Issues Turning Key


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Alright, so recently I have noticed that my key is having a bit of trouble turning in the ignition, especially when locking the bars and removing the key after a ride. Any suggestions? This recently happened to my car earlier this summer, and it resulted in having to have a new tumbler installed. Then again, my car is 11 years old with 150,000 miles. Maybe there is just some dirt or grime inside there or needs some lubrication?
I have the same problem. do you have a spare key? have you tried that? I did and it was fine. looks like the one I normally use is worn.
Negative on the spare key. And would silicone spray or graphite powder be something I could find at the local auto-zone or similar place?
This is a real common problem.
I spray WD 40 in,once a week.Others have used graphite powder,but when it gets wet,it can clog the lock even more!

I remember the same thing going way back to when I had RD350' maybe its a Yammy thing :confused:
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I've used graphite powder and wd40 in the past but I found that lock antifreeze (with lubricant) works the best for me :thumbup:
If you push the key to the outside of the lock it makes it turn easier as well.
i used silicone on my bike, i'd say you have to worry about dirt and water ingress less on a car though
I had a similar problem with my key. Go to your local autozone or parts store, and head to the check out counter. Almost all of them will have it right there. Its a little gray package if i remember correctly almost like a big sugar packet, its ignition grease. Just rip it open coat your entire key in it and stick it in turning back and forth. Keep some napkins it'll get messy for a few times every time you use your key. But after that it'll be smooth. Costs less than a dollar and one application has lasted me months.

Also try this next time at your bike, try to turn your handle bars to the left as you turn your key and see if that helps could be the bikes bar shifting a bit while resting causing the key to be harder.
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I had the same problem, and a friend told me to get Lock-Ease. Lock-Ease is a graphite lock fluid in a can. Works great, spray some in the key hole, and put your key in and turn it over and over, then spray again, and repeat. You should be good for a while with just one application. Oh yeah, don't forget to bring a rag, and wipe your forks afterward!
i had an issue where my key froze in my ignition. it was 20f out and i just arrived at my office.
i kept wiggling the key and it came out. i saw ice in it.

i sprayed wd40 to remove the moisture when i got back home.
after a day, i put dri slide graphite to lubricate it.
Hey guys, thanks for all the replies. I went for a ride today, and used the spare key, and it works better than the old key, so it may just be that the old key is getting a bit worn. I will probably make a trip out to auto parts store later to grab one of the products mentioned and do that as well to keep things in good working order :)