Mac or PC

Mac or PC?

  • Mac

    Votes: 44 40.4%
  • I own a Mac, but I'd rather have a PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I own a PC, but I'd rather have a Mac

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • PC

    Votes: 64 58.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm a mac user as well. I don't buy Macs just because they look cool. I buy Macs because Apple is primarily a software company, and the Mac operating system is stable, fast, and the software selection is great for both paid apps and open source apps. It's also why I own an iphone. The iphone is cool looking, but it's the software on the phone that makes it stand apart from other smart phones.
That being said, I am a gamer as well, so I do have a custom built PC right beside the macbook pro. Everyone knows that if you are really into high performance gaming, you have to go with a pc + windoz.
I think most of the recent mac popularity is due to people jumping on a trendy bandwagon...people who use a computer for nothing more than email, web browsing and music. A smart phone has enough computing power for 95% of computer users.

That being said, I don't buy most of the mac arguments.

1) Viruses don't affect macs: wait until they have more than 5% market share. If I am writing a virus, I want to get as many people as possible, there are even fewer problems with linux...switch to that.

2) "It just works" I hear this a lot. As opposed to what? What kind of retard can't get a pc to "just work." I purposely buy extremely cheap pc's and they work fine for years and years. In fact, I had to have a mac at work, and it recently died (hardware failure....happens more with macs than people want to admit). You know what the solution for a mac hardware failure is? Throw the mother away and buy a new one. Getting the mac serviced is more money than buying a new pc. I got an old dusty pc that has been sitting in the garage for several years (it is almost 7 years old now) and took that to work, and it has been doing the job great.

3. Macs just look better. Right, because that is the reason we all buy computers. Oh, wait, not all of us follow MTV to see what is popular for the day.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with macs. With the exception of my work computer, the macs I have used work just fine. That is the problem, though. They work just fine....kind of like my pc's do for 1/3 the price. I just don't get all the excitement over some funny ads.
2) "It just works" I hear this a lot. As opposed to what? What kind of retard can't get a pc to "just work." I purposely buy extremely cheap pc's and they work fine for years and years. In fact, I had to have a mac at work, and it recently died (hardware failure....happens more with macs than people want to admit). You know what the solution for a mac hardware failure is? Throw the mother away and buy a new one. Getting the mac serviced is more money than buying a new pc. I got an old dusty pc that has been sitting in the garage for several years (it is almost 7 years old now) and took that to work, and it has been doing the job great.

I guess the same "retards" that strip oil pan drain plugs, can't remove a bar end, ask over and over again what type of oil to use, can't change a set of spark plugs..... I can go on and on and on.

Like anything there are people that just use it. Get on bike, put key in, turn key, start bike, put in gear, drive away. If anything goes wrong with that sequence MOST people would just take it in to be fixed.

Turn on computer, wait for start up, click on internet, go to favorite porn site, **** up computer, shut it down, restart it with a bunch of errors and numbers and words in the description. Take it to someone that knows what they are doing to fix it.

Not everyone can just "fix" a computer just like not anyone can work on a bike.

And there are more OS related F up's with windows regardless if its the users fault or not. Like most people here with their FZ6, I don't know much about a computers OS that I don't want to be spending my day figuring it out. I'd rather be riding.
Ok, I have been silent for way too long...

Face facts.

  • Apple is a Hardware + Software Vendor - but mainly Hardware (MacBook, MacMini, iMac, MacPro, iPod, iPhone, iDaho, etc.) Their software exists to complement their hardware... and they make their $$$ on the hardware NOT the software - analyst say that it is typically 50% of the cost is pure profit whereas the most PC vendors are in the 10-12%.
  • Microsoft is NOT a hardware vendor (except for a few items, like a mouse and a webcam);
  • Microsoft IS a software vendor (and they do WAY more than Windows XP/VISTA). do NOT trivialize Microsoft by limiting YOUR view of them becuase you don't know any better, they do NOT make money on hardware, they make it all on software.
  • OS X is a version of BSD Unix (other versions include FreeBSD and OpenBSD) with a CUSTOM Desktop UI (like Gnome or KDE both available for Free/OpenBSD)
  • Face it ALL home/personal use computers are "PC's"... yes, this includes the Mac <gasp>. By the very definition a "PC" is a Personal Computer. What is a Mac OTHER than a personal computer.
  • Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, OSX, BeOS, AmigaOS4, BSD, GEOS, and many others are ALL options on pretty much ANY hardare you buy today (yes the Mac can run XP, Vista, 7... and <gasp> a Dell can run OS X <Apple just makes it REALLY difficult to do it on anything OTHER than their APPROVED hardware>
  • Steve Jobs is an F*ing marketing GENIOUS -- anyone who could sell a Hard Drive with "TimeCapsule" and make it sound like he INVENTED the concept of data backup gets :rockon: from me! I can't fault him because he is way smarter than I. I could have written a backup applicaiton, called it Timecapsule, and bundled it with a HDD... and noone would care.

