LSL or Motovation

LSL or Motovation???

  • LSL Sliders

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Motovation Sliders

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Shelburne, VT
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ok.. i finally will break down and buy some frame sliders.. i know i know.. but i have at least narrowed it down to what i consider to be the 2 best brands..

any feedback on how they have faired in a crash would be great.. really would like more info on the lsl's. thanks all :thumbup:
Bought the Motovation Sliders for my bike and love them - simple to install and no frame modifications needed. Well worth the extra money in my opinion.
well.. i figured since they were both right around the same price, i would get some opinions on quality and how they hold up in a crash.. if someone knows where to get either cheaper im all ears :)
Bought the Motovation Sliders for my bike and love them - simple to install and no frame modifications needed. Well worth the extra money in my opinion.

+1 - first thing I did to my bike before I even rode it for the first time.
Remeber to use some LockTite on the threads.

I don't think most sliders will "hold up" well under a crash. Most are made of delrin (a Polyoxymethylene engineering plastic) and it will abrade very quickley against a road surface. Sliders main job are to protect from 'Stop & Flops' and low speed drops.

A few months ago I had an emergency stop and flop. The bike fell underneith me and the left slider took the hit well. Just dropping the bike onto it caused a nice little chunk of the slider to abrade if your bike went sliding down the road for any great distance, they won't last long (not designed to). The slider did it's job nicely however and saved my front faring and stator cover.

Sliders are one of the easiest and least expensive mod you can do to your bike. The minimal cost of the sliders easily outweigh the cost of replacing just one piece of body work!

I purchased mine directly from Motovation:
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i have the motovation sliders and fortunately i have not had to use them, so its hard to tell how good they are! but i think if you look around the site here they get the highest ratings. one note: be CAREFUL when you take out the bolts that are in there and replace with the new bolts through the sliders. i think i was trying to screw them in too fast and somehow slipped a thread. NOT GOOD. had to get the threads retapped. so just be sure to carefully get them in there straight and then thread very slowly, and be mindful not to screw them on too tight, because that can pop the threads as well. just a little bump with the allen wrench at the end. :thumbup:
thats my main thing for not buying sliders yet.. dont want to have to re-tap due to my own mistake :).. any more advise is really appriciated..
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Motovation sliders were useless in all my crashes... but it wasn't their fault :D I hear both LSL and Motovation are fine...
thats my main thing for not buying sliders yet.. dont want to have to re-tap due to my own mistake :).. any more advise is really appriciated..

That really shouldn't be reason for NOT buying sliders. It's a bolt; screw out, screw back in. Mods don't get any easier than that dude. :thumbup:

If you are screwing them abck in and you feel the bolt starting to bind or getting too tight before it's all the way in, back it out and try again. To be super safe, screw the bolts in like you would a tap; two turns in, 1/2 a turn out. Repeat.

I'm not really sure how much more 'advice' one requires about sliders. You either put them on or you don't. It truely is a 'bolt on mod'.
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well it wasnt the whole reason.. basically call it lazy or whatnot.. just have never gotten around to putting a set on the bike. doesnt help that i hear a few horor stories about ahving to re-tap things.. not my idea of a fun time ya know :).. but since i will be commuting this year with the bike, thought that it was time to bite the bullet.. thanks for the info
I think the T-Rex are cheaper and better than the motovation ones. $23 shipped from ebay. Now they come with new design with 2 ridges on them. Looks very good and high quality than the motovations. Why I say, coz the swingarm sliders I got from motovation were crappier than the extended frame sliders I had from ebay.
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My LSL's have taken a hell of a beating. There are 3 reasons I choose them over other sliders.

1) The low profile design makes it much less likely to crack the frame, or the bolt to snap off. Drilling bolts out and using easy outs is not as easy as it sounds.

2) The design of the crash pads that rotate to eliminate the bike from twirling and thereby keeping damage minimized and isolated. Seems to me that it'd also be less likely to flip the bike if it hit dirt or something like that. Low profile gives it less leverage. You can also replace just the pads at a fraction of the cost of the whole slider.

3) Probably the least important, but a deciding factor none the less is the style and color. The color matches the bike perfectly and adds to it rather than some of the standard cylinder style sliders.

Crash reports:

1)Went down at about 18mph, gravel in a uphill corner at around 1.5k miles. No damage to the frame, fairing. The slider pad had very little roughing up, nothing worth talking about.

2) Got taken out by a f-150 clipping my front end. The bike hit the ground hard as hell and slid under a neon's bumper. Most of the damage was caused by sliding under the car. The slider had some damage from hitting the ground so hard, but nothing too bad. The frame had no damage at all.

3) Low sided in a corner at the track at around 60mph due to oil at the bottom of the track. Bike slide smoothly and controlled into the dirt on the inside of the track(so did I). The fairing was ground a bit on the corner, the frame again was totally fine. The slider pad was ground down a good deal from the long slide.

Overall I'd recommend LSL sliders to anyone. They've worked great for me.
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i just bought the motovation front and rear axle sliders and i am putting them on tomorrow and i will post some pic's of them.
My LSL's have taken a hell of a beating. There are 3 reasons I choose them over other sliders.

1) The low profile design makes it much less likely to crack the frame, or the bolt to snap off. Drilling bolts out and using easy outs is not as easy as it sounds.

2) The design of the crash pads that rotate to eliminate the bike from twirling and thereby keeping damage minimized and isolated. Seems to me that it'd also be less likely to flip the bike if it hit dirt or something like that. Low profile gives it less leverage. You can also replace just the pads at a fraction of the cost of the whole slider.

3) Probably the least important, but a deciding factor none the less is the style and color. The color matches the bike perfectly and adds to it rather than some of the standard cylinder style sliders.

Crash reports:

1)Went down at about 18mph, gravel in a uphill corner at around 1.5k miles. No damage to the frame, fairing. The slider pad had very little roughing up, nothing worth talking about.

2) Got taken out by a f-150 clipping my front end. The bike hit the ground hard as hell and slid under a neon's bumper. Most of the damage was caused by sliding under the car. The slider had some damage from hitting the ground so hard, but nothing too bad. The frame had no damage at all.

3) Low sided in a corner at the track at around 60mph due to oil at the bottom of the track. Bike slide smoothly and controlled into the dirt on the inside of the track(so did I). The fairing was ground a bit on the corner, the frame again was totally fine. The slider pad was ground down a good deal from the long slide.

Overall I'd recommend LSL sliders to anyone. They've worked great for me.

good to hear some reports back on how they hold up. sounds like they do their job and do it well..

I agree with the cosmetic issue.. i thnk i am leaning moe toward the lsl due to just the styling.. as well as the performance... :thumbup:
Just look at them! I never saw nicer pads, plus, they do have lots of design advantages over the competition. The quality is superb. These are the cheapest since they aren't colored and are made of some special kind of plastic rather than metal. (The pads only, not the mounts.) I payed 60€ in Louis store in Austria. I just love them.
awesome picture man.. thanks alot.. yea those look killer on the bike, thats why i think i would buy them. plus it seems like they would stand up better in a crash.. and they are only a few buck more expensive. i have an ipod for sale in the classifieds.. when it sells i think im gonna get a set of blue ones.. any one have pictures of the blue ones?? thanks :thumbup: