My Trusted and Revered One-Eyed Friends:


Junior Member
Sep 16, 2009
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This may have been on the board before, many of you may already do this, maybe this is overkill.....if so - never mind, but anyway:
Friday I went out for a very late night run. I had to pass through a small city and while sitting at a redlight the leo opposite of me was sitting there just staring at my one-eyed Fazer. I thought, yeah, he's trying to deicde whether to cite me for having one headlight out, (since they were on dim).
Anyway, he went on after a moment. After reading of other's run-ins with leos I thought to myself, "Why not pull up a road test evaluation of my bike and see if the one light thingee is mentioned in their report. Sure enough, I found two, (which even had pics of the one headlight buring during testing), which I printed out. I also went to the Yamaha website and printed out the parts list and the picture with matching reference numbers for the two headlights, (showing that each side takes a different bulb).
While I may never need this, it may help during a stop if I get one of those cops that wants to cite me for having a light out. I can show this to him and say something like, "Officer this may save you some embarrassment and me some time, if you will look at this before you write that citation." These three sheets of paper are now in a baggie under my Fazer's seat for future reference, if needed. (Who knows, maybe I'll do the two light conversion someday?)
This may have been on the board before, many of you may already do this, maybe this is overkill.....if so - never mind, but anyway:
Friday I went out for a very late night run. I had to pass through a small city and while sitting at a redlight the leo opposite of me was sitting there just staring at my one-eyed Fazer. I thought, yeah, he's trying to deicde whether to cite me for having one headlight out, (since they were on dim).
Anyway, he went on after a moment. After reading of other's run-ins with leos I thought to myself, "Why not pull up a road test evaluation of my bike and see if the one light thingee is mentioned in their report. Sure enough, I found two, (which even had pics of the one headlight buring during testing), which I printed out. I also went to the Yamaha website and printed out the parts list and the picture with matching reference numbers for the two headlights, (showing that each side takes a different bulb).
While I may never need this, it may help during a stop if I get one of those cops that wants to cite me for having a light out. I can show this to him and say something like, "Officer this may save you some embarrassment and me some time, if you will look at this before you write that citation." These three sheets of paper are now in a baggie under my Fazer's seat for future reference, if needed. (Who knows, maybe I'll do the two light conversion someday?)

Just make sure you have his attention, and he knows you're going for paperwork......... not a bad idea, tho.
Not a bad idea.
After one of the guys I work with got pulled over for have a vehicle painted like a police vehicle and having quite a hassle with the LEO we all started carrying a copy of the vehicle code section that excludes both motorcycles and funeral escort vehicles (of which our bikes fall into both exempt catagories) as long as they have no insignia, from this section.
I solved this problem with the dual headlight mod. No need to carry any papers and the road is a little brighter with two lows burning.
I solved this problem with the dual headlight mod. No need to carry any papers and the road is a little brighter with two lows burning.

I don't need to hear this, I don't need to hear this, I don't need to hear this, (since I'm really wanting to go ahead and do this anyway)! Thanks.
Why not just flick the switch and show the cops the dim/bright arrangement if they stop you? Many cars have dual lights and one set is off when the lights are on dim.
Why not just flick the switch and show the cops the dim/bright arrangement if they stop you? Many cars have dual lights and one set is off when the lights are on dim.

I figure if the cop stops me because of his ignorance of how the lights on some bikes operate, he'll just say, "This one is burned out on dim."