I'm going to attempt to stop drinking....


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Nov 21, 2009
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I used to drink every weekend in college, and even spent a summer downing close to a 5th of vodka a night.

Nowadays I have maybe a beer a week, if that.

I don't have any suggestions on how to go about doing it, but quitting entirely is the best thing to do, no matter how hard it is.

I don't think this is a fair analogy - but there's this girl I'm trying to get over. If I talk to her at all, those feelings just keep coming right back. Only when I made the resolve to not ever talk to her did I start to get over it.

You are someone who during your summers was doing what I am now. I'm now 26 years old, and months from 27. If I don't mix beer in the mix I don't get "buzzed" much and can down a 5th without the good buz then feel like hell for at least a whole day. At least it helps to drink a lot of water and keep force eating though the next day. Then again it only gets worse the following day if the same thing keeps going. Yes, to those thinking "then you gotta drop dead eventually", the only reason I'm, still kicking is I try to stop over and over and failed.... Hell I'm buzzed right now because I killed a 5th of cheap Vodka since I started posting after 5PM USA Central time to tell you the truth. If Mariwana were legal in the USA I could sleep and use it as needed to cope , but that's not happening.
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Jun 26, 2007
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Hey, I don't want to sound rude, but you mentioned "Mormon beer", is that some phrase from where you're from?
No offense intended. :( We can only get 3.2% beer in the grocery stores in Utah, because the majority religion here needs to control non-mormons' lives.


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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Fizzer6 do you want a buddy?
I drink 1L of The Famous Grouse (scotch) every 2 nights. I know this is killing me. As of tomorrow night I will match you on not drinking. Only if you want to.
I need to do this and I would apprentice your help in this. I will post in this thread every night I don't OR do have a drink.If you want to take this out of the public forum just send me a PM. Hell PM anyway ;o)
I'm all for this. I plan to report in on this thread as this first withdrawal week goes....seems accountability even to an online community is motivation.

I'm at 35 hours now without a drink. I have not gone 24 hours without one in more than a month straight.

Last night I got a lot of DIY done drinking nothing but water and actually slept better than I have in weeks. I have a bit of a headache this morning but drinking water seems to help.

I don't think this is a fair analogy - but there's this girl I'm trying to get over. If I talk to her at all, those feelings just keep coming right back. Only when I made the resolve to not ever talk to her did I start to get over it.
I understand what you are saying and it's certainly true for me. I am planning to stop altogether and perhaps reward myself with 1, 22oz beer on Friday night, but only buy the one so I'm not tempted by a case sitting in my fridge!

Updates to follow!

Thanks for motivating me fellas. I need this.


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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Day 3 of sobriety.

So far it's been great...been drinking water and sweet tea to curb the need to drink something when I get home from work...I've slept better, had more dreams and felt MUCH better waking up at 6am for work! :thumbup:


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So after buying the house and spending all my nights working on it with the dog with not much to keep me motivated but beer I've been consuming way more alcohol than ever. I am averaging 5 per evening during the week, maybe 8 Friday and Saturday afternoon/evenings. Not only is this starting to cut into my home improvement budget (since I do not drink the cheap stuff) but I'm sick of feeling like sh!t at least 2 mornings during the week. Not sure what it is but if I drink more than 4 beers on week nights and then have to wake up at 6am for work I almost always feel queasy and have a bit of a headache. :(
Maybe it's just the result of getting old?

At any rate I've decided to only drink lightly on the weekends and not drink from Sunday night through Friday afternoon, starting this week. I will update this thread if I make it.

Anyone else ever attempt something like this? How did it go?

I managed to do the weekend only drinking thing pretty easily, back when I left the Navy:thumbup:. However I found giving it away pretty much entirely very easy too, so maybe I'm not the norm


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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I managed to do the weekend only drinking thing pretty easily, back when I left the Navy:thumbup:. However I found giving it away pretty much entirely very easy too, so maybe I'm not the norm

Some people just never get addicted. I was not addicted...it was more of a habit/craving...I just want to be back in control of it.

The Toecutter

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So after buying the house and spending all my nights working on it with the dog with not much to keep me motivated but beer I've been consuming way more alcohol than ever. I am averaging 5 per evening during the week, maybe 8 Friday and Saturday afternoon/evenings. Not only is this starting to cut into my home improvement budget (since I do not drink the cheap stuff) but I'm sick of feeling like sh!t at least 2 mornings during the week. Not sure what it is but if I drink more than 4 beers on week nights and then have to wake up at 6am for work I almost always feel queasy and have a bit of a headache. :(
Maybe it's just the result of getting old?

At any rate I've decided to only drink lightly on the weekends and not drink from Sunday night through Friday afternoon, starting this week. I will update this thread if I make it.

