last ride for a while

In in the ER now waiting on a consult for my broken left tibia. I was
Risking slowly on a gravel road and hit a muddy area. The bike fell and the result is a badly broken tibia. Kind of puts a damper on the day.

crutches suck. pain meds suck. not doing stuff SUUUUUCKS. but, you did it in november, meaning, you'll be healed and strong as an ox again come spring. look for the positive !
Finishing my first week recovering from my broken leg. I'm bored. It was certainly bad luck to wind up this way from a low speed lo side that 99 times out of a hundred (or more) would require nothing more than standing the bike up and cleaning up some muddy parts to get home. My route home was a bit more circuitous, through two hospital ERs.

My bike still needs the mud to be cleaned, but that's all. It is resting comfortably in my garage awaiting the time when I am fit enough to clean it, which my doctor says will be no sooner than the first week of March. That is when, if the surgery goes well, my leg can once again be weight bearing.

Surgery is this Friday, so until then you can find me here in bed reading the FZ6 forum on my iPod.
just catching up with your story, sorry to hear/read it
get well soon, we'll try and post interesting stuff for you, but theres always the rest of the interweb
hope the surgery goes well
Well at least you should be better by the time next prime riding season comes around. I'll raise a beer for your speedy recovery!
Fingers crossed for you on Friday. Surgery .... tibia ... aaaww man I don't fancy any of that. You take care dude ... make the most of your time off. March will soon come around and you can start playing again. Speedy recovery m8.
Once again I am grateful for all your good wishes and positive thoughts regarding my recovery. It really does brighten these otherwise dreary days, and speaks volumes about the wonderful folks all over the world who ride the FZ6.
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I'm happy to report that surgery went well and my doctor predicts an excellent outcome. I'm a bit loopy from all the narcotics I need to take for the pain, but that will diminish as I taper off of them. The whole hospital experience was a lot more pleasent than I expected, but whenever I answered the inevetable question "how did you break it?", I got one or two of the hospital staffer's favorite motorcycle accident horror stories.
Good to hear you are making a great recovery:thumbup:

It's always a bummer when you have an accident, but at some point it's a great story to tell.
Flydoc;453221The whole hospital experience was a lot more pleasent than I expected said:
Tell me about it dude. I get it almost every day when I walk in with my helmet in hand. They all think I'm a hypocrite for being a doc and riding a motorcycle, but then again most of those people have never been on one, so they can't really talk.

Like I said before, just take it easy, do your PT religiously, and start slow when you get back into riding. (notice "when", not "if") :thumbup:
I'm happy to report that I took my first crutchless steps since the incident today. A bit unsteady, but steps nonetheless. I'm doing physical therapy to rebuild the strength and range of motion of my ankle. Hopefully it won't be long before I can clean up the FZ6 and get back on the road.
I haven't touched the bike since it was stowed in my garage, so it still has some of the mud that caused the fall on it. On the rear tire you can actually see how the rear slid out from under me by the pattern of the mud still clinging to the tire. Before
i clean the bike, I'll post photos so you can see.
I'm happy to report that I took my first crutchless steps since the incident today. A bit unsteady, but steps nonetheless. I'm doing physical therapy to rebuild the strength and range of motion of my ankle. Hopefully it won't be long before I can clean up the FZ6 and get back on the road.
I haven't touched the bike since it was stowed in my garage, so it still has some of the mud that caused the fall on it. On the rear tire you can actually see how the rear slid out from under me by the pattern of the mud still clinging to the tire. Before
i clean the bike, I'll post photos so you can see.

Happy to hear of your recovery!! :cheer:
You will be up and running in no time mate :thumbup:

