Losing hope in humanity, at least in my city


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Mar 28, 2009
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Toronto, Canada
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So last night i got rear ended driving my car. when i got out i told myself to be polite and calm. then i got a little angry because when the lady driver came out, she didn't apologize and instead said "ohhh doesn't look bad at all." then her teenage son came out and said "hey looks like there's no damage."

it was raining and dark so can't really see. today during the day i went to my dealer. after cleaning the rear bumper there are a small dent and scratches. it's textured plastic so you cant buff it out nor paint it. so have to get it replaced, $1100 canadian dollars. i'm letting insurance deal with it.

i called them a few times and no pick up. then when the husband picked up. all i wanted to ask is if he wanted to deal with it privately so his insurance won't take a hit. first thing he said was "call me again i will call police for harassment."

seems like his whole family are made up of people who can't be responsible for their actions. i'm a little bitter because they've cause me a lot of inconveniences and they aren't sorry one bit.

seems like people like them are everywhere in my city, toronto. sometimes it makes me want to move somewhere else. how's UK, Australia, or Denmark or Norway? I've always wanted to move to Norway because it's so beautiful there. oh did i mention the beautiful women? :rockon: too bad it seems like it's only a pipe dream right now because i don't speak fluent Norsk.
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Those people are probably crooks and used to screwing other people and getting away with it. Obviously, your're not the first they've messed with. There are many folks like that in the USA too.

Just the let insurance company deal with it. Insurance companies love to go after people for money.

I hope you get your bike fixed soon. Are you still able to ride while you wait for a part and maybe you can put the part in yourself when convenient?

Anyway, don't let folks like this bother you -- what comes around goes around and rest assured, they will get theirs.

Like Dennis said, file a claim with your insurance and let them go after them. Worst case, take them to small claims court, or whatever is equivalent in Canada.
I don't know about Canada, but calling someone in the US who has caused an accident is NOT harassment.

My recommendation is to always carry a disposable camera in your glovebox and always get insurance information. Snap a pic of the license plate and any damage. If there is any damage, get a police report.

Sounds like your insurance company is a decent one and they will track them down for the money.
Wow thats lame.
Just put it through insurance, if they make a fuss well you already contacted them, and they threatened you, which you construed to be them being unwilling to take responsibility and you let insurance deal with it. They don't really have a leg to stand on.
I hope the insurance company charges them double and they lose no claim discount or something.
There's a lot of scumbags out there man, I'm sorry to hear that. At least you didn't get hurt or weren't riding your bike.

Its up to us responsible, sensible folks to stay calm and rational and spread our positive influence on others. Because without people like us, the world would be filled with scumbags like them. So keep your head straight on this because we're the only reason humanity isn't a complete and utter failure....yet.
i know exactly what you mean...something like this happens and people like you get out of their car trying to be calm, and other people make it impossible..just that effort, if embraced by everyone would change the world but no..people choose to direct their lifelong disappointment on you..on a totally random stranger..congrats to you if you kept your cool..i got cursed at as the first thing that came out of this persons mouth once...why?? for wanting the parking spot they were blocking horizontally as they were waiting for someone..some people cant accept and apologize, and when that happens i feel like sticking a bazooka in their mouth
Dont bother moving. Its the same everywhere in the world. Stupid people breed in all corners of the globe.

My brother was hit by a car whilst riding his beloved 1000. Under the speed limit, obeying all road rules & whammo. Chick turns across his path & smacked him flush on the leg.

My brother said he was lying on the road with his right leg broken in 18 places & a woman holding his hand. He could hear another woman crying in the back ground full of remorse & repeating "im sorry, I didn't see him".

3 years later & he was still trying to find the woman to compensate him for the bike. Her insurance took care of everything else.

That poor remorseful woman had moved 200km away & changed her name by deed poll just to avoid paying her dues.

Finally caught up with her & she declared herself bankrupt........... didn't pay a cent.

My brother has 3 Ti rods in his leg, a 6 inch plate, 7 short screws, 9 long ones & a limp.
If I found her I would put broken glass in her corn flakes.

Before I end this rant.......................Nordic women are hot. The one I test drove banged like a screen door in a wind storm :rockon:

Am I allowed to say that?
That was cool of you to try to let them take care of the damages without going through the isurance pirates, too bad for them they wouldnt take you up on your offer. Good for you for keeping your composure too, that makes me think the world has a few decent people still.:thumbup:

I was involved in a accident some years back and while it truly wasnt my fault, I got a ticket for failure to yield even though she crashed into me on icy streets and it cost me a lot in every way. And I also got screamed at because, "MY BEAUTIFUL CAR IS TRASHED YOU A$$HOLE!!!!" I had to ask her how come her front end is buried into the side of my car and I'm the a$$hole?

I guess we learn something from everything that happens to us if we're smart, right?
Norway is a good place to move to least amount of unemployment in Europe. Very expensive...but that is relative.

But you get ars""oles in every country so you need a better reason that yours to try and get in there.

Norway is a good place to move to least amount of unemployment in Europe. Very expensive...but that is relative.

But you get ars""oles in every country so you need a better reason that yours to try and get in there.


Hej, haha true. actually it's my dream to come to Scandinavia. So i guess a work permit like the Danish green card or i need to marry someone :BLAA: might be awhile and requires lots of dedication but it's something positive to look forward to :rockon: