Just took a BUZZARD BIRD to the helmet at 60 mph!

Agree if you head/neck still hurts, see a Doc now.

Good on you for staying upright! I've had some close calls with Red Headed Eagles, they are so slow to get airborn. These birds are B52's with wings.
Wow. Glad to hear your OK. I would also suggest seeing a Dr. and getting a script for a CTscan at least. Better safe than sorry.

I once got pelted by a rather large beetle. Felt like I got punched in the shoulder. Not fun and cleanup was disgusting.

Glad your OK though.
Glad your OK :thumbup:

Similar experience to the time a hit a Flying Fox :eek: at 100kmh it was like hitting a freight train head on....... There is a pic floating around the boards of my black eye & ever since that morning I NEVER EVER EVER ride with the visor up :D
Don't know about the whole state of Ohio, but they don't even pick up the dead deer from car hits in my county anymore. Thus, the turkey buzzards are feasting on the side of the road on all the carcasses for months on end. Add onto this exploding deer and turkey populations, and farmers who plant their crops 10 ft up to the side of the road and it really starts taking the fun out of the riding experience. I hit a bambi last Aug., I also didn't go down (thank God) but it was over 3 grand to repair the bike. The animals are definitely my biggest fear anymore when riding a bike.
UPDATE: Well I'm feeling pretty good this morning considering. Neck is still a little stiff but my headache is gone, a good sign.

I picked the buzzard up on the way home...here's a better idea of the size of this thing:

Damn...that's one huge mother f'n bird!!!

We get those things around here in droves too and I've had a couple of decently close calls, but nothing that was anything near this. Glad to hear your head is feeling better and you seem to have come out ok. That's one scary situation!

One thing I've noticed about my area over the last few years is the explosion in the population of Red Tail Hawks. While they're not as big as buzzards, they tend to swoop low over the road and they're FAST flying birds. I've always been concerned about one of them getting target-fixated on some prey and flying right into my path!

That picture of you holding the buzzard beside the bike is amazing...it really gives people that don't see these birds everyday an idea of just how big they are. They're monsters. Again, glad to see you're doing well! :thumbup:
Damn...that's one huge mother f'n bird!!!

One thing I've noticed about my area over the last few years is the explosion in the population of Red Tail Hawks. While they're not as big as buzzards, they tend to swoop low over the road and they're FAST flying birds. I've always been concerned about one of them getting target-fixated on some prey and flying right into my path!

I've also noticed a lot more Red Tail hawks lately...I always see them sitting in trees on my commute home, searching for rabbits and squirrels I suppose. Also central Virginia is showing a strong Bald Eagle population lately! I've seen 3 males in the last year! Now THAT is a big bird!
Thanks for the update/pic. That's about average size but they get even bigger out west with the easy winters. At least it didn't explode when you hit it, I hear they smell real bad.
Thanks for the update/pic. That's about average size but they get even bigger out west with the easy winters. At least it didn't explode when you hit it, I hear they smell real bad.

I measured the wingspan at 5'8"! This is huge for a black vulture. I think you have Turkey Vultures out west?

It smelled terrible even just a few hours after it died!
I just had a good laugh thinking about what this must have looked like to the truck I had just passed, seeing a biker not hit the brakes then a huge buzzard slams into his head and goes spinning off down the road, feathers flying... and the biker just keeps on going...:BLAA:
holy **** that's intense

You don't have to tell me! :D

I keep playing over the scenario in my head and impacting a 6 lb object at 60 mph is no joke. If it had struck me in the face shield I could very well have a broken neck and would almost certainly have come off the bike at 60mph, probably while unconscious.

If it had struck my fairing I would at very least have a lot of broken pieces to replace.

If it had struck my brake lever, or clutch lever that could have put me down.

If I had locked up the brakes I would have either gone down or have been rear ended by that utility truck.
Wow thats a Huge Bird!! You should think about being a Prize fighter Cause your one tuff Dude to take that too the head at 60mph and keep on going!!! OUCH !! :BLAA: :rockon:
Wow thats a Huge Bird!! You should think about being a Prize fighter Cause your one tuff Dude to take that too the head at 60mph and keep on going!!! OUCH !! :BLAA: :rockon:

I'm pretty spry and wiry at 145 lbs but I definitely got lucky. This really could and should have ended a lot worse.
Wont see that thing on sesame st.!!!

Once I saw the pic it reminded me (somehow) of when we pulled into Kodiak AK.

I had to take the trash from the berthing room out to the dumpster on the fuel pier only to find 2 full grown bald eagles perched on it!!!

I left the bag right where I stood and left:thumbdown:
Insane story I can only imagine it actually happening to me with that said im glad your ok and that you didnt damage your bike real bad and make sure you thank the guy in the sky cause he was definately looking out for you.
Incredible!!!! Glad you are OK.

Would love to see a photo of the helmet - time for a new one as I would expect a hit like that probably compressed the foam lining and it may not be ready to go a 2nd time.

Speaking of helmets, what are everyone's thoughts about a good cool summer helmet.