Movie game!



This thread is for posting one liners from movies, so others can guess what movie your quote is from, and who said it. No Cheating!!!

I'll start;

"The price is wrong b*tch"
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This thread is for posting one liners from movies, so others can guess what movie your quote is from, and who said it. No Cheating!!!

I'll start;

\"The price is wrong b*tch\"

ha ha ha - J - you are an angel :) This one should be fun.
karm, this one is for you -

"you can doooo iiiittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
How about -

"Now that's a huge Biiiatch!!"

"Keep it in the circus"

"oh my good eeets biiig foot!!!!"
Here's one, from one of my favorite movies of all time -

"Does Scotty want a hug?"
stumbles is right, keep the movie "quotes" in "quotes". Hey, that's "weird"....."weird" :)

Chem i'm stumped on this one my friend.....
what?????? ha ah ah

Princess Bride - I would have used

"I am Anigo Montoya - you killed my father - prepare to die"

Come on Chem - give a little bit :)

Good guess J - dam you know your flicks.