

Junior Member
Aug 13, 2009
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I'm considering a naked conversion. I have no complaints with the front fairing. Maybe i'm becoming obsessed with the craze taking place, which may be good, because naked bikes and streetfighters are catching on in the states it seems. But for those of you do that have done it, do you wish you hadnt wasted the time and money? Did the fz become a completely different bike for you? As i ride the fz6 more, i feel its true colors are really geared for pulling that front fairing off because all of my miles are done around town. Any thoughts appreciated.
I converted last winter after 3 seasons with the fairing and I couldn't be happier. Originally, I'd planned to keep the fairing in case I wanted to put it back on, but after riding all summer without it, I sold it. I knew I'd never go back.

If most of your riding is around town, I think you'd be happy with the conversion. Now, if you were one that does a lot of touring, I would say keep the fairing, simply for the wind protection. But as I do more commuting in town and sport-riding than touring, doing the conversion was a no-brainer.

And yes, the bike feels like a completely different bike. The first time you ride it after taking the fairing off is an other-worldly experience. It's like you're just gliding down the road and there's nothing beneath (or in front of) you. I also find that it makes riding the twisties much more enjoyable because you have better vision of the road (when hanging off the bike). I honestly feel like it's made me a better rider.

In the end, it's a personal choice. I think you'd love it, but only you will know for sure, and only if you take the plunge and do it. Of course, it's completely reversible if you don't like it, so really, there's no harm in trying. :thumbup:
The easiest way to find out is to take your screen off:rockon:
6 plastic screws and go for a ride
I just cut my screen down even with the faring about 2 1/2" and it made a big difference
I still want to get a taller screen for longer rides but it's so easy to change out we all should have a choices of screens for their different jobs.
PS don't over tighten the screws when you put the screen back on:Flash:
I didn't try taking the screen off before I did the swap, but it is a good idea. I went naked primarily because my fairing was all cracked and messed up anyway so I decided to try something new. Like they said, the first ride afterwards is completely different. I loved it immediately. However, I have done a couple highway trips and I can say they are much more enjoyable with the fairing. But being that long trips are MAYBE 5% of my riding, its still worth the tradeoff.
But for those of you do that have done it, do you wish you hadnt wasted the time and money?

Not for a second! Around town, no issues. Even freeway riding I found better. Yes, there is a constant wind in your chest, but I had buffeting issues with the fairing when doing head checks.

Not to mention it is a great project that makes your bike uniquely your own.