Just A couple Questions


Junior Member
Jan 13, 2014
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Hey guys, I just had a couple questions for all of you. First off Im looking for a front fender I laid my bike down this last fall and my fender cracked, so Im looking for just a black fender for a 2004 fz6. The fender doesnt have to be pretty just work and cheap :). Secondly I have been riding bikes for quite awhile on dirt got my license a year and a half ago and been riding street. The opportunity has risen to go to a track day and I am so excited. Is the fz6 a good starter bike to get into racing. I am looking for a track school to go to but have not found them yet. Thats all I got for now but as a 19 year old Im ALWAYS down for advice from experienced riders!!!

Thanks guys
Any fender from 2006 down to your 04 will work. Different front fender from 2007. Riders always parting out their bikes, just have to be patient and check the board daily.

Looking to gain some experience riding in the streets, take a MSF class, even the Basic will provide you with lots of insights.
Your track day should include some education. They don't typically let new riders just have at it. There should be an "intro" group, which will include classroom time before and after every session.
Check to see if California Superbike School comes to your neck of the woods. Don't let the name fool you.. they're in NJ several times a year, as well as many other places.
As Kenny said though, for street wisdom, MSF is excellent. :thumbup:
Thanks and I have already taken my safety/beginner course put on by the university of illinois but I am really interested into racing. They have a group called sportsman that are first timers so I need to research more but thanks guys for the help!!!!