Idiots on the road!


... That's me!
Oct 18, 2009
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Taastrup, Denmark
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I have found PA, NJ, and CA drivers do this....... They can be doing 40mph in a 55mph zone but as soon as you pass them they are either tailgating you or go flying by you....

Same stuff all over the world...
Only few weeks ago I accelerated away from some douchebag in a Seat Leon because I didn't like the way he was all the up my tailpipes for several miles. Unfortunately got caught by a red light seconds later and of course he had to do the same right turn as me... Several hundred metres later I tried to make some hand signal for him to "back off", but he didn't even chance the douchebag look on his face... Shortly after I had to turn left and as always I tried to be nice and placed the bike as close to the mid line as possible to let cars pass on the innerside while I am waiting to cross opposite lane... If I had stuck my knee out to the side I would have hit his left rear view mirror - thats how close he passed me (having at least 1 metre to the right hand curb). Pretty sure his left mirror was as close to right below my right side handlebar :spank:
Too bad I wasn't driving my car that day... It would have taken me several seconds to do that left turn... sooooo slow... done that few times before just to piss those bumper-to-bumper drivers off.


Kentucky Wildcat Fanatic
Feb 21, 2007
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Lexington, KY
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Another small update for ya...

As you know, the guy turned himself in yesterday, and the idea is that he would be charged with Wanton Endangerment. As it turns out, he's going to be (or already has been) charged with 2 counts of 1st Degree Wanton Endangerment. This is good (not for him) because 1st Degree WE is a felony, and 2nd Degree WE is misdemeanor.

This guy is in a world of hurt. I see no way he's NOT getting jail time over this.


The Technician
Jul 25, 2010
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Placentia, CA
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I know everyone else is thinking it, but why is this guy getting off relatively easy, yes he will be in a world of trouble. But for what he did and has more than likely done not under supervision indicates that he is an extreme danger. He shouldn't get the "bulk felony discount" for committing a heinous amount of offenses in short succession.

I see kids doing much less, ill be it stupid stuff, and getting the book thrown at them hard here in CA. While someone that has nearly killed someone and seems like hes non the wiser to it.

He needs to spend the majority of his dismal existence in jail, not totally for punishment, but so he cannot become a greater danger to an innocent victim.

(PS: Harsh side note, those committing violent crimes should be castrated, they are obviously not fit to bring an individual in their world.)

**Rage Completed** I get a lot of road warriors on socal freeways that think its their personal mission from God to kill as many motorcyclist as possible.
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Kentucky Wildcat Fanatic
Feb 21, 2007
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Lexington, KY
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I'm with you, maclicious439...I feel like he's getting off easy too, even though he's charged with 2 felony counts that could end in some serious jail time.

I think the problem is twofold. First, as has been pointed out in other forums, the DA is going to charge him with what he thinks he can get a conviction on. If you go for even more serious charges, such as Attempted Vehicular Homicide or something of that sort, you have to prove intent. Now, as motorcyclists, we recognize what his intent was...and I'm pretty sure it wasn't just to frighten the first rider. Of course, we also wear motorcycling-colored glasses and our views are slanted in this direction. To me, though, the intent was obvious...but to a jury...who may have preconceived notions about motorcyclists (and not good notions at that), they may see it as the biker getting what he deserves. Again...they would be wrong.

The second part of the problem. It's Kentucky. And while the quotes I've read from the sheriff and DA have been refreshingly unexpected (acknowledging that bikes "appear" to be going faster than they are because they're doing what they were built to do), I'm still waiting for the good-old-boy thinking to kick in. That is, "aww, that's just Cooter being Cooter. He's a good old boy...never hurt nobody. Just smack him on the wrist and he'll be learned". I'm hoping that sort of thinking doesn't kick in because this is no laughing matter and should be dealt with swiftly and severely.

Not to mention, if you allow this kind of behavior, that's a TERRIBLE message to send to the general public. You don't like motorcycles and how they can pass you at will? Feel free to take the law into your own hands! Not a good thing for the rest of us.


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2011
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I did post on the other forum about this issue but I must here also. I went to law school really close to where this happened. Im telling you guys, he will plea down to lesser charge. He probalably knows someone with a little pull in Bracken County (they all do). With no priors it will be a slap on the wrist period. I have heard many locals complain about the sport bikes in this area. I do still live in the Northern KY area. So there will be locals that will back this guy!!! Tire iron or not its "fight or flight time". The 2 bikers should have beat this guys ass up and down that road. He will do this again, people like this are not afraid of the law like most of us are. I know the culture out there. However getting your ass stomped for 5 to 10 minutes makes you think twice about it next time. He is a puke a bully etc etc once someone has the courage to put them in their place they cower!! This may be a shock to some of you but the best answer to violence is .......violence. I deal with these ****balls daily!!! The day im run off the road like this someone will take a ass beating either him or me!