New member from Belgium - Europe


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Mar 26, 2008
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Hi guys,

I bought my first bike yesterday, a brand new red 2007 FZ6 S2 Fazer :D

I decided a couple of months ago that I wanted to buy a bike. I just turned 29 this month and I have been dreaming of riding for as long as I can remember. Looking back, I just don't understand why I waited this long...

When I started researching bikes, I came accross the FZ6 and instantly fell in love with it. On top of that, my best friend just bought a second hand 2005 FZ6 and when I saw it standing there in front of me, I knew that was the bike for me...

Obviously I still did a lot of research, reading tons of reviews, also looked into other models like the Honda 600, SV650, V-Strom 650 to name a few. This forum was a great help! It's so cool to read reactions and posts from people that are so passionate about what they do, it's very inspiring.

So anyway, Yamaha was giving this huge discount on the 2007 model this week, $1800 off! I couldn't resist anymore...

Here in Belgium, you have to get a special driver's license to ride, and my classes are starting soon. That means my bike will have to be in the garage for a couple more weeks, but at least I'll get to drool over it every day before I leave for work, when I get back from work and before I go to sleep :p

I also bought the book Proficient Motorcycling from David L. Hough and I'm planning on spending lots on a decent protective gear.

I'm convinced that riding will be the coolest and most fun I've ever done in my life, but at the same time I want to take it seriously and practice and train as much as I can.

Man I'm so stoked!

Thanks for keeping this forum alive, I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time here from now on.

Best regards from Belgium!

Hi guys,

I bought my first bike yesterday, a brand new red 2007 FZ6 S2 Fazer :D

I decided a couple of months ago that I wanted to buy a bike. I just turned 29 this month and I have been dreaming of riding for as long as I can remember. Looking back, I just don't understand why I waited this long...

When I started researching bikes, I came accross the FZ6 and instantly fell in love with it. On top of that, my best friend just bought a second hand 2005 FZ6 and when I saw it standing there in front of me, I knew that was the bike for me...

Obviously I still did a lot of research, reading tons of reviews, also looked into other models like the Honda 600, SV650, V-Strom 650 to name a few. This forum was a great help! It's so cool to read reactions and posts from people that are so passionate about what they do, it's very inspiring.

So anyway, Yamaha was giving this huge discount on the 2007 model this week, $1800 off! I couldn't resist anymore...

Here in Belgium, you have to get a special driver's license to ride, and my classes are starting soon. That means my bike will have to be in the garage for a couple more weeks, but at least I'll get to drool over it every day before I leave for work, when I get back from work and before I go to sleep :p

I also bought the book Proficient Motorcycling from David L. Hough and I'm planning on spending lots on a decent protective gear.

I'm convinced that riding will be the coolest and most fun I've ever done in my life, but at the same time I want to take it seriously and practice and train as much as I can.

Man I'm so stoked!

Thanks for keeping this forum alive, I'm sure I'll be spending a lot of time here from now on.

Best regards from Belgium!


Wecome aboard Matt,

Glad to hear you're taking things seriously,with the gear and the book. Take it easy, as many people on this Forum have said you learn mainly by your own experiences (a safety course can of course add to that experience).

Great to hear that you chose the FZ6, it is a great bike but be aware when you get the revs up it can be a totally different beast.

Great to have a fellow european on this forum, looking forward to seeing pics of your new bike, you may not be able to ride it yet but you can definately take pics.

Ride safely :thumbup:
Welcome Aboard!
Which part of Belgium are you from? I visited a little Flemish town Hamme like 10 years ago. I love trapista and other good Belgian Beer. Few of my buddies made me drink something called "Verboden Frucht" - man by the time I was done with the bottle i was walking zig-zag style...
Welcome Aboard!
Which part of Belgium are you from? I visited a little Flemish town Hamme like 10 years ago. I love trapista and other good Belgian Beer. Few of my buddies made me drink something called "Verboden Frucht" - man by the time I was done with the bottle i was walking zig-zag style...

Haha, that cracked me up :p

I live near Ghent in Belgium, about 40 miles South-West of Hamme. Unfortunately we don't have those awesome mountain twisties you have in California here, so finding cool roads will be more of a challenge. But I'm sure that even a wide straight flat road will make me smile like a total idiot on board of the FZ6 :)

Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
Welcome Matt and like everyone says "Take it easy" this bike is fast if you let it be.

Are you a natural Belgian because if you are you speak bloody good English.

Hey Cloggy fancy a Euro meeting in Belgium???

In fact I am riding down to Normandy from Denmark in July so I can see some detours may be in order.

Welcome! You made a great choice in motorcycling. As for being your first bike, if you keep the revs low, the bike behaves like a beginners bike. I am just breaking mine in and love every minute of it.
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Are you a natural Belgian because if you are you speak bloody good English.

Thank you :) Yes I'm a natural Belgian. Dutch is my mother tongue and French is my second language. I really like English though. I guess I picked it up from being around computers and on the Internet all the time.

Is anybody on this forum going to Assen in the Netherlands, to see the MotoGP in June this year? That might an opportunity to meet...
Welcome Matt and like everyone says "Take it easy" this bike is fast if you let it be.

Are you a natural Belgian because if you are you speak bloody good English.

Hey Cloggy fancy a Euro meeting in Belgium???

In fact I am riding down to Normandy from Denmark in July so I can see some detours may be in order.


Sounds like a great idea Steve but if you PM me with your planned dates then I can check, as I'm on holiday myself during July.
Thank you :) Yes I'm a natural Belgian. Dutch is my mother tongue and French is my second language. I really like English though. I guess I picked it up from being around computers and on the Internet all the time.

Is anybody on this forum going to Assen in the Netherlands, to see the MotoGP in June this year? That might be an opportunity to meet...

Sorry Mastakilla, great idea but in June I have all the other weekends tied up, of which 2 will be long weekends away from the wife (one canoeing in the Ardennes with my daughter and some friends and the other a motorbike trip to Germany with some guys from my work), so I need to make sure my wife gets a bit of TLC that weekend, (so I can play another day :thumbup:)
Maybe next year.
But we could maybe do a get together in Belgium if you fancy , or somewhere just over your border? we might be able to get a few others interested?
Thank you :) Yes I'm a natural Belgian. Dutch is my mother tongue and French is my second language. I really like English though. I guess I picked it up from being around computers and on the Internet all the time.

Is anybody on this forum going to Assen in the Netherlands, to see the MotoGP in June this year? That might an opportunity to meet...
Hello my new best mate,
Please send me one case of Stella Artois every week unti further notice. Your reward wil be that I re-cycle every can and enjoy every drop.

Hey welcome Matt! I'm sure you will love your FZ and the sport of motocycling.
Welcome Matt and like everyone says "Take it easy" this bike is fast if you let it be.

Are you a natural Belgian because if you are you speak bloody good English.

Hey Cloggy fancy a Euro meeting in Belgium???

In fact I am riding down to Normandy from Denmark in July so I can see some detours may be in order.

I am up for a euro bash to fellas, In about 18 months time no worries. Then the English guy in france can also do it. What do you reckon? I may be in Ghent in June this year for the European Resuscitation conference.
Seriously up 4 a Europe meet, and an IOM meet, building up for the global meet in Vegas.
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