Learned how to bump start this morning


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
So I knew my battery was starting to go as it would take a charge, but didn't seem to hold it if I didn't ride for more than a week. Rode fine yesterday and it fired up this morining. Stopped for fuel a few blocks from work and she wouldn't fire back up! Dimming display and clicking. Dead.

Before I could get off, a hepful gas station attendant came out and asked if I needed a push start. I greatfully accepted his assitance and said that I had never bump started a bike before. I had done it many times in a car, but had yet to try it on a bike. He knew how from being a dirt biker and said to keep it in Neutral then pop it into 2nd and when it fires, pull in the clutch. Worked like a charm first try!!

So I parked up on a hill today so I can start it for my ride home today. Called my local dealer and he had a charged up factory GT 12B-4 battery in stock that I will get a co-worker to drive me down later to pick it up. Wont help me out any untill I get home and can install it. Cost is $124.00 CDN. I'm hoping for a bit of a discount. Not too bad though considering my current battery is the one that came with the bike and has lasted since late 2004. Can't complain too much.
Kinda fun huh? I used to do that with my race bikes. I thought I was cool. :rolleyes:
That's one of the first things I did when I got my first manual transmission car, so I guess I need to learn to do this on the bike too. Why wouldn't you put it in first with the clutch in an pop the clutch in 1st?
Good that you now know how to do it. I used to have to start my Seca that way all the time. If I never have to do it again, I'll be happy, but it's good to know that you're not totally stuck if your battery dies.
i've only had to do that once on my bike,a nd it was much more nerve-rackng then in the car. we used to have to bump start rob's car every time we wanted to use it, 'cause the battery was so cooked..... it's a good skill to have.
be careful to not rely on it too much though, if the battery is completely dead then it will not fire, it needs at least some power to turn on the fuel pump and get gas to the injectors. If there is 0 charge on the bike then it will never fire and you will just end up tired and at the bottom of a hill...
So I knew my battery was starting to go as it would take a charge, but didn't seem to hold it if I didn't ride for more than a week.


I RESENT THAT!! :spank:

Before I could get off, a hepful gas station attendant came out and asked if I needed a push start.
A gas attendant helped you get off????,- I demand to know where this gas station is!! :)
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^^Someone is on the ball this morning!

...well if gas station dudes float your boat...

Yeah I had to leave her sitting for a week when my wife was away on business and it was just me and my 16 month old. Had to use the car to get her to and from daycare each day.
^^Someone is on the ball this morning!

...well if gas station dudes float your boat...

Yeah I had to leave her sitting for a week when my wife was away on business and it was just me and my 16 month old. Had to use the car to get her to and from daycare each day.

Call your wife's boss, and make sure he understands the severity of the situation, - this cant happen again :)
be careful to not rely on it too much though, if the battery is completely dead then it will not fire, it needs at least some power to turn on the fuel pump and get gas to the injectors. If there is 0 charge on the bike then it will never fire and you will just end up tired and at the bottom of a hill...

This is totally correct but having said that if the FZ6 has a teaspoon of power in it then you can bump it off.

This must be the worst bike on the planet for having so little battery power in reserve.

Yeah my volt meter reads 12.2VDC, but not under cranking load - it bottoms out to like 8.5VDC with you thumb the starter. Not enough Amps to crank, but enough to run the bike once going.

New battery should fix all that though...
This is totally correct but having said that if the FZ6 has a teaspoon of power in it then you can bump it off.

This must be the worst bike on the planet for having so little battery power in reserve.


try being forgetful and leaving the turned to on with the headlights on all day and then try to bump start a bike....

I speak from experience on this one :)
Before I figured out what the issue was with my Bandit, I would have trouble from time to time getting it to start. So, sometimes I'd resort to bump starting her. So, I thought I'd share a story with you guys.

I was at the gas station and much to my frustration, she wouldn't start once I had pumped the tank full. So, I decide to push her off. It's hot and muggy...and I give her a good go, and nothing. Then I realize, I forgot to turn the key...:spank: and had to do it all over again :)
LOL....I have had to do this to start just about every pile of junk bike i've owned since childhood.my first memory of it was when I was 11 with my yamaha 175,and the 100 or so piles that followed.I could run the 40 yard dash in 4.6 second's by the time I was 13....:rof: AWW memories...:rockon:
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I like bump starting the bike. For some reason I get a kick out it. Use to rely on it with the dirtbike when I stalled the motor on some down hills. I tought my roommate how to do it on his GSXR. Now he wants to do it all the time, lol.

Funny, I just learned this yesterday, at a gas station about 100 miles from home. I forgot to turn the bike all the way off, with the high beams on (I always have them on for 2 lane highways), and sat down for a one hour discussion with the bf. He left on his bike, and I went to start mine...r-r-r, no go.... Called someone for advice and was told how to bump start, but of course there wasn't a big enough hill and nobody around to help. I tried a few times on my own anyway with no luck - you really need a hill or some push speed! Just at the point I was absolutely despondent, two good Samaritans - who indicated they were bike owners - appeared, reassured me, instructed me to leave the bike in 2nd, gave me a quick push for about 25feet, told me to pop the clutch "now"! and it worked first try. A great thing to know, but I hope I'll never have to use it on my bike again.
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