It's almost that time


IT Overlord
Oct 17, 2013
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Woodstock, GA
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It's actually already that time around here (spring is giving us hints she's about ready to show up!), and well, my new bike came with a 'drive home' tire "oh - it'll get 500-1000 miles" they said.. So getting a rear tire this weekend (front is easily 80-90% left), my wife is getting out of the hospital (been in since last Wednesday, which besides the emotional ordeal there made me Mr. Mom for a week with my 2 girls) - it's a GOOD WEEKEND to RIDE!

As was said in M.A.S.H. - "That is all". Ignore my ranting happiness post. Blah:rockon:
Virginia is giving us strong hints as well but then she changes her mind (like many women tend to) the very next day!

For instance, it's supposed to hit 73F today and then tomorrow night shows a low of 18F!

I rode the bike to work today and it was awesome, but this winter just needs to DIE! :Flip:
Temps got up to a nice 62F yesterday here in SE PA. Luckily I had the day off from work. It's been such a cold, snowy winter I hadn't thought much about the bike in months.

I dragged her out from hibernation in the garage and prepared to go for a ride. Had a lot of trouble starting, puffing a lot of smoke, catching and then quitting; should have put some stabilizer in before storing for the winter obviously. Added a fresh gallon of gas and kept at it, and it finally came to life.

After about 50 miles, I've got the burning desire again to ride, ride, ride! But of course, mother nature has different plans. Warm again today, but working now and rain just started. And winter returns tonight, low twenties forecast. Ugh. But it was awesome to get out there even if for just 50 miles.

(As usual, I also got the desire to do some maintenance/mods. Oil, coolant, and some SS brake lines in the next couple of weeks should do the trick for now!)


And more to come. Sux!

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I hear ya! Central/South Jersey here and I got to ride my FZ the past two days. Didn't winterize at all and had a pretty empty tank (I'm terrible I know) but she started RIGHT up. (God I don't miss my POS carbs)

Stupid rain today or else I'd have taken it to school again... now the rest of the week is going to be too cold :(
I feel your pain!

First ride of the year for me was in late January, last week we had sun and around 50f, i rode close to 1000km over a week...
Even got to ride my bike on the german autobahn (no legal speed limit) for the first time, she topped out at 136mph with a 15t sprocket and a spedohealer.
I don't know how you guys do it. The longest I have gone without riding since I got into road bikes was about 5 days when the dealer had my bike for some warranty work. Even then I was getting edgy after 5 days.
I don't know how you guys do it. The longest I have gone without riding since I got into road bikes was about 5 days when the dealer had my bike for some warranty work. Even then I was getting edgy after 5 days.

We have skidoo's for the winter ...