Just out of surgery


Junior Member
Nov 7, 2009
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I just finished up getting my torn meniscus repaired:rockon:

While it is still unclear as to why or how I tore the meniscus in my left knee, aparently it was a significant tear, and the reason I have been having serious knee pain for some time.

I went in this morning met with the doc for a second, he then introduced me to the anesthesiologist. We then went into the operating room where they put in a IV. The anesthesiologist then asked me a few questiona about my job and I can't recall if I even answered his questions:confused:

Next thing I know I was talking to one of the recovery nurses. She said that I was a riot when I was coming off the sauce. She told me that cops are the best patients to deal with when we regain consciousness.

So needless to say I went for a nice long ride last night and turned 15000 miles on my 06 that I have been riding for a couple years :rockon: now I will be riding the couch for a while and I imagine I will be a forum junkie :D
Next thing I know I was talking to one of the recovery nurses. She said that I was a riot when I was coming off the sauce. She told me that cops are the best patients to deal with when we regain consciousness.

Where's a video camera when ya need one!?!? :rof:

As far as being a forum junkie......:welcome: to that club pal!

Hope it all heals up 100%!
I think I will be off the bike for three weeks, if all goes well. The worst part is that I just put on a set of Pilot Road 2's and they are awesome, for the three rides I have been on since the install.
I'm glad to hear you're going well. Religiously do your PT and you'll be fine. I've had that surgery done three times, not fun but you'll be back to 100% before you know it.
My wife just had the same surgery on Tuesday, on her right knee. She is ambulating quite well now, but says her knee feels 'full'. This is likely due to the post-surgery inflammation. She was also giving an ~3 week prognosis, and will then begin Physiotherapy. On the plus side, no more knee instability, locking or clicking!

Good luck with your healing and as previously mentioned, do your PT and you'll be back on the bike in no time :thumbup: