New Job! New Place! New Start!


Apr 24, 2008
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Cupertino, CA
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Well its been a few mons since i've posted on here but things have changed quite a bit since then. Everytime i used to see someone post about their lay off's id cringe and thats exactly wot happened. So long story short found a new job in the bay area (San Jose), so had to relocate and just settling down. Can't really complain much cuz was pretty lucky to find one.

Anyway just thought id share and would like to reach out the folks out here in the bay area and see if we ride together sometime...
Welcome back and congrats for landing back on your feet! :steve: Glad for ya!!

My company has been talking about a new position for me... but it would be in France!!! it's a very good job with lots of $$$... but it means I'd have to move back to France :( life is full of difficult decisions isn't it :D

Glad you got it all worked out.

My company has been talking about a new position for me... but it would be in France!!! it's a very good job with lots of $$$... but it means I'd have to move back to France :( life is full of difficult decisions isn't it :D

Glad you got it all worked out.

No Kidding! Like they say "Life is what happens when you making other plans..."

hopefully things will work out for the better for you as well :rockon:
Congratulations! I traveled to SJ (Sunnyvale) for about 15 years before I was laid off. Nice place, lots of opportunity! Tear it up man!:rockon:
Well its been a few mons since i've posted on here but things have changed quite a bit since then. Everytime i used to see someone post about their lay off's id cringe and thats exactly wot happened. So long story short found a new job in the bay area (San Jose), so had to relocate and just settling down. Can't really complain much cuz was pretty lucky to find one.

Anyway just thought id share and would like to reach out the folks out here in the bay area and see if we ride together sometime...

Congrats and good luck! :thumbup:

My company has been talking about a new position for me... but it would be in France!!! it's a very good job with lots of $$$... but it means I'd have to move back to France :( life is full of difficult decisions isn't it :D

Wow! Sounds like an opportunity. I lived (year abroad--college) in Aix-en-Provence and it was nice. Of course, a lot depends on your personal situation.
Congrats man! I know how relieving it feels to get the phone call / email informing you that the company is making you an offer :iconbeer:
Congrats! Obviously you're a person who WANTS to work, not one to lay about and complain of a lack of jobs. As an employer I can tell you that those who want to work will always come out ahead in this game.
Congrats man! I know how relieving it feels to get the phone call / email informing you that the company is making you an offer :iconbeer:

The two phone calls that i dont think im goin to be able to forget:

1. Telling me that Im being let go and 2. telling me that they are going to make an offer (recruiter)
The two phone calls that i dont think im goin to be able to forget:

1. Telling me that Im being let go and 2. telling me that they are going to make an offer (recruiter)

Wait... you were let go over the phone? That's cold! Good riddance to that place!

That #2 phone call? Yeah, one I'll not forget either. Love this job! Over 4 yrs in one place is a new record for me... maybe I'm finally settling down? ;)
Wow! Sounds like an opportunity. I lived (year abroad--college) in Aix-en-Provence and it was nice. Of course, a lot depends on your personal situation.

Aix-en-Provence! Nice! My Dad lives very close from Aix (in Salon-de-Provence), and I love it down there... the French Mediterranean coast is beautiful...

Une annee entiere a Aix, donc tu dois parler le francais couramment non?

The job is a great opportunity indeed... we shall see what happens...
Wait... you were let go over the phone? That's cold! Good riddance to that place!

That #2 phone call? Yeah, one I'll not forget either. Love this job! Over 4 yrs in one place is a new record for me... maybe I'm finally settling down? ;)

Yeah I guess thats how it works when you are working as a consultant :). I was expecting an email actually ;). The premise of the meeting was "Performance Review". Sounds fishy doesnt it..yeah thats what I thought as well

Good for you man!! Iam glad and let the good times continue for you :Sport: