Is anybody crazy enough to do this?

I had two big chunks of hard drive mags. on my ninja. They worked ok. It didnt pick up much stuff.

This is better.

According to the law.
Any traffic light that is defective is to be treated as a stop sign.
If a traffic light does not change for a small registered motor vehicle, but it does for a large registered motor vehicle it is defective.
All of a sudden traffic lights are stop signs.
Saves me all kinds of time.
If I ever get a ticket I will go to court. They can not uphold a fine for following the law. Or for having a defective signal.
All of the ones in Hopkinsvilles bypass are like that.
A solid 90% of the ones in Bowling Green are like that.
The few that arent are set up on timers to ignore the loops except for late at night.
I want to try this. I have a lot of lights in my area that dont change. I have to sit for a long time. Maybe this is the trick. Thanks:Sport:
There was an article in MCN a few months ago I think about best possible bike position relative to the loops to trigger them. Following that advice I actually haven't had much of an issue - can only think of once this summer that I didn't trip a light. In that instance I did in fact treat it like a stop sign. I'll see if I can dig up the details of the article b/c trying to explain here is not going to work.
The trigger lines are shaped like a box.
Most of the time they have the corners cut in a diagonal.
If you roll the bike along the line and stop with the engine directly over the corner cut you have the best chance of triggering.

However it doesnt work here. On a few lights it does, but not hardly any.
The trigger lines are shaped like a box.
Most of the time they have the corners cut in a diagonal.
If you roll the bike along the line and stop with the engine directly over the corner cut you have the best chance of triggering.

However it doesnt work here. On a few lights it does, but not hardly any.

Sounds like what I saw (and I guess not that hard to describe) - they must just be more senstive out here.
I have often put my centerstand down and had the light change. I have some extra drives here that I will be dismantling soon though for the magnets for sure.

I normally do the california roll through, I used to do right u-turn right but that got old fast. I've heard about the magnet trick but I've never tried it, I've also heard putting down the kick stand on the wire will trigger the light but I haven't tried that either. I prefer the runn-nn-nn-nn-nn :D
4 out of 5 days I have to run a redlight on my way to work. There is one light that I can't seem to triger on my own. I wait my 2 minutes and then go on my merry way.
Also as a added beni if you complain they State DOT is supposed to come fix it. Its just more fun to stop and go for me.