Anyone else ever attempt something like this? How did it go?
I drank just like you..everyday,and I drank whiskey and vodka on the weekends and sometimes during the week,but I drank 8 or more beers a day because after 4 years of daily drinking it got realy hard to get drunk.... I quit cold turkey the day after Thanksgiving last year and I got to tell you I thought I was losing my mind for 3 days.I had to drink a beer on the 3rd day to stop my skin from crawling and my mind from halucinating.... now what I did to distract myself from the urges was buy R/C cars and started racing them,and it worked for me i've been sober ever since and the desire went away after a couple of weeks.... you have got to find some kind of hobby that is very mentaly engaging in my opinion to be sucsessful.... Good Luck to you,You Can do it !! :rockon: :D


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Jul 30, 2008
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I once saw a sign "Drink Canada Dry" thought it was quite funny.
Nothing wrong with a few beers now and again. I meet with my mates every Thursday at our local bike shop for a few. I also kill a few on the weekend. Drinking and Driving isn't a good idea, I always seem to spill too much.

Moderation is the key word here.

FZ6-ZN - Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk...


Relax & Enjoy
Sep 16, 2008
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First thing first...go visit a doctor and check your health status.

Quitting so fast can give other problems because your body is used to high levels of sugar and you probably could have liver inflamation (or close to cirrosis). He(she) will sent you to a nutritionist to make a food plan according to your test results to compensate the lack of alcohol (aka sugar) in your body.


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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First thing first...go visit a doctor and check your health status.

Quitting so fast can give other problems because your body is used to high levels of sugar and you probably could have liver inflamation (or close to cirrosis). He(she) will sent you to a nutritionist to make a food plan according to your test results to compensate the lack of alcohol (aka sugar) in your body.

Well I've been drinking a few sweet iced teas throughout the day instead of beer so my sugar intake has not changed. :D

I still plan to throw back a brew or two once or twice a week but the drinking every 18 hours thing was getting out of hand.


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Aug 26, 2009
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I've never been much of a drinker, so I don't know what it is like not drinking. However, I do know what it is like to give up smoking, and my love for caffeine. I used to smoke 2 to 3 packs of smokes a day and chew a half a can of chew. About 9 years ago, my son came home from school and said to me, dad I don't want you to die! So I quit cold turkey. It was hard at first, but not that bad. What was harder for me to quit was leaving the dew a lone. I started out small, I switched to drinking tea instead of Mt. Dew, then decaf tea, then nothing. Wow, that was a ruff 2 months, but now I don't miss it. I sleep better and I'm not as tired any more. My advice is to switch to near beer, or non alcohol beer.


Dec 20, 2010
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I drink a few beers daily, studies have shown it is actually beneficial. Not getting drunk, just a few. It relaxes you, and if you enjoy it why not. I even had a doctor recommend it to my Ex wife saying it was actually good for you. This was not Doc in the Box, it was the Mayo Clinic. Just limit to 2 a day, then say maybe 4 on the weekend. The other thing to think about is you might be allergic to Gluten if it bothers you that much. Try different brands of beer, I cant drink domestic beer it normally gives me a head ache before I finish the first one.

Good luck, and what ever the decision you make it your own.



Administrator aka Mrs Prebstar
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I've decided to only drink lightly on the weekends and not drink from Sunday night through Friday afternoon,

You'd be kicked out of Australia for making a statement like that :eek:


Good luck.

Enjoying a glass of wine with dinner is not a problem.

Drinking the whole bottle is......

Not drinking for a couple of days a week, at least, is highly recommended. Gives your liver a chance to recover and cleanse.

Again, good luck :)


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Apr 13, 2010
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My doctor also told me that it can be beneficial to drink a beer a day.

However, I am training for the Flying Pig Marathon and have decided to cut out my beer consumption until I am finished with the 26 mile run. I am going to have a pint of Double Dead Guy ale waiting for me at the finish line! :cheer:


The Angry Blue Mantis
Mar 22, 2011
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Well here we are over a month later and I've cut down to 1-2 drinks per day, some week days nothing. And I've been limiting weekend consumption as well.


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Hi, My name is Motgiro and I'm an espressoholic...

I have a confession....When I was little my awesome grandmother would make me what they call "Cafe Con Leche" I know many of you may not be familiar with this drink so let me tell you my story.:rolleyes:
"Cafe Con Leche" (popular in parts of Europe) is made by heating milk and using the hot milk itself to brew espresso coffee. She would lovingly brew this elixir by pouring the hot milk through a strainer that looked like a wind sock (was probably one of Granny's old socks :eek:) filled with freshly ground espresso from a bodega around the corner. She'd pour me a cup and sweeten it. Pure heaven! I became so inspired and creative after the impact of that wonderful drink on my little 5 year old body. I found an old broken umbrella in a closet and pulled it out. I asked Grandma if I could make something with it and she got this sad look because Grandpa had passed away and it was his. I remember her saying that it was better it was gone because it reminded her of him. She said I could make something with it. I had an idea to make a parachute out of it. Like one of those little parachutes you used to make out of a bandana and toss into the air with a rock. Only..this was a very large black umbrella surely capable of carrying my skinny little arse to a safe landing 5 stories below. Every thing was good as each time I would interrupt her watching the Spanish soap opera and ask her for scissors,twine and a knife and attach each leader. It was the harness I would need help with, from my loving grandmother. I asked her for help making the harness.

