Loud Pipes Debate...

Your Opinion On Loud Pipes

  • Yes. Loud pipes help make cagers aware of my presence.

    Votes: 95 51.6%
  • No. Loud pipes are nothing more than a nuisance.

    Votes: 89 48.4%

  • Total voters
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Here's what I found after some searching on AMA's website. Looks like 92 db is the limit for all motorcycles at idle. At the higher RPM (not specified what that RPM actually is) the limit is 100 db for 3 and 4 cylinder bikes, and 96 db for <3 cylinder and >4 cylinder bikes. This makes me wonder what the requirement will be for the person that brings the rare rotary-powered bike in for measurement. On the title for my RX7 it is classified as a 4 cylinder but that just shows how great the local DMV is, as I have seen others where it shows 0 cylinders. The sound is measured at a 45* angle from the exhaust, 20 inches from the pipe.

Here's the article if you want to read it all:
New stationary on-highway motorcycle sound test standard released by SAE
Well, due to laws here, I had to put a tip on the Two Bros to get it to where I hope it is legal. The other benefits are still in place, looks and weight reduction... Here's a before and after video taken today... You be the judge.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46siOOhG28]YouTube - FZ1 held back by the law[/ame]
I'm running late to leave for work so I can't find and post a link showing the testing methods for you, but if you want to look on the AMA site I'm sure they would be there.

But to answer your question, it is a set angle to one side of the centerline of the bike. I say one side because there was some discussion about changing it from being a pre-set side, to the opposite side of the exhaust outlet. On a center up design I guess it really wouldn't matter.


So what does that mean for us FZ6ers with the exhaust actually IN the middle of the centerline??? :eek: Ahhh, that 'splains (LUCCCYyyy :rof: ) why I see so many other bikes with pipes similar to the FZ6's! :spank: :eek:

And now, back to the regularly scheduled "debate" (of which I think I've already implied which side I'm on :) ). :popcorn:

(sorry, I'm a few Laphroaigs on an empty stomach after an EXTREMELY aggravating few days at work:Flip: - but there IS a yummy rib eye on the "barbie" :) )
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Dont call people racist because you disagree with them. Its bannable around here.

Well it was a racist comment....plain & simple...i was offended too...Aussie's have been banned for less! Not that i think anyone should be banned, as it was not malicious.....

In fact, shouldnt a racist comment attract more censorship, than making the call that someone has made a rascist comment....i am confused!

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I hope they dont take our pipes from us, I'm tired my freedoms being taken away. Loud pipes are definetly based on preference, but I think that alot of the public complain just because they can. sport bikes arent really that loud until you start hauling ass. otherthan that its just the straight pipe harley guys that give everyone a bad name. I think it has become to easy for boring, disgruntled, anti-social, fun jackers to change laws and other peoples way of life. Its always some rich person complaining about his property value or so old person complaining about us young whipper snappers and stuck up people who feel that the world needs to conform to their standards. why is it that all they have to do is cry and then instantly, a law is passed. Why is it that we dont get the same treatment when we fight for our freedoms? our freedom to ride with a great sounding exhaust. I just think that its to easy now days to take freedoms, but it is incredably hard to keep and recieve freedoms.
Meant as a racial slur or not it odvously is, a simple Google search will show you that. I don't see the problem in someone pointing it out, or taking offence to it.

Maybe it's just me.
Meant as a racial slur or not it odvously is, a simple Google search will show you that. I don't see the problem in someone pointing it out, or taking offence to it.

Maybe it's just me.

So it's not just me then.....i know of at least one other Aussie who also shares this opinion....

It seems that the name caller is being told it's ok to get personal with racial slurs! but you cant call them back...

Well it was a racist comment....plain & simple...i was offended too...Aussie's have been banned for less! Not that i think anyone should be banned, as it was not malicious.....

In fact, shouldnt a racist comment attract more censorship, than making the call that someone has made a rascist comment....i am confused!


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Nothing that has happend is cause for banning... 1st offence is a warnng is issued.. that has been done a warning has been sent...

It has been dealt with according to the site rules......

Thank you
Stock mufflers will not prevent anyone from getting a speeding ticket but I get away with speeding more with them since I slip past the cops ears & attention. Cops have pulled over guys on custom bikes and given them a ticket for loud pipes alone. I don't know about you guys but I hate being detained and delayed by the man for any reason.
When I see a bagger in my cage I roll up the windows if they are on my side since the sound from their pipes is always drowning out my music. My last bike had real loud pipes and the only thing I got was permenant hearing loss. Never again.:spank:
When the guy tested Troy Corsers Ducati on MCN video he came off the bike saying how loud the pipes were. This is a guy that rides a lot of bikes too.
Most racers wear ear plugs under their helmets and anyone that has loud pipes should too. I work around jets at the airport so I'm always wearing them and ear muffs too and have several slightly used sets of foam plugs that wind up at the house if anyone wants a set of ear plugs just drop me a pm.
So it's not just me then.....i know of at least one other Aussie who also shares this opinion....

It seems that the name caller is being told it's ok to get personal with racial slurs! but you cant call them back...


No intent to stir the pot... simply not comprehending the slur.

I only know of 3 references, and the most derrogotory one involves a character from a US Sitcom from the 1980's. The character's name was Skippy, and he was a bit of a dufus.

I tired a quick Google to see if I could figure it out, no 'luck'. No intent to insult anyone, just the observation that all things are not equal in perception.

I've learned something from this, about what NOT to say around an Aussie; but don't know why that is.
No intent to stir the pot... simply not comprehending the slur.

I only know of 3 references, and the most derrogotory one involves a character from a US Sitcom from the 1980's. The character's name was Skippy, and he was a bit of a dufus.

