Mounting a Cal Sci Windscreen


Missing The Fiz-Sometimes
Jul 14, 2008
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Plymouth, MI
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Hello all:

I'm having a heck of a time mounting my new Cal Sci windscreen. It seems to be too flat at the top for the machine screws to contact the fairing. I'm off to the hardware store now for some longer screws. My concern is that I don't want to damage the screen or especially the fairing by putting too much pressure on either.

I'll check back when I return, hopefully someone has done this and has some insight.

Many thanks!!
You can always leave it outside at the sun. Heat will make it more flexible. If you have a heat gun that will work too. Don't go too hot!!! You should be able to touch it without burning your hand. By the numbers stay under 300F or so and heat evenly.

The screen will get flexible for a little bit and will get strong as it cool down. So the trick is to put it on the bike as quick as you can, and throw a cold wet rag on it. It will help the screen to keep the form.

But again, if you use a heat gun... go easy!
Thanks, I think I'm going to pick up another mounting kit tomorrow (destroyed this one) and put the Yamaha screen back on tomorrow. The Cal Sci screen has a recycle bin ride in it's future.
I had to bend the top of mine when I put it on my bike. It is easier if you put in the 3 screws on one side first, then bend it slightly so that you can get the other side on. Also, only put the screws in a little bit at first til they are all started, then tighten them all up.

It should go on like that, there is some flex in it, so you should not be too worried about breaking it for the amount that it needs to bend (unless you already broke it?)
Thanks, I think I'm going to pick up another mounting kit tomorrow (destroyed this one) and put the Yamaha screen back on tomorrow. The Cal Sci screen has a recycle bin ride in it's future.

What happened? Did you melt it, or are you saying you mounted it and didn't like it?