London Riots

Im sorry but I wish I was there with my AK showing them how born and rained Ukrainian handles business.
Good luck to you Nelly and all the other Brits on this forum, as well as your families. I didn't realize it was as serious as it is until I turned on my t.v today. Hopefully the worst of it has already passed and hopefully things will return to normal and Justice will be served.
The trouble seems to have passed thank god.
There have been sparks of hope that might sew the fabric of society back again.
Three young men were killed when a car mounted a pavement and hit three young men who were trying to protect their family store.
Tariq Jahan, the father of Haroon Jahan, one of the men who died, told the BBC: "I've got no words to describe what, why he was taken and why this has happened." "Blacks, Asians, Whites this is our community, lets live together.
UK Riots, Birmingham: Dad Says Three Men Killed After Being Struck By Car Were Protecting Community | UK News | Sky News
A very honourable man.

One mother saw her child out rioting, and promptly took him to the courts this morning.

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Ok, neice is fine. She flew back to London yesterday and her home in Clapham is fine.

Little buggar flew to Bali for a friends wedding. It would have been nice to have been told :eek:

"I thought you knew I was in Bali......" LOL

Happy now :D