missed shift question


Junior Member
May 4, 2008
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Ok here is the scenerio. Taking of from 1st, I get on it a little upto about 9000 rpm and shift up to second, but I don't make it to second, i'm in nuetral. Ok now what do I do? If I let the rpms drop back down to idle and shift up to 2nd while I am still going about 40 or so there is a huge clunk. Usally I let the bike slow down to about 20 or so then shift up and every thing is fine.

What do I do if this happens again:

1 slow down then shift

2 blip the throttle to about 6000 rpm then shift up to 2nd

3 thats all I can think of Please give me your suggestion or the correct thing to do.
I've only shifted up to 2nd twice when this has happened and both times the rpms were close to idle and both times there was a loud clunk, so I thought I had better ask the experts on here:bow: what they do in this situation.
I have done the same and will continue to shift it up to second. I also get that bad clunk noise when this happens or sometimes shifting to first. Is that clunk bad?
I have done the same and will continue to shift it up to second. I also get that bad clunk noise when this happens or sometimes shifting to first. Is that clunk bad?

I get it at least 3 times a week.. Basically when you go from 1st to 2nd you just gotta use all your strength and shove it into 2nd quick. Thats what I do.
If you forget to give it the extra strength then it will clunk again.
Ditto im guilty of doing the same, its lazy riding, i shift up after the embarrassment, or coast a while and shift when i dont think any one will hear the clunk.
My bike does this at the most inconvenient times. Going through an intersection and having this happen is scarry. When it happens to me I bring the clutch back in, blip the throttle a little bit and kick it up hard on the foot shifter and it always gets in second, quick roll up to 6k then up into 3rd and on my way. Sometimes if I get mad at my bike, I ride on the freeway in 2nd gear doing 70mph. I think my tach reads 10rpm steady. I think its laughing at me though cause it doesnt seem to care. Funny, where the heck is all my gas going? I have to agree though, the clutch between 1 and second is out of sync or something. Goodly effort from 1 to 2 seems to always work though.
Anybody think it could mean a oil change is needed? I know the clutch operates off the engine oil.
Anybody think it could mean a oil change is needed? I know the clutch operates off the engine oil.

I doubt it...i recently did an oil change and it still did it. I think its just pure randomness, unless like mentioned above you dont push all the way while shifting...
Are you guys wearing riding boots? I have found that with out boots 1st 2nd seems a long way for the leaver to travel.
I have never experienced a missed gear between 1st and 2nd. Have you tried clutchless shifting?
Do you still experience the same problem?
My guess is that all you gear boxes are screwed.......:liar: Sorry. I think that you are just not moving the gear lever enough.

It's nothing mechanical going wrong, its 100% rider error. I just didn't pop it up far enough to get it into 2nd.

Just wondering if it is best to blip the throttle again and pop it into second or if by blipping the throttle it would hurt the trany-engine-clutch.

Its never not, gone into 2nd after I did this im just trying to find out the best way to slip it into second from nuetral without it clunking.

These have always been at speed, not while cruising around. I have only done this maybe 4 or so times.

Heres the scenerio taking off from stop accelerate pretty hard in 1st gear up to about 9000 to 12000 rpm, QUICKLY pull clutch pop shifter up to go into second, QUICKLY back on gas and :eek::rant:(explitive here) it's in nuetral I didn't pop the shifter up far enough.

I am now going around 40 to 50 mph and I'm not in gear what should I do from here?

I only gave the scenerio because i didn't want you to think that it was every time I shift, just when I do it as stated above.

I will probably try what hunterfz6 mentioned and blip the throttle and pop it up.

Thanks for all the help and I'm glad I'm not alone with this situation.

Just be ready for the wheelie.. lol

It's nothing mechanical going wrong, its 100% rider error. I just didn't pop it up far enough to get it into 2nd.

Just wondering if it is best to blip the throttle again and pop it into second or if by blipping the throttle it would hurt the trany-engine-clutch.

Its never not, gone into 2nd after I did this im just trying to find out the best way to slip it into second from nuetral without it clunking.

These have always been at speed, not while cruising around. I have only done this maybe 4 or so times.

Heres the scenerio taking off from stop accelerate pretty hard in 1st gear up to about 9000 to 12000 rpm, QUICKLY pull clutch pop shifter up to go into second, QUICKLY back on gas and :eek::rant:(explitive here) it's in nuetral I didn't pop the shifter up far enough.

I am now going around 40 to 50 mph and I'm not in gear what should I do from here?

I only gave the scenerio because i didn't want you to think that it was every time I shift, just when I do it as stated above.

I will probably try what hunterfz6 mentioned and blip the throttle and pop it up.

Thanks for all the help and I'm glad I'm not alone with this situation.

Are you guys wearing riding boots? I have found that with out boots 1st 2nd seems a long way for the leaver to travel.
I have never experienced a missed gear between 1st and 2nd. Have you tried clutchless shifting?
Do you still experience the same problem?
My guess is that all you gear boxes are screwed.......:liar: Sorry. I think that you are just not moving the gear lever enough.


Good call Nelly, riding boots make a big difference.

The answer is #2, just slap her up into 2nd. I've had this happen maybe two or three times in 2,700 miles. Odd. On my GS it never happened in 35,000 miles, go figure.
When ever I hit neutral, I never go back down into 1st gear, unless i'm stopped. First gear IMHO and if you dont agree, thats ok. 1st gear is what you use when you are at a dead stop to get moving. Once at speed, there is no reason to use 1st gear, unless you need to slow down to a crawl and keep moving. Always up shift though.
When ever I hit neutral, I never go back down into 1st gear, unless i'm stopped. First gear IMHO and if you dont agree, thats ok. 1st gear is what you use when you are at a dead stop to get moving. Once at speed, there is no reason to use 1st gear, unless you need to slow down to a crawl and keep moving. Always up shift though.

Na I never go back down to first, i've always went up to 2nd. I've just got to pay more attention when shifting to make sure I get it into 2nd;)
1.)Smack it up to second and give it some throttle while releasing the clutch@ 9000 rpm you are already flying, down shift is not recommended.

2.) remove shift lever and lower it one tooth.

3.) Gently pull over while coasting(clutch in) then stop, get off your bike and look at it carefully all the while maintaining the attitude and appearance of confident rider. And mentally repeat the mantra " I will shift with smoothly but firmly from now on"
I had the same thing happen several times. To correct it, at every takeoff I made sure to exaggerate my shift into 2nd and it stopped happening. I practiced until this became habit. This won't help you when you're in neutral but it helped me to avoid missing the shift in the first place.
this happens to me from time to time. I'm usually not at high rpm's but it is embarassing when it happens. I have the concentrate on the 1-2 shift while the others are more natural.