I tired a quick Google to see if I could figure it out, no 'luck'. No intent to insult anyone, just the observation that all things are not equal in perception.

I've learned something from this, about what NOT to say around an Aussie; but don't know why that is.

Do you have Google Safe Search on or off? I have it off and what I found about that word in Australia, I cannot repeat here. I also fully understand why the guys down under got upset.

Now, to ALL.... no more talk of the racism, banning, and the name calling. Stick to the topic please. If this thread continues off topic with the broken rules, I will close it. For reference, the use of the word Skippy without peanut butter and the mention of it's use in a sandwich is no longer tolerated on the International FZ6-Forum.

Carry on... the topic is Loud Pipes Debate.
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I freakin love my loud pipes...and i know how to ride, i think. They are a audible warning...have first hand experience of this...but i can also see why people get offended by them....

There is also the discretion factor...if you have loud pipes, keep them quiet where you know they will offend.

I used to think there could be merit to this until I contemplated the facts, which most of us probably heard during our safety courses:

- Approximately three-fourths of these motorcycle accidents involved collision with another vehicle, which was most usually a passenger automobile.
- The most frequent accident configuration is the motorcycle proceeding straight then the automobile makes a left turn in front of the oncoming motorcycle.

If this is the most common scenario in which someone doesn't detect the other bike, ie someone pulling out into front of the bike because they didn't see it, then I have a tough time believing that they're going to hear that bike coming from the other direction. Especially in a car with the air blasting and the radio on.

Even on the highway, at speeds of about 60-70, a bike with loud pipes isn't that audible usually until they're right on top of you.

That said, I still plan to put some custom pipes on mine (brand new black FZ6, taking delivery on Thursday), because yeah I like the sound. Probably not something too loud, though, I don't want to get kicked out of my apartment complex. :) If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them. Thanks!
I've not read a single post in this thread, reason being this is SOOOO much like an oil thread. But I love a good oil thread.

Here's my take on this in a nutshell (yes I'm bored stiff waiting to fly back to the US).

1) Loud pipes don't save lives, proactive defensive riding skills, and environmental awareness will save your life. Learning to recongnize a dangerous situation and how to get out of it is the key, not noise.

Remember my post from a few weeks ago? My Jardine is very loud and I almost got tagged. Awareness, scanning for cars, anticipating the driver and rider skills save my left leg.

2) The vast majority or not all motorists dislike a loud pipe. The more "we" piss off motorists the more we alienate motorists, not good. We as a community of motorcyclists need to build bridges to motorists.

Whenever a Harley goes by with straight pipes my hurt and I'm pissed, it's obnoxious, rude and self-centered.

3) On a race track an loud pipe is great. There is nothing like the sound of a big Duc with loud Termis, or a pumped GSXR1000 with a screaming pipe, but not on the street.

I'm OUT!
That said, I still plan to put some custom pipes on mine (brand new black FZ6, taking delivery on Thursday), because yeah I like the sound. Probably not something too loud, though, I don't want to get kicked out of my apartment complex. :) If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them. Thanks!

Hi kpaul, welcome to the fazer way of life.
Enjoy your new ride for a while before you do any changes to the sound. the apartments will get used to hearing you and know your OK as long as your not twisting the throttle or idling too long in the space you should be fine.
The bike doesn't need any warm up before you ride away so make the start button one of the last things on your pre flight.
Well it was a racist comment....plain & simple...i was offended too...Aussie's have been banned for less! Not that i think anyone should be banned, as it was not malicious.....

In fact, shouldnt a racist comment attract more censorship, than making the call that someone has made a rascist comment....i am confused!

Australian Slang - Damn Skippy - Racist? - Topix

This is not known as a racist term in the US. I was wrong. I am certain that coming from a US person it was not known as a racist term. We dont know you guys slang just like you dont know ours. Here Skippy is like Jack, or Bob just a name.
Many people find issue, with shelling out $500+ dollars for a glorified defective muffler.:D

It always comes back to the simple fact that someone will be looking for justification to do what they want to do. Or not do what they don't want to do. Have at it. Just try and be considerate. Pooping in your own nest has negative consequences.:banghead:

The cans are pretty, in some ways. They sound better, in most scenarios. They definitely get more attention. Admit it. If you spend the money, the justification is you want more noise.:rockon:

Some folk ride, so they can get more attention. That's a moth circling a flame, and there'e not a lot anyone is going to do about that. That will inevitibly draw some to purchase such 'mufflers', or gut their OEM system, etc etc.

Is it an empty act of performance enhancement? Do you really need to lose 7 lbs off the bikes weight? We already know the can all by itself is not going to increase HP, so it's not going to improve acceleration by any measurable amount merely by the weight loss.

Assuming the rider weighs 175 lbs, plus the bike at ~450.... total package weight then becomes 725 lbs....does a 718 lb package accelerate appreciably faster? That borders on a 1% weight change. Roughly the same as a gallon of fuel.

That matters in rocketry, and to a lessor degree in aircraft..... and to a VERY slight degree with motorcycles.
Australian Slang - Damn Skippy - Racist? - Topix

This is not known as a racist term in the US. I was wrong. I am certain that coming from a US person it was not known as a racist term. We dont know you guys slang just like you dont know ours. Here Skippy is like Jack, or Bob just a name.

I had no idea.... My friend Pete's nick name is Skippy because he has on at least two occasions lost it on his motorcycle and went skipping down the road . :D That was years ago however, he has been battling diabetes and still occasionally rides his Honda VFR800 Interceptor with both legs gone below the knees. One day I will post a thread with more about this, hope to ride with him soon and get some pics.:thumbup:
Dennis posted rules. I posted a final warning about the rules and the use of the offensive word.

This thread is closed. Move along folks. Nothing more to see here.
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