Looking forward to this one in theaters

Boring... You don't need to watch this movie just because you love to ride. I'd rather spend the time riding instead.
Man, you don't know how bad I need to see this video. After being hit by someone who said they never saw me, has me a bit nervous about getting back on the bike.

It would kill me not to ride, but I don't think I can ride every day like before I was hit. That has been taken away from me, because of fear. I'm praying on it, because I know God did not give us fear.

At the time I was hit, I had a white helmet, Blitz hi viz jacket, and the dual headlights, and he did not see me. That has me gun shy.:spank:
Man, you don't know how bad I need to see this video. After being hit by someone who said they never saw me, has me a bit nervous about getting back on the bike.

It would kill me not to ride, but I don't think I can ride every day like before I was hit. That has been taken away from me, because of fear. I'm praying on it, because I know God did not give us fear.

At the time I was hit, I had a white helmet, Blitz hi viz jacket, and the dual headlights, and he did not see me. That has me gun shy.:spank:

Give it some time, man. Remember that no matter how visible you make yourself, there is no guarantee everyone will see you. Maybe take a refresher course to get your confidence back up?
Thanks Erci, this looks awesome!

I think this is something for those who ride show to their friends and family, to ease their stress about you riding or to INFECT THEM! :sinister:
Thanks Erci, this looks awesome!

I think this is something for those who ride show to their friends and family, to ease their stress about you riding or to INFECT THEM! :sinister:
Haha my sentiments exactly... I was going to watch it with the girly and then try and teach her stick again (I would not throw her on a bike with out her knowing stick in a car first)
Man, you don't know how bad I need to see this video. After being hit by someone who said they never saw me, has me a bit nervous about getting back on the bike.

It would kill me not to ride, but I don't think I can ride every day like before I was hit. That has been taken away from me, because of fear. I'm praying on it, because I know God did not give us fear.

At the time I was hit, I had a white helmet, Blitz hi viz jacket, and the dual headlights, and he did not see me. That has me gun shy.:spank:

Check this out man. It got me ready to get out there after I went down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dytQvJefFW0]o#o Why Ride a Motorcycle? - YouTube[/ame]
Kinda gets your juices flowing,especially when you see the enthusiasm of the kids.

The little kid saying he wants his own kids one day and can't wait to pass this on to them.. that's really good stuff right there! :thumbup: