My friend the Harley guy...


Professional test dummy
Nov 16, 2011
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kennesaw, Ga
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So I ran into my friend from highschool today, and found out he rides a Harley V Rod now. He started out by sayin " you know my Harley will outlast that Yamaha."
I just smiled and laughed and said "how do you figure?"
"Mine is an 03' and already has over 14k miles, its comfortable and gets better gas mileage and will run down that thing any day"
I said ok, mine is an 05' with 24k miles and I can run in the 11's in the 1/4 all day, ride home, and still get 49mpg.
he got all pissy and exclaimed that his was still a legend, and I said thats fine, ill stick with my Yamaha every day over a Harley.

It made me laugh, thought I'd share :D
That's when you should have said "put your money where your mouth is and meet me at the drag strip"
What cracks me up is that harley guys that try to start by justifying their bike over yours and bragging.More often than not, they are the ones who try to degrade anything not harley, and they only thing they can say about their bike is, it's a "real" bike or 'Merican (although its manufactured overseas and assembled in america). What they dont realize or accept is that the technology used for Harleys is legend, and exactly that. Everything is antiquated. Anytime you have to constantly rev your bike at a redlight to keep it from idling dead, something is wrong. I get a kick out of seeing there fat jiggle while they're stopped and the engines make their arms look like jello.

Sorry to rant, personally I do the "wave" to all riders. Even if your a 250 rebel, you're still riding, so more power to ya!
Sound's like your buddy has a bad case of buyer's remorse,and he's trying to make himself feel better......... and you took a BIG DUECE right in the middle of his day dream of having an awesome pile of junk... LOL He bought love it or sell it!! :BLAA: you know its goota suck making a $300 a month note and knowing a bike with half the engine size at a quater of the price can make him look like a fool....
My brother in law has a v-rod and thought he was king sh*t of turd mountain. We were out and a very long stretch of asphalt presented itself. He hit the gas and was shocked that I zipped past him without even flinching!
not to rain on y'alls parade and stuff but in a 1/4 mile the bigger displacement and torque of the V-rod would beat an FZ6. that said i would never own a Harley. and even though its still 20 year old tech, it is the most advanced Harley out there:rof: he'll regret his decision when the inevitable Davidson† occurs.

† Davidson - when your Harley breaks down and refuses to run in the most inconvenient of places, forcing you to finally use those Harley Walking Boots that you paid at least $100 for
not to rain on y'alls parade and stuff but in a 1/4 mile the bigger displacement and torque of the V-rod would beat an FZ6. that said i would never own a Harley. and even though its still 20 year old tech, it is the most advanced Harley out there:rof: he'll regret his decision when the inevitable Davidson† occurs.

† Davidson - when your Harley breaks down and refuses to run in the most inconvenient of places, forcing you to finally use those Harley Walking Boots that you paid at least $100 for

With his weight he would take the Harley, I'd put my paycheck on it.

He smoked me with a 17t on his bike, although I did wheelie almost the entire length of the track but he still smoked me
Great story!

Ya, how's that go again... 86% of all harley's sold since 19"?" are still on the road... the rest made it home.

I've yet to see the appeal of bike that you assume "the birthing position" to ride,all the while shaking you like a rolling vibrator, but each to his/her own:rolleyes:

I have an Uncle that I ride with frequently who loves his "sturgis" to death, and he can ride that thing like nobody's business. But assumes no "better than" status about it.
We did swap bikes years ago so as to see how they were and after me almost sailing through an intersection due to blurred vision and a merely decorative front brake lever and he doing an unintended "stoppie" with my ride, we swapped back with a promise to never do that again!
I've convinced a 2 out of the maybe 10 harley guys that I know that "Harley's" arnt all their cracked up to be by handing them the key to my bike. The first comment from all of them was "ain't no way my back can handle that hunched over ride" the 2 that I convinced we're the only ones who actually took me up on my offer and the first thing they said was "damn!" " that was nothing like what I was expecting" "I could ride that thing all day"
Yeah, I was "reassured" that I could easily pick up chicks if I rode a real bike (Harley). The things that you hear some Harley riders say... Reminds me of the sophomoric high school Chevy vs. Ford disputes decades ago. Anyway, I'm not so sure about wanting to ride around with some of today's Harley mamas.
Agreed after yet another "bike week" last month. One thing is for sure,harleys do have a very stout rear suspension with what I've seen gracing the back of said hogs...:eek:

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Quoting Motorcycle USA a stock FZ6 will run the 1/4 mile in 11.37 sec. @ 120.4 mph. did a comparison test of 7 cruisers and clocked the V-Rod at 11.91 sec. @ 112.6 mph.

For what it's worth, I went for a weekend ride with a friend and his Hardley pals one of whom had a V-rod which was a pretty nice looking bike. I asked the V-Rod owner what his fuel range was and he answered "not too bad, I get around 80 to 90 miles per tank"... :eek:
So I ran into my friend from highschool today, and found out he rides a Harley V Rod now. He started out by sayin " you know my Harley will outlast that Yamaha."
I just smiled and laughed and said "how do you figure?"
"Mine is an 03' and already has over 14k miles, its comfortable and gets better gas mileage and will run down that thing any day"
I said ok, mine is an 05' with 24k miles and I can run in the 11's in the 1/4 all day, ride home, and still get 49mpg.

Hi my name is Kenny and mine is an 06, but I bought in 07 and I have 80,000 miles.
Does he know that Porsche designed the V Rod motor? The heads are basically off of a ~ a '95 911.