LOOOOONG Signatures

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As I said this was diredted at this comment! lol
yes, weird problems... if an admin of the forum (Wolfman) wants to list his mods in his sig, he should be allowed to without being insulted ("narcissistic").

Meaning since he is a mod he is "god" so sit down and take it! That is not my way, is it yours? Come on David you're smarter than that, give me an intelligent response.
Geez guys, come on...one of the things that brought me here from the "other" forum is that we're all good people focused on the bikes, and riding. Who really gives a darn...

*Fizzy goes off to edit his sig*
Geez guys, come on...one of the things that brought me here from the "other" forum is that we're all good people focused on the bikes, and riding. Who really gives a darn...

*Fizzy goes off to edit his sig*

I couldn't agree more! Post a ride in my area and I'm there!
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A signature as a rule of thumb, in my humble opinion, should usually not be longer than a small-medium sized paragraph. When I made mine, I was already thinking I was pushing the limits of "signature decency".

Regarding Wolfie's sig specifically, it's not extremely bad now but could be trimmed up more if you got ride of the aussie flag on it's own line and put the link in with the text. You can differentiate different elements with different font sizes and colours, so the fact that there are no empty spaces isn't really noticed.

The problem with signature size usually comes from pictures PLUS a whole BUNCH of text as in Wolfie's case.

Look at my sig, and Krid's sig. They have text and images, but are clustered in tight and will not take up anyone's entire screen or even half of it.

So, bottom line, in my opinion:

A signature should be just that, a signature. When scrolling through a page, signatures should be a tidy little cluster that is VERY easily distinguished as a separate element. Your eyeball should be able to gloss over signatures and pick apart a thread and scan for posts you want to read, or find. You should not get caught in a maze of signatures and post-content that are intermingled.

A great way to accomplish that is to limit font size to the smallest, and bring everything in tight.
A signature as a rule of thumb, in my humble opinion, should usually not be longer than a small-medium sized paragraph. When I made mine, I was already thinking I was pushing the limits of "signature decency".

Regarding Wolfie's sig specifically, it's not extremely bad now but could be trimmed up more if you got ride of the aussie flag on it's own line and put the link in with the text. You can differentiate different elements with different font sizes and colours, so the fact that there are no empty spaces isn't really noticed.

The problem with signature size usually comes from pictures PLUS a whole BUNCH of text as in Wolfie's case.

Look at my sig, and Krid's sig. They have text and images, but are clustered in tight and will not take up anyone's entire screen or even half of it.

So, bottom line, in my opinion:

A signature should be just that, a signature. When scrolling through a page, signatures should be a tidy little cluster that is VERY easily distinguished as a separate element. Your eyeball should be able to gloss over signatures and pick apart a thread and scan for posts you want to read, or find. You should not get caught in a maze of signatures and post-content that are intermingled.

A great way to accomplish that is to limit font size to the smallest, and bring everything in tight.

Who asked the white monkey for his opinion? (see it's stuff like this that this that gets banned!):)
9 members viewing this thread! Trainwreck lovers! :D

I will come out and say it, I like to watch. I was on top of Daves thread with the park picture.

LOL! Ditto

Geez guys, come on...one of the things that brought me here from the "other" forum is that we're all good people focused on the bikes, and riding. Who really gives a darn...

*Fizzy goes off to edit his sig*

I dunno, three words might be a crowd :) j/k
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