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