I'm Feeling the Withdrawal

omg what is a "snow shower?" i am not yanking your chain when i say i have never heard of such a thing

sounds somewhat freaky and just a bit unpleasant :(
It's a Chicago term for snow in the air, and just plain water on the ground. It all adds up to be overall crappy weather. Hahaha
Unfortunatly, I can't ride/drive (probably another month) as I'm recovering from some surgery.

I do feel for you guys as its only been two weeks or so for me and I'm going stir crazy. I couldn't go all winter without riding.

Gorgeous weather, bike gassed up, ready to ride, :(

Sorry to hear you're still recovering! Hang in there and heal up quickly!
thanks! its like my bike has its own ray of sunshine! and i live where lane splitting is legal. can you imagine a gorgeous, SUNNY WINTER DAY, splitting holiday traffic like its not even there on this beautiful steed?


i can! Blah

Spent my first 31 years in SoCal, lane splitting so I know just how you feel! And to top it off, you have the FASTER RED VERSION!!! Blah
My bike is parked in front of my car so I see it everyday going and coming. ...I WANT to ride so bad, but I hate being cold. So, just waiting for the nicer weather to move in.