So it comes down to this...

Apple makes some of the BEST PC's in the world. You pay a premium for that. Many people WILL pay a premium for that (it is NO different than buying a Ducati over say a Hyusong). They make a crap load of awesome hardware (iPod and iPhone are great examples).

OS X will run on any "PC" and provide a "virtually" virus free, 'easy' environment. Linux will do the same.

Windows will run on any Intel based Mac.

SO at the END of the day, be clear on what you are "voting" on. Are you voting on the Mac hardware, the Mac OS, Dell Hardware, Sony Hardware, Windows Version _put your OS version here_, Linux, whatever...

Or, are you voting on a "package"... OS + Hardware.

Mac + OS X :rockon:
Sony + Windows Vista :rockon:
Dell + Linux :rockon:
Mac + Linux :thumbup:
Sony + OS X :thumbup:
Mac + Windows Vista :thumbup:

I think you get the picture.

And if you want to argue the facts, check yourself first. I have been a software developer since Bill Gates was in HS. I have worked on systems I guarentee you have never heard of let alone seen. I have seen "the best Hardware/Software/Computer EVER" come and go.

Oh... and one more thing...

OS X has less than 10% of the world wide market share. Those 10%'ers are very loud, but it doesn't change the fact that they are the Minority.

GO 10%'ers.
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I'm a PC (Microsoft) user, because they're easier to bootleg.



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Ok, I have been silent for way too long...

Face facts.

  • Apple is a Hardware + Software Vendor - but mainly Hardware (MacBook, MacMini, iMac, MacPro, iPod, iPhone, iDaho, etc.) Their software exists to complement their hardware... and they make their $$$ on the hardware NOT the software - analyst say that it is typically 50% of the cost is pure profit whereas the most PC vendors are in the 10-12%.
  • Microsoft is NOT a hardware vendor (except for a few items, like a mouse and a webcam);
  • Microsoft IS a software vendor (and they do WAY more than Windows XP/VISTA). do NOT trivialize Microsoft by limiting YOUR view of them becuase you don't know any better, they do NOT make money on hardware, they make it all on software.
  • OS X is a version of BSD Unix (other versions include FreeBSD and OpenBSD) with a CUSTOM Desktop UI (like Gnome or KDE both available for Free/OpenBSD)
  • Face it ALL home/personal use computers are "PC's"... yes, this includes the Mac <gasp>. By the very definition a "PC" is a Personal Computer. What is a Mac OTHER than a personal computer.
  • Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, OSX, BeOS, AmigaOS4, BSD, GEOS, and many others are ALL options on pretty much ANY hardare you buy today (yes the Mac can run XP, Vista, 7... and <gasp> a Dell can run OS X <Apple just makes it REALLY difficult to do it on anything OTHER than their APPROVED hardware>
  • Steve Jobs is an F*ing marketing GENIOUS -- anyone who could sell a Hard Drive with "TimeCapsule" and make it sound like he INVENTED the concept of data backup gets :rockon: from me! I can't fault him because he is way smarter than I. I could have written a backup applicaiton, called it Timecapsule, and bundled it with a HDD... and noone would care.

So it comes down to this...

Apple makes some of the BEST PC's in the world. You pay a premium for that. Many people WILL pay a premium for that (it is NO different than buying a Ducati over say a Hyusong). They make a crap load of awesome hardware (iPod and iPhone are great examples).

OS X will run on any "PC" and provide a "virtually" virus free, 'easy' environment. Linux will do the same.

Windows will run on any Intel based Mac.

SO at the END of the day, be clear on what you are "voting" on. Are you voting on the Mac hardware, the Mac OS, Dell Hardware, Sony Hardware, Windows Version _put your OS version here_, Linux, whatever...

Or, are you voting on a "package"... OS + Hardware.

Mac + OS X :rockon:
Sony + Windows Vista :rockon:
Dell + Linux :rockon:
Mac + Linux :thumbup:
Sony + OS X :thumbup:
Mac + Windows Vista :thumbup:

I think you get the picture.

And if you want to argue the facts, check yourself first. I have been a software developer since Bill Gates was in HS. I have worked on systems I guarentee you have never heard of let alone seen. I have seen "the best Hardware/Software/Computer EVER" come and go.

Oh... and one more thing...

OS X has less than 10% of the world wide market share. Those 10%'ers are very loud, but it doesn't change the fact that they are the Minority.

GO 10%'ers.

and on the flip side of my previous comment:

Most Intelligent and thought out post ever :thumbup:
Macs are for stupid people who don't know how to operate a regular computer and are willing to spend 2-4 times as much money on a trendy piece of crap.
Same goes for ipods/iphones.

You do know that Windows as you know it was originally modeled after a MAC OS, right? It was the first user-friendly interface. Maybe that's why I am stupid - I have no desire to learn code just to play Pong.

Anyway, I am a Mac user. I have had both Mac and PC, and I find Mac software easier to use. I was raised on Macs, and they have not gotten more difficult to use over time, and I don't find that they are just trendy piles of crap. I had a Mac in college, and never had a problem with viruses, hard drive failures, etc, while every roommate I lived with had issues with their PCs. I had the same laptop for five years (still have it actually, but it needs a power supply), and it always treated me well. PCs have always "died" on me in some way or another, usually a hard drive crash... Maybe it's a lame reason, and maybe it makes me an idiot, but I like things that don't break, and in my experience, that is a Mac.
I have Macs at home and both an IBM workstation and a Mac at work. The software on the Mac platform is more consistent in terms of design and UI than windows based software. Many Graphics programs have been ported over to windows, so those applications look and feel consistent, but many others have poor user interfaces.

If you're into tweaking things you can go into the unix command line on the Mac and run things directly, but for most OS X is fine.

I've found that windows is much more complicated when trying to add various hardware and configure it.

For me it's the throughness of the Mac's design that impresses me. The MacBook Pro is beautiful on the outside, meticulously constructed and has attention to the details. The OS is the same. Someone has thought through the look and feel of the entire interface. Attention to the user interface is even evident when adding a hard drive, a PCI card or more RAM.

I haven't run Windows on a Mac, but I know a few people that do. Some of them use Mac hardware exclusively with Windows because of the stability of the system. Others just use software that's OS specific and switch between OS X and Windows.

Hmm, Siemens PLM Software (Unigraphics) is now releasing native software for OS X - The full suite of CAD/CAM NX (currently NX 5) software and the Teamcenter process management software for PDM functions (workflow/database control). :cheer: This means I'd be able to use the Macintosh platform for all my work software, but I'll have to see how well they've implemented the release. Given that Macs are essentially UNIX based I'd think it should run very well, but we'll see.
So mac users are 10% of the population, but account for nearly 50% of the votes here. Mac users are clearly over-represented in the FZ forum. I wonder why?

I've used macs, own pcs, and work on linux servers in the office. I also still remember storing data on punch-cards, audio tape, and floppy disks that were actually floppy.

My take on the debate is: PCs are cheaper initially and have lots of options available in terms of both hardware and software to support it throughout its useful life. I really can't think of a practical reason to buy mac hardware or OS, just like I can't think of a practical reason to buy a get it because it's the toy you want to play with. And that is all the reason anyone needs to own one, assuming you're making a personal decision vs. a business decision.

I have to answer the "my pc got loaded up with viruses and spyware and macs never do" arguments. If your PC is loaded up with all kinds of stuff you don't want, you need to do 2 things:
1. Get a firewall and install it
2. Stop surfing "those" sites! :spank:

You do know that Windows as you know it was originally modeled after a MAC OS, right?

Not entirely true...

Xerox was the first to develop a GUI.

AndW" (the predicesor to the Unix "X" windows system) was released prior to the MAC as well. "

Of course we can't forget the Apple Lisa *Side note: I owned one of these babies!

However, the MAC *was* the first COMMERCIALLY SUCCESSFUL GUI based OS. But just becuase they were the first successful GUI based OS, doesn't mean that Microsoft copied Apple. Microsoft came out with Windows 1.0 shortly after the Mac was released; R&D was happening LONG before the anyone had SEEN a Mac.
Most ignorant post ever......
Excellent argument, you just pwned me!

How is my post "ignorant"?
This is exactly why I posted what I did, mac users are intolerant of any opposition to their platform. Why? I have no idea. Are you a part of an Apple cult or something?

If you don't know anything about computers and don't want to bother learning, go ahead buy a mac, I don't care.

The FACTS remain: They are overpriced. They are oversimplified. They are TRENDY.