Grandma: "Harness?! Harness for what?! :confused:
Little Motogiro: "For my parachute!" I told her how I could climb past the safety bars. Sail to the street and she could let me back in the apartment.

Her head snapped off the TV screen eyes piercing me and It looked like she was going to have a heart attack! She cut up up my beautiful wing and tossed it in the trash and called my dad to come pick me up.

Today I try to keep my home brewed espresso to a minimum 2 cups a day. I try to get by with just one.......
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Junior Member
Aug 26, 2009
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Vancouver, WA USA
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Hi, My name is Motgiro and I'm an espressoholic...

I have a confession....When I was little my awesome grandmother would make me what they call "Cafe Con Leche" I know many of you may not be familiar with this drink so let me tell you my story.:rolleyes:
"Cafe Con Leche" (popular in parts of Europe) is made by heating milk and using the hot milk itself to brew espresso coffee. She would lovingly brew this elixir by pouring the hot milk through a strainer that looked like a wind sock (was probably one of Granny's old socks :eek:) filled with freshly ground espresso from a bodega around the corner. She'd pour me a cup and sweeten it. Pure heaven! I became so inspired and creative after the impact of that wonderful drink on my little 5 year old body. I found an umbrella in a closet and pulled it out. I asked Grandma if I could make something with it and she got this sad look because Grandpa had passed away and it was his. I remember her saying that it was better it was gone because it reminded her of him. She said I could make something with it. I had an idea to make a parachute out of it. Like one of those little parachutes you used to make out of a bandana and toss into the air with a rock. Only..this was a very large black umbrella surely capable of carrying my skinny little arse to a safe landing 5 stories below. Every thing was good as each time I would interrupt her watching the Spanish soap opera and ask her for scissors,twine and a knife and attach each leader. It was the harness I would need help with, from my loving grandmother. I asked her for help making the harness.

Grandma: "Harness?! Harness for what?! :confused:
Little Motogiro: "For my parachute!" I told her how I could climb past the safety bars. Sail to the street and she could let me back in the apartment.

Her head snapped off the TV screen eyes piercing me and It looked like she was going to have a heart attack! She cut up up my beautiful wing and tossed it in the trash and called my dad to come pick me up.

Today I try to keep my home brewed espresso to a minimum 2 cups a day. I try to get by with just one.......
Great story Cliff!!!

The Toecutter

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Dec 17, 2008
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Well here we are over a month later and I've cut down to 1-2 drinks per day, some week days nothing. And I've been limiting weekend consumption as well.
you have made great progress !! congrats !! I have a question though how big is your 1-2 drinks per day container? :BLAA: :rockon:


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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I managed to do the weekend only drinking thing pretty easily, back when I left the Navy:thumbup:. However I found giving it away pretty much entirely very easy too, so maybe I'm not the norm

I did this before I got pregnant with my daughter in an effort to lose weight. I was in the middle of grad school, packing on the pounds, becoming lazy and drinking a lot more (nothing compared to you guys, just 1-2 a night, and a few once or twice on weekends, but that's a lot for me). Rob and I followed a modified weight watchers program, where we kept track of points and had no alcohol during the week, then weekends were free to eat and drink whatever. As we cut back (food and drinks), the weekends became more tame and the weight fell off both of us. In 8 weeks, I lost 15 pounds and he lost over 30. We both became more active and energetic, slept better, and ate well. Then we got pregnant, didn't drink for 9monthsish, and then life with an infant/toddler took over the routine. We will probably go back to something similar this summer to get back to a healthy lifestyle.

I once saw a sign "Drink Canada Dry" thought it was quite funny.
Nothing wrong with a few beers now and again. I meet with my mates every Thursday at our local bike shop for a few. I also kill a few on the weekend. Drinking and Driving isn't a good idea, I always seem to spill too much.

Moderation is the key word here.

Moderation is right. 5-8 beers in a night every night is a lot, I don't care what your tolerance is (btw, tolerance goes up the more you have, so consequently, as you cut back, your tolerance will go down - "tolerance" is a symptom of a problem, not an achievement....we all metabolize at different rates, but that is not the same as tolerance). A few beers on a scheduled weekly outing is moderation. 1-2 a night is moderation. 10 every Saturday is binge drinking.

Well here we are over a month later and I've cut down to 1-2 drinks per day, some week days nothing. And I've been limiting weekend consumption as well.

You are doing very well, keep up the good work!