New Baby Boy for Mr & Mrs Wolfman!

Congratulations Wolfman (and Mrs. Wolfman)! Seeing your little one wrapped up in the hospital blanket, so new to the world, brings back some very very very very happy memories!

Congratulations again!

HIp hip hooray having a drink to you now and probably a few more to you later, glad all went well, soon youll have plenty of hands to cook us bacon and eggs before rides.:cheer::cheer::cheer::rockon::rockon::Flash::Flash::Flash::aus::wav:
HIp hip hooray having a drink to you now and probably a few more to you later, glad all went well, soon youll have plenty of hands to cook us bacon and eggs before rides.:cheer::cheer::cheer::rockon::rockon::Flash::Flash::Flash::aus::wav:

Am planning on taking Son Number 1 on our next ride...he is very good on the back of the bike, and i reckon he makes great kid, will make a good rider one day! So he will be cooking the eggs & bacon...Wolfman has him trained well.
Might even slow me down a bit!
Congrats from Tassie. How do you keep producing boys? We are having a girl in September and my lil man runs when I start the bike up so I don't think he will be into bikes
Congratulations to you and your lovely wife:cheer: and boys. Take good care of them. (as I am sure you will) Maybe next try will be a beautiful girl ;)

Take care,

Well done Mr & Mrs Wolfman, Happy birthday to the little fella.


Hey everyone,
Thanks to all of you so much for your kind words, just got back from the Hospital, where i have been all day, and would like to report our little bub is doing just fine.

Mum has bounced back amazingly...a real trooper, is my girl!

Here's a few happy just gushing with pride!
Hooray for Mr. and Mrs Wolfman! Congratulations on a health bouncing baby boy and Mum! You'll have a baseball team before you know it! :thumbup:
Well i can hardly contain my joy! Last night at 8.21pm (Wednesday July 24), my beautiful partner - Gen, delivered a beautiful, big, strong, healthy boy into this world.

The Wolfman would like to announce the arrival of Conner, 8pds, 2oz (3.6kg's). Both Mum & Baby are a bit bruised & battered, but otherwise, healthy & happy, Dad is just proud as punch, and relieved that it all went well.

Now i have got 3 boys to watch the bike racing with!

I dont think the wheels of my bike touched the ground at all when i was riding home from the hospital this morning...first floating fz6 in captivity!

Here's a pic of the Boy, forcep marks and all, not more than 10 hours old!



We have an almost 15 month old, and a new one coming in Janurary !