For those concerned about hardware, realize this: Macs are proprietary hardware with software. MACS ARE JUST AS LIKELY TO HAVE HARDWARE FAILURES AS PC'S. So don't use "oh every pc i had broke" as an arguement for macs.
I bought my Macbook Pro refurbished right when the newest Macbooks came out. Originally a $2000 machine for $1350. awesome..

What forced my hand was I purchased a new laptop with vista and hated it. Many of the programs I use for work were not compatible and will never be. The new laptop did not have drivers available for xp and finding another have way decent laptop to run xp was becoming really hard to do.

I run windows xp on my mac all the time :D
For those concerned about hardware, realize this: Macs are proprietary hardware with software. MACS ARE JUST AS LIKELY TO HAVE HARDWARE FAILURES AS PC'S. So don't use "oh every pc i had broke" as an arguement for macs.

I have built a few PC's and I have very rarely had hardware failures,usually hard drives dying after a few years.Most problems I have come across are software based and seeing as most software was designed for windows based systems it makes sense that more PC's would fail than Mac's.
Having no experience with Mac's I can't really comment on them except to say that I don't very often hear complaints about them and now that most software vendors make versions for both Mac and PC it's probably a case of "you pays your money and you takes your chances"
For those concerned about hardware, realize this: Macs are proprietary hardware with software. MACS ARE JUST AS LIKELY TO HAVE HARDWARE FAILURES AS PC'S. So don't use "oh every pc i had broke" as an arguement for macs.

Although I have to agree macs are overpriced I do not agree with this statement...yet. laptop vs. laptop The macbook pro appears to be built much better than any other laptop I've ever owned.

After two years my last Dell totally fell apart. I replaced my charger 4 times!!! So far my mac has traveled overseas twice and countless other flights is holding up great. I am not an apple nutswinger whatsoever but I really don't have anything bad to say about them.
Although I have to agree macs are overpriced I do not agree with this statement...yet. laptop vs. laptop The macbook pro appears to be built much better than any other laptop I've ever owned.

After two years my last Dell totally fell apart. I replaced my charger 4 times!!! So far my mac has traveled overseas twice and countless other flights is holding up great. I am not an apple nutswinger whatsoever but I really don't have anything bad to say about them.

I never said they weren't built good. Macs are a lot like entry level luxury cars: Built well, somewhat slow, and expensive.

Is it really worth paying twice if not more for a macbook with a fraction of the computing power of a PC-based laptop?

I build computers too, I've learned a few programming languages and I know the ins and outs of computers, both software and hardware.

I built a top of the line gaming rig for $2,000. A mac for that price would be nowhere near the computing power, and I wouldn't be able to run any games on it.

I'm not against people using macs. People can buy and use whatever they want. I'm just sick of the blind faith people put into Apple and belittle anyone who doesn't follow their reasoning.
I own 2 macs at the moment. One is a iG3 book from about the turn of the century (i think), my wife still uses it for her school work, despite have a hard drive that you can't really use (because of size) it's going great and runs OS9. I also have a 2 year old Imac intel core duo, which hasn't missed a beat since i have owned it, in fact, except for a week or twos holiday the thing has run non-stop. I love them both because they do what i want them to do which is surf net, send emails, manage and alter my photos and videos etc. I don't use it for games as I have a PS3 and a Wii.

I don't understand why this subject gets people so upset, if you are a Mac user like me just be happy that we have what we have and it might be that only we know why they are so good. By the way Soviet Robot I am not Stupid, I do know my way around a computer, I built computers myself in college while studying. I am also not a trend follower otherwise I would ride an R1 and not an FZ6.
This reminds me...

You remember HAL from SPACE 2001, right?

You may already know this, but HAL was actually spelled by using the previous 3 letters of IBM.

Think about it:

The previous letter to I is H.
The previous letter to B is A.
The previous letter to M is L.

Getting back to the PC vs MAC subject, I think it's absurd to argue over whichever operating system, computer hardware or whatever is better. If you found what you like; GREAT!!! I like Microsoft, because it has an XBOX 360 gaming system that's got exclusive titles. I personally think MAC should try making a game system, because it might have some great potential. I wouldn't say Microsoft is the end all, be all company. I think Microsoft royally screwed up the 32 bit / 64 bit operating system formats, but that's MY opinion. I think Microsoft screwed up with the 1 GB RAM EATING VISTA operating system, but that's MY opinion. I think Microsoft can't launch WINDOWS 7 as early as possible, but that's MY opinion. Kool-Aid requires WAY TOO MUCH SUGAR to make, but that's NOT my opinion.

Anyway gentlemen, carry on.
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