N. Georgia - December 10th


Just a dude with an FZ6
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
Lawrenceville Ga
BlueMoon and I are planning on riding a week from this Saturday, probably up around Dahlonega. We haven't nailed down the details, but we'll probably meet at Rides hill around 9ish, at least this is what we did last time (Sound good BlueMoon?).

Last time we went up there, we rode mainly on 129 between 19 and Blood Mountain Cabins. I'm cool with any other suggestions or wherever someone else wants to ride as long as it's not too far. The reason being is I'll probably have to cut out around noon, so I can't go too far.

This will be my last ride of the year, other then my daily commute, so I hope the weather holds out :thumbup:
I'm in, weather pending. Rider's Hill, the shop North of Dahlonega, right? With all the Italian bikes?
I should be able to make it depending on work but for right now I'll say yea
:thumbup: Looking forward to it!

We haven't nailed down the details, but we'll probably meet at Rides hill around 9ish, at least this is what we did last time (Sound good BlueMoon?).
BlueMoON - Cool man, can't wait to see those bad ass headlights in action!

yamihoe - Bummer dude, maybe next time? Sunday usually works best for me, but this Sunday is a definite no-go. After the first of the year (if it's still warm enough) we'll have to plan another ride when you can go.

fazed_ya - Where about's in NC are you? BlueMoon and I rode to the Tail of the Dragon one Sunday a few months back, maybe if we do that again next year you can meet up with us.
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Hell yeah I live in the Charlotte area

There was a thread started a couple months ago about a trip to deals gap next year by some members from fl, they plan on meeting up with other members on the way, we ought to get a nice size group ride by the time it comes around
as long as its warm enough january is fine,,,,ironically weekends is when i stay down in Fayette so i can work 2 of my 3 jobs lol

keep inviting me, ill show up one of these times lol:thumbup:
I love your exhaust btw. @ chevyfazer

Thanks! And as much as I want to go I'm not gonna be able to, I was just asked if I could work Saturday and with christmas just around the corner I'm going to take every bit of overtime I can get so anyways y'all have fun and be safe
We have our 2 cold months coming up, but maybe we can squeeze a ride in there somewhere. Back and forth to work isn't too bad (29*F this morning when I left, but it was still comfortable for my 45 minute commute), but riding a sustained 70+ MPH for an hour at a time may be a bit much when the temps are below 30.

We'll have to wait and see. I'm gonna keep my eyes open for the next posted ride, maybe we can all go :thumbup:
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