Knee Protection

I have a pair of the icon field armour which is 98% the same from the looks of it.

They slide down and the velcro is itchy. If you wear a cut sock or something under them they stay in place and don't itch.

I got them during my first riding season and made use of them when I went for a few tumbles. In the end, though, they were too much trouble to wear on a regular basis so I stopped wearing them after a couple months.

They make for a great backup to cheap hockey goalie pads that slide around on your legs. That way if you go diving for a ball and the goalie pads shift you can still take impact with your knee without hurting yourself.
The armour slides around in those pants. I've crashed in those too, haha. It shifts around and each time I've fallen in armoured pants the armour wasn't where it needed to be when i made impact.
I use pads like that on my mountain bike. There are a different brand, but the pads moving can be an issue. To echo the above, my leather riding pants work very well and the pads stay put. I have unfortunately tested them, but walked away.( Joe Rocket Blaster pants). It comes down to what fits your body the best.
I got the Thor knee pads, and I'm very happy with them...They're much better than any knee pads that come standard in any ridding jeans that I've found...The Thor along with my Bohn shorts make for a good combination...