Joined the FZ1 Bar Club

Sith Lord

Junior Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Canberra, Australia
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I realised, like most, the the angle of the FZ6 bars isn't ideal, so after much debate on what sort of bar to go for, I decided on the FZ1 item. Part # 2D1-26111-01 for those interested. Install went real easy. About an hour and a half. No probs at all. Had a panic for a moment when the switch gear hit the tank, then realised I didn't have the bars angled right.

When looking into these bars, I was hoping to find a thread with accurate before and after shots. I couldn't, so I decided to set up the Camera and Tripod and take some shots before and after WITHOUT the camera moving an inch. Unfortunately during insatllation I moved the bike :spank: Oh well. I got it back pretty close....

Here's a couple of side on shots comparing the two. In these pics, and the next post you can really see the difference in pullback angle and downward angle of the FZ6 bars.

Unfortunately it has been absolete pissing down all weekend, so haven't been able to take it for a spin yet.
Couple more shots from sitting on the bike, and the two bars sitting next to each other. FZ1 on top obviously.

I went for Oxford Products Heated Grips to cope with the -5C (23F) mornings her in Canberra, Aust. We won't go into details, but after a little bit of smoke (ok, a lot of smoke), and replacing some wiring:eek: they've come up pretty good. And they work!
Say, thats a nice bike! get my license back next saturday, so let the test riding begin!
Nice one! Bike looks great, the straight bars work real good on the FZ6! Keep On Moddin!

Thank you for the info. The less sweep is exactly what I need. How much lower are the FZ1 bars? Does it feel like much more body weight is on the palms?
I think the pic shows, and I feel, that the bars aren't actually any lower. You can sort of see that the bar ends are at about the same height. It's just because the FZ1 bars don't go up, before coming back down, they look lower. They are just flatter, making them more comfortable. - Less backward sweep. Less downward sweep! Good stuff!
Ok, exactly what I need. As for pricing, is this a dealership only item. Did you try aftermarket? These bars and levers are my next and first mods.
I ordered FZ1 bars today. Fastest toys on Ebay has them for $38.00+ CA tax+$17.00 shipping/handling. $58.00 to my door. I know sounds like alot but the dealer wants $90.00 + tax so it was cheaper online. Now I am looking for the perfect grips, throttle lock, and windscreen. I hope to gain less sweep without putting more pressure on hands. Also, maybe a slight change in helmet position might cut down windnoise. Cant wait to find out.
Holy cow, $90 from the dealer??? I got mine for $38 from the dealer! I think they looked up the wrong item and gave you the wrong price.

Heck, they're $31.65 from Ron Even the MSRP is only $41! Search
If anyone's thinking of changing their FZ6 bars for FZ1 bars, but are hesitating because of the extra reach that the FZ1 bars will demand, try a set of FZ6R bars....they're a nice compromise between the two.
Bars installed on my 2005. In the initial eyeballed position, the controls hit the tank when fully turned. Guess thats why the original bars are raised. Anyone else have this problem?
Yes, my bars hit the tank too. They can be adjusted up until they barely miss or risers must be used. I ordered some risers and they are supposed to be in today. I think the risers will give me a much greater choice of position for the bars because I should be able to rotate them level without tank interference. I ordered 1" risers from Twisted-Throttle and they are 1" up only, no pull back at all.
Sorry it took so long to get these posted, but here are some pictures with the 1" risers. A very surprising improvement with this setup was the reduction in the buzzy vibration at the bars. It almost eliminated it completely!




I can adjust the bars to where I like them without having to worry about hitting the tank.
I put the FZ1 bar on as well. I didn't hate the stock bars but it did put my wrists in an odd position. A test ride on a Street Triple R showed my how good a fairly straight bar can be. The bar positions me a bit more forward on the seat and with more body lean. The net result is that the bike feels more flickable, the slightly wider bar may contribute to that.

The only negative is that you cannot rotate them down even a little as they will contact the tank. For casual touring the stock bars are probably better but for a more sporty feel they do the trick.

I too, wonder what that little mushroom shaped stud is on the bottom of the right side.

Got the FZ1 bars and 1" riser installed today. Just got back from a 100 mile hot lap, back roads, twisties, 80mph interstate and all I can say is "WOW" what a difference. I should have done this mod months ago.

It feels like the bike is more stable and holds a corner line so much better now, like a completely different bike.

Thanks to everyone who has done this mod and posted all the pics and how to's. Definitely worth the 100.00 and 45 min to install.