Is she dumb or what ?????

she is so dumb, it's scary.

I just don't understand that out of 300 million US citizens, she's the one the Republicans come up with to run for VP. I mean come on :confused:
[ame=""]YouTube - 1 More B4 11 04[/ame]
What's the matter? Don't you think that the $150,000.00 budget for her clothing fits in with her "Joe Six-Pack" image? And, what about what she said regarding her foreign policy experience: "I can see Russia from my house!" (or something to that effect), are you saying that you're not impressed with her intellectuality? Come on!
she is so dumb, it's scary.

I just don't understand that out of 300 million US citizens, she's the one the Republicans come up with to run for VP. I mean come on :confused:

what do you mean??? look at the last "leader" that came out of that party lol the mighty "W"

...oh oh and before you flame me, the above statement is coming from a registered republican - me! :D
I laughed so hard when I read that interview on the internet... People have made so much fun of her, not only for that, but also for her spending on clothes, stylist, etc... Anyways... I can't vote, although I live in America... not a Citizen just yet... I just really hope whoever wins this election, really brings a change for this country that has passed through so many ups and downs lately, and everybody is getting affected because of that... I lost my job (consequence), gas prices are crazy, the economy is crazy, the international relationaships are going crazy... Oh well... let's just hope for the best...
I really don't think it's fair to say she's dumb. I honestly don't know how intelligent she is in reality. Same with 'W'. They are naiive IMO, but this doesn't mean they're dumb. Underestimating 'W' cost the Dems in the last two elections. I DO think that Palin has the most annoying voice I've ever heard in a politician (I like the accent, but not the shrillness).

I think the Republican machine looked to her as someone who could rally the base (done) and convert some Clinton moderates (fail). She's clearly in over her head here. She stuck to the script for a while and it worked....for a while. Knowing how to surround yourself with good people is just as important as anything else. Obama seems to have done a better job of this than McCain.

Before you go and say 'but Obama is in over his head too!" - I acknowledge he has little political experience as well (although he has gained a much deeper understanding of the issues than Palin). What Obama also has is a LOT of experience as a thinker (teacher) and a scholar. I think of him as someone like Woodrow Wilson - an intellectual. Wilson did a lot for this country, even though not all of his ideas worked initially (if he had stayed healthy his ideas might have prevented WWII).

I do find Palin's attack message to be demeaning to intelligent people and appealing only to the 'us vs. them' mentality. This, more than anything else I've seen during the election reminds me of the Bush tactics we've seen over the past 8 years. She tries to make everything into some sort of super-simple 'good versus evil' battle. The world is a much more complex place and if she thought more about it she might understand this (the other candidates do and I respect McCain in this regard).

The outcome of this election is that the Republican party will shift to the right (moderates are most at risk of losing seats) and the Dems will try to hang onto the center.

Disclaimer: I'm not a citizen yet, so I can't vote. Everone who can should!!